texgyre.lfg /size: 1344 b    last modification: 2020-07-01 14:35
1-- In order to be ale to use beta math fonts, we use our own file name and
2-- always remap.
4return {
5    name = "tex gyre",
6    version = "1.00",
7    comment = "Goodies that complement tex gyre.",
8    author = "Hans Hagen",
9    copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
10    filenames = {
11        ["texgyre-pagella-math-regular.otf"] = {
12            "texgyrepagella-math.otf", -- beta
13            "texgyrepagellamath-regular.otf",
14            "tgpagellamath-regular.otf",
15            "tgpagella-math.otf",
16        },
17        ["texgyre-termes-math-regular.otf"] = {
18            "texgyretermes-math.otf", -- beta
19            "texgyretermesmath-regular.otf",
20            "tgtermesmath-regular.otf",
21            "tgtermes-math.otf",
22        },
23        ["texgyre-bonum-math-regular.otf"] = {
24            "texgyrebonum-math.otf", -- beta
25            "texgyrebonummath-regular.otf",
26            "tgbonummath-regular.otf",
27            "tgbonum-math.otf",
28        },
29        ["texgyre-schola-math-regular.otf"] = {
30            "texgyreschola-math.otf", -- beta
31            "texgyrescholamath-regular.otf",
32            "tgscholamath-regular.otf",
33            "tgschola-math.otf",
34        },
35    },
36    mathematics = {
37        alternates = {
38            dotless = { feature = 'dtls', value = 1, comment = "Mathematical Dotless Forms" },
39        },
40    },