1<?xml version="1.0"?> 2<application> 3 <metadata> 4 <entry name="name">mtx-synctex</entry> 5 <entry name="detail">SyncTeX Checker</entry> 6 <entry name="version">1.01</entry> 7 </metadata> 8 <flags> 9 <category name="basic"> 10 <subcategory> 11 <flag name="edit"><short>open file at line: --line=.. --editor=.. sourcefile</short></flag> 12 <flag name="list"><short>show all areas: synctexfile</short></flag> 13 <flag name="goto"><short>open file at position: --page=.. --x=.. --y=.. [--tolerance=] --editor=.. synctexfile</short></flag> 14 <flag name="report"><short>show (tex) file and line: [--direct] --page=.. --x=.. --y=.. [--tolerance=] --console synctexfile</short></flag> 15 <flag name="find"><short>find (pdf) page and box: [--direct] --file=.. --line=.. synctexfile</short></flag> 16 </subcategory> 17 </category> 18 </flags> 19</application> 20 |