1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mult-aux'] = {
2 version = 1.001,
3 comment = "companion to mult-aux.mkiv",
4 author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5 copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6 license = "see context related readme files"
9local find = string.find
10local next = next
12interfaces.namespaces = interfaces.namespaces or { }
13local namespaces = interfaces.namespaces
14local variables = interfaces.variables
16local context = context
18local trace_namespaces = false trackers.register("interfaces.namespaces", function(v) trace_namespaces = v end)
20local report_namespaces = logs.reporter("interface","namespaces")
22local v_yes, v_list = variables.yes, variables.list
24local prefix = "????"
25local meaning = "@@@@"
27local data = { }
29function namespaces.define(namespace,settings)
30 if trace_namespaces then
31 report_namespaces("installing namespace %a with settings %a",namespace,settings)
32 end
33 if data[namespace] then
34 report_namespaces("namespace %a is already taken",namespace)
35 end
36 if #namespace < 2 then
37 report_namespaces("namespace %a should have more than 1 character",namespace)
38 end
39 local ns = { }
40 data[namespace] = ns
41 utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash(settings,ns)
42 local name = ns.name
43 if not name or name == "" then
44 report_namespaces("provide a (command) name in namespace %a",namespace)
45 end
46 local self = "\\" .. prefix .. namespace
47 context.unprotect()
49 context("\\def\\%s%s{%s%s}",prefix,namespace,meaning,namespace)
50 if trace_namespaces then
51 report_namespaces("using namespace %a for %a",namespace,name)
52 end
53 local parent = ns.parent or ""
54 if parent ~= "" then
55 if trace_namespaces then
56 report_namespaces("namespace %a for %a uses parent %a",namespace,name,parent)
57 end
58 if not find(parent,"\\",1,true) then
59 parent = "\\" .. prefix .. parent
61 end
62 end
63 context.installparameterhandler(self,name)
64 if trace_namespaces then
65 report_namespaces("installing parameter handler for %a",name)
66 end
67 context.installparameterhashhandler(self,name)
68 if trace_namespaces then
69 report_namespaces("installing parameterhash handler for %a",name)
70 end
71 local style = ns.style
72 if style == v_yes then
73 context.installstyleandcolorhandler(self,name)
74 if trace_namespaces then
75 report_namespaces("installing attribute handler for %a",name)
76 end
77 end
78 local command = ns.command
79 if command == v_yes then
80 context.installdefinehandler(self,name,parent)
81 if trace_namespaces then
82 report_namespaces("installing definition command for %a (single)",name)
83 end
84 elseif command == v_list then
85 context.installdefinehandler(self,name,parent)
86 if trace_namespaces then
87 report_namespaces("installing definition command for %a (multiple)",name)
88 end
89 end
90 local setup = ns.setup
91 if setup == v_yes then
92 context.installsetuphandler(self,name)
93 if trace_namespaces then
94 report_namespaces("installing setup command for %a (%s)",name,"single")
95 end
96 elseif setup == v_list then
97 context.installsetuphandler(self,name)
98 if trace_namespaces then
99 report_namespaces("installing setup command for %a (%s)",name,"multiple")
100 end
101 end
102 local set = ns.set
103 if set == v_yes then
104 context.installparametersethandler(self,name)
105 if trace_namespaces then
106 report_namespaces("installing set/let/reset command for %a (%s)",name,"single")
107 end
108 elseif set == v_list then
109 context.installparametersethandler(self,name)
110 if trace_namespaces then
111 report_namespaces("installing set/let/reset command for %a (%s)",name,"multiple")
112 end
113 end
114 local frame = ns.frame
115 if frame == v_yes then
116 context.installinheritedframed(name)
117 if trace_namespaces then
118 report_namespaces("installing framed command for %a",name)
119 end
120 end
121 context.protect()
124function utilities.formatters.list(data,key,keys)
125 if not keys then
126 keys = { }
127 for _, v in next, data do
128 for k, _ in next, v do
129 keys[k] = true
130 end
131 end
132 keys = table.sortedkeys(keys)
133 end
134 context.starttabulate { "|"..string.rep("l|",#keys+1) }
135 context.NC()
136 context(key)
137 for i=1,#keys do
138 context.NC()
139 context(keys[i])
140 end context.NR()
141 context.HL()
142 for k, v in table.sortedhash(data) do
143 context.NC()
144 context(k)
145 for i=1,#keys do
146 context.NC()
147 context(v[keys[i]])
148 end context.NR()
149 end
150 context.stoptabulate()
153function namespaces.list()
155 local keys = { "type", "name", "comment", "version", "parent", "definition", "setup", "style" }
156 utilities.formatters.list(data,"namespace",keys)
160interfaces.implement {
161 name = "definenamespace",
162 arguments = "2 strings",
163 actions = namespaces.define
166interfaces.implement {
167 name = "listnamespaces",
168 actions = namespaces.list
170 |