font-otl.lua /size: 33 Kb    last modification: 2024-01-16 09:02
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['font-otl'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to font-ini.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files",
9-- After some experimenting with an alternative loader (one that is needed for
10-- getting outlines in mp) I decided not to be compatible with the old (built-in)
11-- one. The approach used in font-otn is as follows: we load the font in a compact
12-- format but still very compatible with the ff data structures. From there we
13-- create hashes to access the data efficiently. The implementation of feature
14-- processing is mostly based on looking at the data as organized in the glyphs and
15-- lookups as well as the specification. Keeping the lookup data in the glyphs is
16-- very instructive and handy for tracing. On the other hand hashing is what brings
17-- speed. So, the in the new approach (the old one will stay around too) we no
18-- longer keep data in the glyphs which saves us a (what in retrospect looks a bit
19-- like) a reconstruction step. It also means that the data format of the cached
20-- files changes. What method is used depends on that format. There is no fundamental
21-- change in processing, and not even in data organation. Most has to do with
22-- loading and storage.
24-- todo: less tounicodes
26local lower = string.lower
27local type, next, tonumber, tostring, unpack = type, next, tonumber, tostring, unpack
28local abs = math.abs
29local derivetable, sortedhash = table.derive, table.sortedhash
30local formatters = string.formatters
32local setmetatableindex   = table.setmetatableindex
33local allocate            =
34local registertracker     = trackers.register
35local registerdirective   = directives.register
36local starttiming         = statistics.starttiming
37local stoptiming          = statistics.stoptiming
38local elapsedtime         = statistics.elapsedtime
39local findbinfile         = resolvers.findbinfile
41----- trace_private       = false  registertracker("otf.private",        function(v) trace_private   = v end)
42----- trace_subfonts      = false  registertracker("otf.subfonts",       function(v) trace_subfonts  = v end)
43local trace_loading       = false  registertracker("otf.loading",        function(v) trace_loading   = v end)
44local trace_features      = false  registertracker("otf.features",       function(v) trace_features  = v end)
45----- trace_dynamics      = false  registertracker("otf.dynamics",       function(v) trace_dynamics  = v end)
46----- trace_sequences     = false  registertracker("otf.sequences",      function(v) trace_sequences = v end)
47----- trace_markwidth     = false  registertracker("otf.markwidth",      function(v) trace_markwidth = v end)
48local trace_defining      = false  registertracker("fonts.defining",     function(v) trace_defining  = v end)
50local report_otf          = logs.reporter("fonts","otf loading")
52local fonts               = fonts
53local otf                 = fonts.handlers.otf
55otf.version               = 3.135 -- beware: also sync font-mis.lua and in mtx-fonts
56otf.cache                 = containers.define("fonts", "otl", otf.version, true)
57otf.svgcache              = containers.define("fonts", "svg", otf.version, true)
58otf.pngcache              = containers.define("fonts", "png", otf.version, true)
59otf.pdfcache              = containers.define("fonts", "pdf", otf.version, true)
60otf.mpscache              = containers.define("fonts", "mps", otf.version, true)
62otf.svgenabled            = false
63otf.pngenabled            = false
65local otfreaders          = otf.readers
67local hashes              = fonts.hashes
68local definers            = fonts.definers
69local readers             = fonts.readers
70local constructors        = fonts.constructors
72local otffeatures         = constructors.features.otf
73local registerotffeature  = otffeatures.register
75local otfenhancers        = constructors.enhancers.otf
76local registerotfenhancer = otfenhancers.register
78local forceload           = false
79local cleanup             = 0     -- mk: 0=885M 1=765M 2=735M (regular run 730M)
80local syncspace           = true
81local forcenotdef         = false
83local privateoffset       = fonts.constructors and fonts.constructors.privateoffset or 0xF0000 -- 0x10FFFF
85local applyruntimefixes   = fonts.treatments and fonts.treatments.applyfixes
87local wildcard            = "*"
88local default             = "dflt"
90local formats             = fonts.formats
92formats.otf               = "opentype"
93formats.ttf               = "truetype"
94formats.ttc               = "truetype"
96registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.cleanup",       function(v) cleanup       = tonumber(v) or (v and 1) or 0 end)
97registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.force",         function(v) forceload     = v end)
98registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.syncspace",     function(v) syncspace     = v end)
99registerdirective("fonts.otf.loader.forcenotdef",   function(v) forcenotdef   = v end)
101-- otfenhancers.patch("before","migrate metadata","cambria",function() end)
103registerotfenhancer("check extra features", function() end) -- placeholder
105-- Kai has memory problems on osx so here is an experiment (I only tested on windows as
106-- my test mac is old and gets no updates and is therefore rather useless.):
108local checkmemory = utilities.lua and utilities.lua.checkmemory
109local threshold   = 100 -- MB
110local tracememory = false
112registertracker("fonts.otf.loader.memory",function(v) tracememory = v end)
114if not checkmemory then -- we need a generic plug (this code might move):
116    local collectgarbage = collectgarbage
118    checkmemory = function(previous,threshold) -- threshold in MB
119        local current = collectgarbage("count")
120        if previous then
121            local checked = (threshold or 64)*1024
122            if current - previous > checked then
123                collectgarbage("collect")
124                current = collectgarbage("count")
125            end
126        end
127        return current
128    end
132function otf.load(filename,sub,instance)
133    local base = file.basename(file.removesuffix(filename))
134    local name = file.removesuffix(base) -- already no suffix
135    local attr = lfs.attributes(filename)
136    local size = attr and attr.size or 0
137    local time = attr and attr.modification or 0
138    -- sub can be number of string
139    if sub == "" then
140        sub = false
141    end
142    local hash = name
143    if sub then
144        hash = hash .. "-" .. sub
145    end
146    if instance then
147        hash = hash .. "-" .. instance
148    end
149    hash = containers.cleanname(hash)
150    local data =,hash)
151    local reload = not data or data.size ~= size or data.time ~= time or data.tableversion ~= otfreaders.tableversion
152    if forceload then
153        report_otf("forced reload of %a due to hard coded flag",filename)
154        reload = true
155    end
156    if reload then
157        report_otf("loading %a, hash %a",filename,hash)
158        --
159        starttiming(otfreaders,true)
160        data = otfreaders.loadfont(filename,sub or 1,instance) -- we can pass the number instead (if it comes from a name search)
161        if data then
162            -- todo: make this a plugin
163            local used      = checkmemory()
164            local resources = data.resources
165            local svgshapes = resources.svgshapes
166            local pngshapes = resources.pngshapes
167            if cleanup == 0 then
168                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
169            end
170            if svgshapes then
171                resources.svgshapes = nil
172                if otf.svgenabled then
173                    local timestamp =
174                    -- work in progress ... a bit boring to do
175                    containers.write(otf.svgcache,hash, {
176                        svgshapes = svgshapes,
177                        timestamp = timestamp,
178                    })
179           = {
180                        hash      = hash,
181                        timestamp = timestamp,
182                    }
183                end
184                if cleanup > 1 then
185                    collectgarbage("collect")
186                else
187                    checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
188                end
189            end
190            if pngshapes then
191                resources.pngshapes = nil
192                if otf.pngenabled then
193                    local timestamp =
194                    -- work in progress ... a bit boring to do
195                    containers.write(otf.pngcache,hash, {
196                        pngshapes = pngshapes,
197                        timestamp = timestamp,
198                    })
199           = {
200                        hash      = hash,
201                        timestamp = timestamp,
202                    }
203                end
204                if cleanup > 1 then
205                    collectgarbage("collect")
206                else
207                    checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
208                end
209            end
210            --
211            otfreaders.compact(data)
212            if cleanup == 0 then
213                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
214            end
215            otfreaders.rehash(data,"unicodes")
216            otfreaders.addunicodetable(data)
217            otfreaders.extend(data)
218            if cleanup == 0 then
219                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
220            end
221            if context then
222                otfreaders.condense(data)
223            end
224            otfreaders.pack(data)
225            report_otf("loading done")
226            report_otf("saving %a in cache",filename)
227            data = containers.write(otf.cache, hash, data)
228            if cleanup > 1 then
229                collectgarbage("collect")
230            else
231                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
232            end
233            stoptiming(otfreaders)
234            if elapsedtime then
235                report_otf("loading, optimizing, packing and caching time %s", elapsedtime(otfreaders))
236            end
237            if cleanup > 3 then
238                collectgarbage("collect")
239            else
240                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
241            end
242            data =,hash) -- this frees the old table and load the sparse one
243            if cleanup > 2 then
244                collectgarbage("collect")
245            else
246                checkmemory(used,threshold,tracememory)
247            end
248        else
249            stoptiming(otfreaders)
250            data = nil
251            report_otf("loading failed due to read error")
252        end
253    end
254    if data then
255        if trace_defining then
256            report_otf("loading from cache using hash %a",hash)
257        end
258        --
259        otfreaders.unpack(data)
260        otfreaders.expand(data) -- inline tables
261        otfreaders.addunicodetable(data) -- only when not done yet
262        --
263        otfenhancers.apply(data,filename,data) -- in context one can also use treatments
264        --
265     -- constructors.addcoreunicodes(data.resources.unicodes) -- still needed ?
266        --
267        if applyruntimefixes then
268            applyruntimefixes(filename,data) -- e.g. see treatments.lfg
269        end
270        --
271        data.metadata.math = data.resources.mathconstants
272        --
273        -- delayed tables (experiment)
274        --
275        local classes = data.resources.classes
276        if not classes then
277            local descriptions = data.descriptions
278            classes = setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
279                local d = descriptions[k]
280                local v = (d and d.class or "base") or false
281                t[k] = v
282                return v
283            end)
284            data.resources.classes = classes
285        end
286        --
287    end
289    return data
292-- modes: node, base, none
294function otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features)
295    local okay = constructors.initializefeatures("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf)
296    if okay then
297        return constructors.collectprocessors("otf",tfmdata,features,trace_features,report_otf)
298    else
299        return { } -- will become false
300    end
303-- the first version made a top/mid/not extensible table, now we just
304-- pass on the variants data and deal with it in the tfm scaler (there
305-- is no longer an extensible table anyway)
307-- we cannot share descriptions as virtual fonts might extend them (ok,
308-- we could use a cache with a hash
310-- we already assign an empty table to characters as we can add for
311-- instance protruding info and loop over characters; one is not supposed
312-- to change descriptions and if one does so one should make a copy!
314local function copytotfm(data,cache_id)
315    if data then
316        local metadata       = data.metadata
317        local properties     = derivetable(
318        local descriptions   = derivetable(data.descriptions)
319        local goodies        = derivetable(data.goodies)
320        local characters     = { } -- newtable if we know how many
321        local parameters     = { }
322        local mathparameters = { }
323        --
324        local resources      = data.resources
325        local unicodes       = resources.unicodes
326        local spaceunits     = 500
327        local spacer         = "space"
328        local designsize     = metadata.designsize or 100
329        local minsize        = metadata.minsize or designsize
330        local maxsize        = metadata.maxsize or designsize
331        local mathspecs      = metadata.math
332        --
333        if designsize == 0 then
334            designsize = 100
335            minsize    = 100
336            maxsize    = 100
337        end
338        if mathspecs then
339            for name, value in next, mathspecs do
340                mathparameters[name] = value
341            end
342        end
343        for unicode in next, data.descriptions do -- use parent table
344            characters[unicode] = { }
345        end
346        if mathspecs then
347            for unicode, character in next, characters do
348                local d = descriptions[unicode] -- we could use parent table here
349                local m = d.math
350                if m then
351                    -- watch out: luatex uses horiz_variants for the parts
352                    --
353                    local italic   = m.italic
354                    local vitalic  = m.vitalic
355                    --
356                    local variants = m.hvariants
357                    local parts    = m.hparts
358                    if variants then
359                        local c = character
360                        for i=1,#variants do
361                         -- local un = variants[i].glyph
362                            local un = variants[i]
363                   = un
364                            c = characters[un]
365                        end -- c is now last in chain
366                        c.horiz_variants = parts
367                    elseif parts then
368                        character.horiz_variants = parts
369                        italic = m.hitalic
370                    end
371                    --
372                    local variants = m.vvariants
373                    local parts    = m.vparts
374                    if variants then
375                        local c = character
376                        for i=1,#variants do
377                         -- local un = variants[i].glyph
378                            local un = variants[i]
379                   = un
380                            c = characters[un]
381                        end -- c is now last in chain
382                        c.vert_variants = parts
383                    elseif parts then
384                        character.vert_variants = parts
385                    end
386                    --
387                    if italic and italic ~= 0 then
388                        character.italic = italic
389                    end
390                    --
391                    if vitalic and vitalic ~= 0 then
392                        character.vert_italic = vitalic
393                    end
394                    --
395                    local accent = m.accent -- taccent?
396                    if accent then
397                        character.accent = accent
398                    end
399                    --
400                    local kerns = m.kerns
401                    if kerns then
402                        character.mathkerns = kerns
403                    end
404                end
405            end
406        end
407        -- we need a runtime lookup because of running from cdrom or zip, brrr (shouldn't
408        -- we use the basename then?)
409        local filename = constructors.checkedfilename(resources)
410        local fontname = metadata.fontname
411        local fullname = metadata.fullname or fontname
412        local psname   = fontname or fullname
413        local subfont  = metadata.subfontindex
414        local units    = metadata.units or 1000
415        --
416        if units == 0 then -- catch bugs in fonts
417            units = 1000 -- maybe 2000 when ttf
418            metadata.units = 1000
419            report_otf("changing %a units to %a",0,units)
420        end
421        --
422        local monospaced  = metadata.monospaced
423        local charwidth   = metadata.averagewidth -- or unset
424        local charxheight = metadata.xheight -- or unset
425        local italicangle = metadata.italicangle
426        local hasitalics  = metadata.hasitalics
427        properties.monospaced  = monospaced
428        properties.hasitalics  = hasitalics
429        parameters.italicangle = italicangle
430        parameters.charwidth   = charwidth
431        parameters.charxheight = charxheight
432        --
433        local space  = 0x0020
434        local emdash = 0x2014
435        if monospaced then
436            if descriptions[space] then
437                spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[space].width, "space"
438            end
439            if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then
440                spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width, "emdash"
441            end
442            if not spaceunits and charwidth then
443                spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth"
444            end
445        else
446            if descriptions[space] then
447                spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[space].width, "space"
448            end
449            if not spaceunits and descriptions[emdash] then
450                spaceunits, spacer = descriptions[emdash].width/2, "emdash/2"
451            end
452            if not spaceunits and charwidth then
453                spaceunits, spacer = charwidth, "charwidth"
454            end
455        end
456        spaceunits = tonumber(spaceunits) or units/2
457        --
458        parameters.slant         = 0
459         = spaceunits            -- 3.333 (cmr10)
460        parameters.space_stretch = 1*units/2   --  500   -- 1.666 (cmr10)
461        parameters.space_shrink  = 1*units/3   --  333   -- 1.111 (cmr10)
462        parameters.x_height      = 2*units/5   --  400
463        parameters.quad          = units       -- 1000
464        if spaceunits < 2*units/5 then
465            -- todo: warning
466        end
467        if italicangle and italicangle ~= 0 then
468            parameters.italicangle  = italicangle
469            parameters.italicfactor = math.cos(math.rad(90+italicangle))
470            parameters.slant        = - math.tan(italicangle*math.pi/180)
471        end
472        if monospaced then
473            parameters.space_stretch = 0
474            parameters.space_shrink  = 0
475        elseif syncspace then --
476            parameters.space_stretch = spaceunits/2
477            parameters.space_shrink  = spaceunits/3
478        end
479        parameters.extra_space = parameters.space_shrink -- 1.111 (cmr10)
480        if charxheight then
481            parameters.x_height = charxheight
482        else
483            local x = 0x0078
484            if x then
485                local x = descriptions[x]
486                if x then
487                    parameters.x_height = x.height
488                end
489            end
490        end
491        --
492        parameters.designsize = (designsize/10)*65536
493        parameters.minsize    = (minsize   /10)*65536
494        parameters.maxsize    = (maxsize   /10)*65536
495        parameters.ascender   = abs(metadata.ascender  or 0)
496        parameters.descender  = abs(metadata.descender or 0)
497        parameters.units      = units
498        parameters.vheight    = metadata.defaultvheight
499        --
500      = spacer
501        properties.format     = data.format or formats.otf
502        properties.filename   = filename
503        properties.fontname   = fontname
504        properties.fullname   = fullname
505        properties.psname     = psname
506       = filename or fullname
507        properties.subfont    = subfont
508        --
510    --
511    properties.encodingbytes = 2
512elseif CONTEXTLMTXMODE then
513    local duplicates = resources and resources.duplicates
514    if duplicates then
515        local maxindex = data.nofglyphs or metadata.nofglyphs
516        if maxindex then
517            for u, d in sortedhash(duplicates) do
518                local du = descriptions[u]
519                if du then
520                    for uu in sortedhash(d) do
521                        maxindex = maxindex + 1
522                        descriptions[uu].dupindex = du.index
523                        descriptions[uu].index    = maxindex
524                    end
525                else
526                 -- report_otf("no %U in font %a, duplicates ignored",u,filename)
527                end
528            end
529        end
530    end
531    --
533        --
534     --          =
535     -- properties.sub           = specification.sub
536        --
537        properties.private       = properties.private or data.private or privateoffset
538        --
539        return {
540            characters     = characters,
541            descriptions   = descriptions,
542            parameters     = parameters,
543            mathparameters = mathparameters,
544            resources      = resources,
545            properties     = properties,
546            goodies        = goodies,
547        }
548    end
551-- These woff files are a kind of joke in a tex environment because one can simply convert
552-- them to ttf/otf and use them as such (after all, we cache them too). The successor format
553-- woff2 is more complex so there we can as well call an external converter which in the end
554-- makes this code kind of obsolete before it's even used. Although ... it might become a
555-- more general conversion plug in.
557local converters = {
558    woff = {
559        cachename = "webfonts",
560        action    = otf.readers.woff2otf,
561    }
564-- We can get differences between daylight saving etc ... but it makes no sense to
565-- mess with trickery .. so be it when you use a different binary.
567local function checkconversion(specification)
568    local filename  = specification.filename
569    local converter = converters[lower(file.suffix(filename))]
570    if converter then
571        local base = file.basename(filename)
572        local name = file.removesuffix(base)
573        local attr = lfs.attributes(filename)
574        local size = attr and attr.size or 0
575        local time = attr and attr.modification or 0
576        if size > 0 then
577            local cleanname = containers.cleanname(name)
578            local cachename = caches.setfirstwritablefile(cleanname,converter.cachename)
579            if not io.exists(cachename) or (time ~= lfs.attributes(cachename).modification) then
580                report_otf("caching font %a in %a",filename,cachename)
581                converter.action(filename,cachename) -- todo infoonly
582                lfs.touch(cachename,time,time)
583            end
584            specification.filename = cachename
585        end
586    end
589local function otftotfm(specification)
590    local cache_id = specification.hash
591    local tfmdata  =,cache_id)
592    if not tfmdata then
594        checkconversion(specification) -- for the moment here
596        local name     =
597        local sub      = specification.sub
598        local subindex = specification.subindex
599        local filename = specification.filename
600        local features = specification.features.normal
601        local instance = specification.instance or (features and features.axis)
602        local rawdata  = otf.load(filename,sub,instance)
603        if rawdata and next(rawdata) then
604            local descriptions = rawdata.descriptions
605            rawdata.lookuphash = { } -- to be done
606            tfmdata = copytotfm(rawdata,cache_id)
607            if tfmdata and next(tfmdata) then
608                -- at this moment no characters are assigned yet, only empty slots
609                local features     = constructors.checkedfeatures("otf",features)
610                local shared       = tfmdata.shared
611                if not shared then
612                    shared         = { }
613                    tfmdata.shared = shared
614                end
615                shared.rawdata     = rawdata
616             -- shared.features    = features -- default
617                shared.dynamics    = { }
618             -- shared.processes   = { }
619                tfmdata.changed    = { }
620                shared.features    = features
621                shared.processes   = otf.setfeatures(tfmdata,features)
622            end
623        end
624        containers.write(constructors.cache,cache_id,tfmdata)
625    end
626    return tfmdata
629local function read_from_otf(specification)
630    local tfmdata = otftotfm(specification)
631    if tfmdata then
632        -- this late ? .. needs checking
633 =
634  = specification.sub
635   =
636        --
637        tfmdata = constructors.scale(tfmdata,specification)
638        local allfeatures = tfmdata.shared.features or specification.features.normal
639        constructors.applymanipulators("otf",tfmdata,allfeatures,trace_features,report_otf)
640        constructors.setname(tfmdata,specification) -- only otf?
641        fonts.loggers.register(tfmdata,file.suffix(specification.filename),specification)
642    end
643    return tfmdata
646-- if context then
648--     -- so the next will go to some generic module instead
650-- else
652--     local function checkmathsize(tfmdata,mathsize)
653--         local mathdata = tfmdata.shared.rawdata.metadata.math
654--         local mathsize = tonumber(mathsize)
655--         if mathdata then -- we cannot use mathparameters as luatex will complain
656--             local parameters = tfmdata.parameters
657--             parameters.scriptpercentage       = mathdata.ScriptPercentScaleDown
658--             parameters.scriptscriptpercentage = mathdata.ScriptScriptPercentScaleDown
659--             parameters.mathsize               = mathsize -- only when a number !
660--         end
661--     end
663--     registerotffeature {
664--         name         = "mathsize",
665--         description  = "apply mathsize specified in the font",
666--         initializers = {
667--             base = checkmathsize,
668--             node = checkmathsize,
669--         }
670--     }
672-- end
674-- readers
676function otf.collectlookups(rawdata,kind,script,language)
677    if not kind then
678        return
679    end
680    if not script then
681        script = default
682    end
683    if not language then
684        language = default
685    end
686    local lookupcache = rawdata.lookupcache
687    if not lookupcache then
688        lookupcache = { }
689        rawdata.lookupcache = lookupcache
690    end
691    local kindlookup = lookupcache[kind]
692    if not kindlookup then
693        kindlookup = { }
694        lookupcache[kind] = kindlookup
695    end
696    local scriptlookup = kindlookup[script]
697    if not scriptlookup then
698        scriptlookup = { }
699        kindlookup[script] = scriptlookup
700    end
701    local languagelookup = scriptlookup[language]
702    if not languagelookup then
703        local sequences   = rawdata.resources.sequences
704        local featuremap  = { }
705        local featurelist = { }
706        if sequences then
707            for s=1,#sequences do
708                local sequence = sequences[s]
709                local features = sequence.features
710                if features then
711                    features = features[kind]
712                    if features then
713                     -- features = features[script] or features[default] or features[wildcard]
714                        features = features[script] or features[wildcard]
715                        if features then
716                         -- features = features[language] or features[default] or features[wildcard]
717                            features = features[language] or features[wildcard]
718                            if features then
719                                if not featuremap[sequence] then
720                                    featuremap[sequence] = true
721                                    featurelist[#featurelist+1] = sequence
722                                end
723                            end
724                        end
725                    end
726                end
727            end
728            if #featurelist == 0 then
729                featuremap, featurelist = false, false
730            end
731        else
732            featuremap, featurelist = false, false
733        end
734        languagelookup = { featuremap, featurelist }
735        scriptlookup[language] = languagelookup
736    end
737    return unpack(languagelookup)
740-- moved from font-oth.lua, todo: also afm
742local function getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind,value)
743    local shared  = tfmdata.shared
744    local rawdata = shared and shared.rawdata
745    if rawdata then
746        local sequences = rawdata.resources.sequences
747        if sequences then
748            local properties =
749            local validlookups, lookuplist = otf.collectlookups(rawdata,kind,properties.script,properties.language)
750            if validlookups then
751             -- local choice = tonumber(value) or 1 -- no random here (yet)
752                for i=1,#lookuplist do
753                    local lookup   = lookuplist[i]
754                    local steps    = lookup.steps
755                    local nofsteps = lookup.nofsteps
756                    for i=1,nofsteps do
757                        local coverage = steps[i].coverage
758                        if coverage then
759                            local found = coverage[k]
760                            if found then
761                                return found, lookup.type
762                            end
763                        end
764                    end
765                end
766            end
767        end
768    end
771otf.getgsub = getgsub -- returns value, gsub_kind
773function otf.getsubstitution(tfmdata,k,kind,value)
774    local found, kind = getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind,value)
775    if not found then
776        --
777    elseif kind == "gsub_single" then
778        return found
779    elseif kind == "gsub_alternate" then
780        local choice = tonumber(value) or 1 -- no random here (yet)
781        return found[choice] or found[1] or k
782    end
783    return k
786otf.getalternate = otf.getsubstitution
788function otf.getmultiple(tfmdata,k,kind)
789    local found, kind = getgsub(tfmdata,k,kind)
790    if found and kind == "gsub_multiple" then
791        return found
792    end
793    return { k }
796function otf.getkern(tfmdata,left,right,kind)
797    local kerns = getgsub(tfmdata,left,kind or "kern",true) -- for now we use getsub
798    if kerns then
799        local found = kerns[right]
800        local kind  = type(found)
801        if kind == "table" then
802            found = found[1][3] -- can be more clever
803        elseif kind ~= "number" then
804            found = false
805        end
806        if found then
807            return found * tfmdata.parameters.factor
808        end
809    end
810    return 0
813local function check_otf(forced,specification,suffix)
814    local name =
815    if forced then
816        name = specification.forcedname -- messy
817    end
818    local fullname = findbinfile(name,suffix) or ""
819    if fullname == "" then
820        fullname = fonts.names.getfilename(name,suffix) or ""
821    end
822    if fullname ~= "" and not fonts.names.ignoredfile(fullname) then
823        specification.filename = fullname
824        return read_from_otf(specification)
825    end
828local function opentypereader(specification,suffix)
829    local forced = specification.forced or ""
830    if formats[forced] then
831        return check_otf(true,specification,forced)
832    else
833        return check_otf(false,specification,suffix)
834    end
837readers.opentype = opentypereader -- kind of useless and obsolete
839function readers.otf(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"otf") end
840function readers.ttf(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf") end
841function readers.ttc(specification) return opentypereader(specification,"ttf") end
843function readers.woff(specification)
844    checkconversion(specification)
845    opentypereader(specification,"")
848-- this will be overloaded
850function otf.scriptandlanguage(tfmdata,attr)
851    local properties =
852    return properties.script or "dflt", properties.language or "dflt"
855-- a little bit of abstraction
857local function justset(coverage,unicode,replacement)
858    coverage[unicode] = replacement
861otf.coverup = {
862    stepkey = "steps",
863    actions = {
864        chainsubstitution = justset,
865        chainposition     = justset,
866        substitution      = justset,
867        alternate         = justset,
868        multiple          = justset,
869        kern              = justset,
870        pair              = justset,
871        single            = justset,
872        ligature          = function(coverage,unicode,ligature)
873            local first = ligature[1]
874            local tree  = coverage[first]
875            if not tree then
876                tree = { }
877                coverage[first] = tree
878            end
879            for i=2,#ligature do
880                local l = ligature[i]
881                local t = tree[l]
882                if not t then
883                    t = { }
884                    tree[l] = t
885                end
886                tree = t
887            end
888            tree.ligature = unicode
889        end,
890    },
891    register = function(coverage,featuretype,format)
892        return {
893            format   = format,
894            coverage = coverage,
895        }
896    end