s-physics-units.lua /size: 2524 b    last modification: 2021-10-28 13:51
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['s-physics-units'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to s-physics-units.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9moduledata.physics       = moduledata.physics       or { }
10moduledata.physics.units = moduledata.physics.units or { }
12local tables    = physics.units.tables
13local units     = tables.units
14local shortcuts = tables.shortcuts
16local HL = context.HL
17local NC = context.NC
18local NR = context.NR
20local function typeset(list,followup,name,category)
21    if list then
22        if followup then
23            context.TB()
24        end
25        if category then
26            HL()
27            NC()
28            context.rlap(category .. ":" .. name)
29            NC()
30            NC()
31            NR()
32            HL()
33        end
34        for k, v in table.sortedhash(list) do
35            NC()
36            context(k)
37            NC()
38            if isunit then
39                context(v)
40            else
41                context.type(v)
42            end
43            NC()
44            if name == "units" or name == "symbols" or name == "packaged" then
45                context.unittext(v)
46            elseif name == "prefixes" then
47                context.prefixtext(v)
48            elseif name == "operators" then
49                context.operatortext(v)
50            elseif name == "suffixes" then
51                context.suffixtext(v)
52            end
53            NC()
54            NR()
55        end
56        if category and name then
57            HL()
58        end
59    end
62function moduledata.physics.units.showlist(name)
63    specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification)
64    context.starttabulate { "|lT|l|c|" }
65    local name = specification.name
66    if name and name ~= "" then
67        local first, second = string.match(name,"(.-):(.-)") -- [units|shortcuts]:[units|...]
68        if first then
69            typeset(tables[first] and tables[first][second],false)
70        else
71            typeset(units[name],false)
72            typeset(shortcuts[name],true)
73        end
74    else
75        local done = false
76        for what, list in table.sortedhash(units) do
77            typeset(list,done,what,"units")
78            done = true
79        end
80        for what, list in table.sortedhash(shortcuts) do
81            typeset(list,done,what,"shortcuts")
82            done = true
83        end
84    end
85    context.stoptabulate()