mtx-grep.xml /size: 1689 b    last modification: 2024-01-16 09:02
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3 <metadata>
4  <entry name="name">mtx-grep</entry>
5  <entry name="detail">Simple Grepper</entry>
6  <entry name="version">0.10</entry>
7 </metadata>
8 <flags>
9  <category name="basic">
10   <subcategory>
11    <flag name="pattern"><short>search for pattern (optional)</short></flag>
12    <flag name="count"><short>count matches only</short></flag>
13    <flag name="nocomment"><short>skip lines that start with %% or #</short></flag>
14    <flag name="noattic"><short>skip files that hh considers irrelevant</short></flag>
15    <flag name="n"><short>show at most n matches</short></flag>
16    <flag name="first"><short>only show first match</short></flag>
17    <flag name="match"><short>return the match (if it is one)</short></flag>
18    <flag name="xml"><short>pattern is lpath expression</short></flag>
19   </subcategory>
20  </category>
21 </flags>
22 <examples>
23  <category>
24   <title>Examples</title>
25   <subcategory>
26    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern=module *.mkiv</command></example>
27    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern="modules.-%['(.-)'%]" char-*.lua --first</command></example>
28    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern=module --count *.mkiv</command></example>
29    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern=module --first *.mkiv</command></example>
30    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern=module --nocomment *.mkiv</command></example>
31    <example><command>mtxrun --script grep --pattern=module --n=10 *.mkiv</command></example>
32   </subcategory>
33  </category>
34 </examples>
35 <comments>
36    <comment>patterns are lua patterns and need to be escaped accordingly</comment>
37 </comments>