typo-hid.lmt /size: 2243 b    last modification: 2021-10-28 13:51
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-hid'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to typo-hid.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9local a_hidecontent = attributes.system("hidecontent")
10local specialskips  = nodes.specialskipcodes
11local glue_code     = nodes.nodecodes.glue
12local nuts          = nodes.nuts
13local getattr       = nuts.getattr
14local getnext       = nuts.getnext
15local setnext       = nuts.setnext
16local getprev       = nuts.getprev
17local setlist       = nuts.setlist
18local setlink       = nuts.setlink
19local nextnode      = nuts.traversers.node
20local flushlist     = nuts.flushlist
21local dimensions    = nuts.rangedimensions
22local hpack         = nuts.hpack
23local setwhd        = nuts.setwhd
24local setattrlist   = nuts.setattrlist
25local enableaction  = nodes.tasks.enableaction
27function nodes.handlers.wipe(head,groupcode,line)
28    if getattr(line,a_hidecontent) then
29        flushlist(head)
30        setlist(line)
31    else
32        -- we have normalized lines so always some skip to start with
33        local b, e = nil, nil
34        local function wipe()
35            local h = hpack()
36            local n = getnext(e)
37            setwhd(h,dimensions(line,b,n))
38            setlink(getprev(b),h,n)
39            setattrlist(h,b)
40            setnext(b)
41            flushlist(b)
42            b = nil
43            e = nil
44        end
45        for n, id, subtype in nextnode, head do
46            if id == glue_code and specialskips[subtype] then
47                if b then
48                    wipe()
49                end
50            elseif getattr(n,a_hidecontent) then
51                if not b then
52                    b = n
53                end
54                e = n
55            elseif b then
56                wipe()
57            end
58        end
59        if b then
60            -- can't happen because we had a skip
61            wipe()
62        end
63        setlist(line,head)
64    end
65    return nil
68interfaces.implement {
69    name     = "enablehidecontent",
70    onlyonce = true,
71    actions  = function()
72        enableaction("contributers","nodes.handlers.wipe")
73    end,