node-scn.lmt /size: 13 Kb    last modification: 2024-01-16 09:03
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-scn'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to node-ini.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9local floor = math.floor
11local attributes         = attributes
12local nodes              = nodes
14local nuts               = nodes.nuts
16local getnext            = nuts.getnext
17local getprev            = nuts.getprev
18local getid              = nuts.getid
19local getattr            = nuts.getattr
20local getsubtype         = nuts.getsubtype
21local getlist            = nuts.getlist
22local setlist            = nuts.setlist
24local nodecodes          = nodes.nodecodes
25local gluecodes          = nodes.gluecodes
26local kerncodes          = nodes.kerncodes
28local glyph_code         = nodecodes.glyph
29local disc_code          = nodecodes.disc
30local rule_code          = nodecodes.rule
31local boundary_code      = nodecodes.boundary
32local dir_code           = nodecodes.dir
33local math_code          = nodecodes.math
34local glue_code          = nodecodes.glue
35local penalty_code       = nodecodes.penalty
36local kern_code          = nodecodes.kern
37local hlist_code         = nodecodes.hlist
38local vlist_code         = nodecodes.vlist
40local userskip_code      = gluecodes.userskip
41local spaceskip_code     = gluecodes.spaceskip
42local xspaceskip_code    = gluecodes.xspaceskip
43local intermathkip_code  = gluecodes.intermathskip
44local leaders_code       = gluecodes.leaders
45local rightfillskip_code = gluecodes.rightparfillskip
46local righthangskip_code = gluecodes.righthangskip
48local fontkern_code      = kerncodes.fontkern
50local variables          = interfaces.variables
52local privateattributes  = attributes.private
54local a_runningtext      = privateattributes('runningtext')
56local v_yes              = variables.yes
57local v_all              = variables.all
59local function striprange(first,last) -- todo: dir
60    if first and last then -- just to be sure
61        if first == last then
62            return first, last
63        end
64        while first and first ~= last do
65            local id = getid(first)
66            if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code or id == dir_code or id == boundary_code then -- or id == rule_code
67                break
68            else
69                first = getnext(first)
70            end
71        end
72        if not first then
73            return nil, nil
74        elseif first == last then
75            return first, last
76        end
77        while last and last ~= first do
78            local id = getid(last)
79            if id == glyph_code or id == disc_code or id == dir_code or id == boundary_code  then -- or id == rule_code
80                break
81            else
82                local prev = getprev(last) -- luatex < 0.70 has italic correction kern not prev'd
83                if prev then
84                    last = prev
85                else
86                    break
87                end
88            end
89        end
90        if not last then
91            return nil, nil
92        end
93    end
94    return first, last
97nuts.striprange = striprange
99-- todo: order and maybe other dimensions
101-- we can use this one elsewhere too
103-- todo: functions: word, sentence
105-- glyph rule unset whatsit glue margin_kern kern math disc
107-- we assume {glyphruns} and no funny extra kerning, ok, maybe we need
108-- a dummy character as start and end; anyway we only collect glyphs
110-- this one needs to take layers into account (i.e. we need a list of
111-- critical attributes)
113-- omkeren class en level -> scheelt functie call in analyze
115-- todo: switching inside math
117-- handlers (some are very specialized and demanding)
119local maxlevel = 1
121local function processwords(nesting,attribute,data,flush,head,parent,skip) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
122    local n = head
123    if n then
124        local f, l, a, d, class
125        local continue, leaders, strip, level = false, false, true, -1
126        while n do
127            local id = getid(n)
128            if id == glyph_code
129                or id == disc_code                                 -- can indeed be a start
130                or id == rule_code                                 -- can be a strut
131                or id == boundary_code                             -- can be between quote and text
132                or (id == hlist_code and getattr(n,a_runningtext)) -- well ...
133            then
134                local aa = getattr(n,attribute)
135                -- new approach
136                local dd, ll
137                if aa then
138                    dd = data[aa]
139                    ll = dd.level or 1
140                    if nesting == 1 and ll > maxlevel then
141                        maxlevel = ll
142                    end
143                    if ll == nesting then
144                        -- we're okay
145                    else
146                        while true do
147                            local nestingvalue = dd.nestingvalue
148                            if nestingvalue then
149                                dd = dd.nestingdata
150                                ll = dd.level
151                                if ll == nesting then
152                                    aa = nestingvalue
153                                    break
154                                end
155                            else
156                                -- no matching level found
157                                aa = nil
158                                dd = nil
159                                break
160                            end
161                        end
162                    end
163                end
164                -- old approach
165                if aa and aa ~= skip then
166                    if aa == a then
167                        if not f then -- ?
168                            f = n
169                        end
170                        l = n
171                    else
172                        if f then
173                            if class == aa then -- and newlevel > level then
174                                head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,false)
175                            else
176                                head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
177                            end
178                        end
179                        f, l, a = n, n, aa
180                        d     = dd
181                        class = aa
182                        if d then
183                            continue = d.continue
184                            level    = d.level or 1
185                            leaders  = continue == v_all
186                            continue = leaders or continue == v_yes
187                        else
188                            continue = true
189                            level    = 1
190                            leaders  = false
191                        end
192                    end
193                else
194                    if f then
195                        head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
196                    end
197                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
198                end
199                if id == hlist_code then
200                    local list = getlist(n)
201                    if list then
202                        setlist(n,processwords(nesting,attribute,data,flush,list,n,aa))
203                    end
204                end
205                goto next
206         -- elseif id == disc_code or id == boundary_code then
207         --     if f then
208         --         l = n
209         --     end
210         --     goto next
211            elseif id == kern_code then
212                if getsubtype(n) == fontkern_code then
213                    if f then
214                        l = n
215                    end
216                    goto next
217                else
218                    goto rest
219                end
220            elseif id == math_code then
221                -- otherwise not consistent: a $b$ c vs a $b+c$ d etc
222                -- we need a special (optional) go over math variant
223                if f then
224                    head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
225                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
226                end
227                goto next
228            elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
229                if f then
230                    head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
231                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
232                end
233                local list = getlist(n)
234                if list then
235                    setlist(n,processwords(nesting,attribute,data,flush,list,n,skip))
236                end
237                goto next
238            elseif id == dir_code then -- only changes in dir, we assume proper boundaries
239                if f then
240                    l = n
241                end
242                goto next
243            end
244          ::rest::
245            if f then
246                if continue then
247                    if id == penalty_code then
248                        l = n
249                        goto next
250                 -- elseif id == kern_code then
251                 --     l = n
252                 -- goto next
253                    elseif id == glue_code then
254                        -- catch \underbar{a} \underbar{a} (subtype test is needed)
255                        local subtype = getsubtype(n)
256                        if getattr(n,attribute) and (subtype == userskip_code or subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code or subtype == intermathkip_code or (leaders and subtype >= leaders_code)) then
257                            l = n
258                        else
259                            head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
260                            f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
261                        end
262                    end
263                else
264                    head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
265                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
266                end
267            end
268          ::next::
269            n = getnext(n)
270        end
271        if f then
272            head = flush(head,f,l,d,level,parent,strip)
273        end
274    end
275    return head
278nuts.processwords = function(attribute,data,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
279 -- print("processing words at level "..1)io.flush()
280    maxlevel = 1
281    head = processwords(1,attribute,data,flush,head,parent)
282    for i=2,maxlevel do
283     -- print("processing words at level "..i)io.flush()
284        head = processwords(i,attribute,data,flush,head,parent)
285    end
286    return head
289-- works on lines !
290-- todo: stack because skip can change when nested
292local function processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,depth,skip)
293    local n = head
294    if n then
295        local f, l, a
296        while n do
297            local id = getid(n)
298            if id == glyph_code or id == rule_code then
299                local aa = getattr(n,attribute)
300             -- if aa and (not skip or aa ~= skip) then
301                if aa then
302                    if aa == a then
303                        if not f then
304                            f = n
305                        end
306                        l = n
307                    else
308                        if f then
309                            head = flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth)
310                        end
311                        f, l, a = n, n, aa
312                    end
313                else
314                    if f then
315                        head = flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth)
316                    end
317                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
318                end
319            elseif id == disc_code or id == boundary_code then
320                if f then
321                    l = n
322                else
323                    -- weird
324                end
325            elseif id == kern_code then
326                if getsubtype(n) == fontkern_code then
327                    if f then
328                        l = n
329                    end
330                end
331         -- elseif id == penalty_code then
332            elseif id == glue_code then
333                -- todo: leaders
334--                 if getsubtype(n) == rightfillskip_code or getsubtype(n) == righthangskip_code then
335--                     break
336--                 end
337            elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
338                local aa = getattr(n,attribute)
339             -- if aa and (not skip or aa ~= skip) then
340                if aa then
341                    if aa == a then
342                        if not f then
343                            f = n
344                        end
345                        l = n
346                    else
347                        if f then
348                            head = flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth), true
349                        end
350                        f, l, a = n, n, aa
351                    end
352                else
353                    if f then
354                        head = flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth), true
355                    end
356                    f, l, a = nil, nil, nil
357                end
358                local list = getlist(n)
359                if list then
360                    setlist(n,processranges(attribute,flush,list,n,depth+1,aa))
361                end
362            end
363            n = getnext(n)
364        end
365        if f then
366            head = flush(head,f,l,a,parent,depth)
367        end
368    end
369    return head
372nuts.processranges = function(attribute,flush,head,parent) -- we have hlistdir and local dir
373    return processranges(attribute,flush,head,parent,0)