if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['s-physics-units'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to s-physics-units.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } moduledata.physics = moduledata.physics or { } moduledata.physics.units = moduledata.physics.units or { } local tables = physics.units.tables local units = tables.units local shortcuts = tables.shortcuts local HL = context.HL local NC = context.NC local NR = context.NR local function typeset(list,followup,name,category) if list then if followup then context.TB() end if category then HL() NC() context.rlap(category .. ":" .. name) NC() NC() NR() HL() end for k, v in table.sortedhash(list) do NC() context(k) NC() if isunit then context(v) else context.type(v) end NC() if name == "units" or name == "symbols" or name == "packaged" then context.unittext(v) elseif name == "prefixes" then context.prefixtext(v) elseif name == "operators" then context.operatortext(v) elseif name == "suffixes" then context.suffixtext(v) end NC() NR() end if category and name then HL() end end end function moduledata.physics.units.showlist(name) specification = interfaces.checkedspecification(specification) context.starttabulate { "|lT|l|c|" } local name = specification.name if name and name ~= "" then local first, second = string.match(name,"(.-):(.-)") -- [units|shortcuts]:[units|...] if first then typeset(tables[first] and tables[first][second],false) else typeset(units[name],false) typeset(shortcuts[name],true) end else local done = false for what, list in table.sortedhash(units) do typeset(list,done,what,"units") done = true end for what, list in table.sortedhash(shortcuts) do typeset(list,done,what,"shortcuts") done = true end end context.stoptabulate() end