lucida-text.lfg /size: 1736 b    last modification: 2024-01-16 10:22
1return {
2    name = "lucida-text",
3    version = "1.00",
4    comment = "Goodies that complement lucida.",
5    author = "Mikael Sundqvist & Hans Hagen",
6    copyright = "ConTeXt development team",
7    extensions = {
8        {
9            name   = "kern", -- adds to kerns
10            type   = "kern",
11            fonts  = {
12                "LucidaBrightOT",
13            },
14            data   = {
15                ["f"] = {
16                  [")"]  = 70,
17                  ["}"]  = 70,
18                  ["]"]  = 70,
19                  ["\\"] = 100,
20                },
21            }
22        },
23        {
24            name   = "kern", -- adds to kerns
25            type   = "kern",
26            fonts  = {
27                "LucidaBrightOT-Demibold",
28            },
29            data   = {
30                ["f"] = {
31                  [")"]  = 70,
32                  ["}"]  = 70,
33                  ["]"]  = 70,
34                  ["\\"] = 100,
35                },
36            }
37        },
38        {
39            name   = "kern",
40            type   = "kern",
41            fonts  = {
42                "LucidaBrightOT-Italic",
43            },
44            data   = {
45                ["f"] = {
46                    [")"]  = 70,
47                    ["}"]  = 20,
48                    ["]"]  = 70,
49                    ["\\"] = 100,
50                },
51            }
52        },
53        {
54            name   = "kern",
55            type   = "kern",
56            fonts  = {
57                "LucidaBrightOT-DemiboldItalic",
58            },
59            data   = {
60                ["f"] = {
61                    [")"]  = 70,
62                    ["}"]  = 40,
63                    ["]"]  = 70,
64                    ["\\"] = 100,
65                },
66            }
67        },
68    }