mlib-mpf.lmt /size: 25 Kb    last modification: 2021-10-28 13:51
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-mpf'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to mlib-ctx.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files",
9-- moved from mlib-lua:
11local type, tostring, tonumber, select, loadstring = type, tostring, tonumber, select, loadstring
12local find, gsub = string.find, string.gsub
13local concat = table.concat
15local formatters   = string.formatters
16local lpegmatch    = lpeg.match
17local lpegpatterns = lpeg.patterns
19local P, S, Ct, Cs, Cc, C = lpeg.P, lpeg.S, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cs, lpeg.Cc, lpeg.C
21local report_luarun  = logs.reporter("metapost","lua")
22local report_script  = logs.reporter("metapost","script")
23local report_message = logs.reporter("metapost")
25local trace_luarun   = false  trackers.register("metapost.lua",   function(v) trace_luarun = v end)
26local trace_script   = false  trackers.register("metapost.script",function(v) trace_script = v end)
28local be_tolerant    = true   directives.register("metapost.lua.tolerant", function(v) be_tolerant = v end)
30local set    = mp.set
31local get    = mp.get
32local aux    = mp.aux
33local scan   = mp.scan
37    -- serializers
39    local f_integer      = formatters["%i"]
40    local f_numeric      = formatters["%F"]
42    -- no %n as that can produce -e notation and that is not so nice for scaled but maybe we
43    -- should then switch between ... i.e. make a push/pop for the formatters here ... not now.
45    local f_integer      = formatters["%i"]
46    local f_numeric      = formatters["%F"]
47    local f_pair         = formatters["(%F,%F)"]
48    local f_ctrl         = formatters["(%F,%F) .. controls (%F,%F) and (%F,%F)"]
49    local f_triplet      = formatters["(%F,%F,%F)"]
50    local f_quadruple    = formatters["(%F,%F,%F,%F)"]
51    local f_transform    = formatters["totransform(%F,%F,%F,%F,%F,%F)"]
52    local f_pen          = formatters["(pencircle transformed totransform(%F,%F,%F,%F,%F,%F))"]
54    local f_points       = formatters["%p"]
55    local f_pair_pt      = formatters["(%p,%p)"]
56    local f_ctrl_pt      = formatters["(%p,%p) .. controls (%p,%p) and (%p,%p)"]
57    local f_triplet_pt   = formatters["(%p,%p,%p)"]
58    local f_quadruple_pt = formatters["(%p,%p,%p,%p)"]
60    local r = P('%')  / "percent"
61            + P('"')  / "dquote"
62            + P('\n') / "crlf"
63         -- + P(' ')  / "space"
64    local a = Cc("&")
65    local q = Cc('"')
66    local p = Cs(q * (r * a)^-1 * (a * r * (P(-1) + a) + P(1))^0 * q)
68    mp.cleaned = function(s) return lpegmatch(p,s) or s end
70    -- management
72    -- sometimes we gain (e.g. .5 sec on the sync test)
74    local cache = table.makeweak()
76    local runscripts = { }
77    local runnames   = { }
78    local runmodes   = { }
79    local nofscripts = 0
81    local function registerscript(name,mode,f)
82        nofscripts = nofscripts + 1
83        if not f then
84            f = mode
85            mode = "buffered"
86        end
87        if f then
88            runscripts[nofscripts] = f
89            runnames[name] = nofscripts
90        else
91            runscripts[nofscripts] = name
92        end
93        runmodes[nofscripts] = mode
94        if trace_script then
95            report_script("registering %s script %a as %i",mode,name,nofscripts)
96        end
97        return nofscripts
98    end
100    metapost.registerscript = registerscript
102    function metapost.registerdirect(name,f)
103        registerscript(name,"direct",f)
104    end
106    function metapost.registertokens(name,f)
107        registerscript(name,"tokens",f)
108    end
110    function metapost.scriptindex(name)
111        local index = runnames[name] or 0
112        if trace_script then
113            report_script("fetching scriptindex %i of %a",index,name)
114        end
115        return index
116    end
118    -- The gbuffer sharing and such is not really needed now but make a dent when
119    -- we have a high volume of simpel calls (loops) so we keep it around for a
120    -- while.
122    local nesting = 0
123    local runs    = 0
124    local gbuffer = { }
125    local buffer  = gbuffer
126    local n       = 0
128    local function mpdirect(a)
129        n = n + 1 buffer[n] = a
130    end
132    local function mpflush(separator)
133        buffer[1] = concat(buffer,separator or "",1,n)
134        n = 1
135    end
137    function metapost.getbuffer()
138        local b = { }
139        for i=1,n do
140            b[i] = buffer
141        end
142        return b, n
143    end
145    function metapost.setbuffer(b, s)
146        n = 0
147        for i=1,(s or #b) do
148            local bi = b[i]
149            if bi then
150                n = n + 1
151                buffer[n] = tostring(bi)
152            end
153        end
154    end
156    function metapost.runscript(code)
157        nesting = nesting + 1
158        runs    = runs + 1
160        local index = type(code) == "number"
161        local f
162        local result
164        if index then
165            f = runscripts[code]
166            if not f then
167                report_luarun("%i: bad index: %s",nesting,code)
168            elseif trace_luarun then
169                report_luarun("%i: index: %i",nesting,code)
170            end
171            local m = runmodes[code]
172            if m == "direct" then
173                result = f()
174                if trace_luarun then
175                    report_luarun("%i: direct: %a",nesting,type(result))
176                end
177                nesting = nesting - 1
178                return result, true -- string and tables as string and objects
179            elseif m == "tokens" then
180                result = f()
181                if trace_luarun then
182                    report_luarun("%i: tokens: %a",nesting,type(result))
183                end
184                nesting = nesting - 1
185                return result       -- string and tables as text to be scanned
186            else
187                if trace_luarun then
188                    report_luarun("%i: no mode",nesting)
189                end
190            end
191        else
192            if trace_luarun then
193                report_luarun("%i: code: %s",nesting,code)
194            end
195            f = cache[code]
196            if not f then
197                f = loadstring("return " .. code)
198                if f then
199                    cache[code] = f
200                elseif be_tolerant then
201                    f = loadstring(code)
202                    if f then
203                        cache[code] = f
204                    end
205                end
206            end
207        end
209        -- returning nil is more efficient and a signal not to scan in mp
211        if f then
213            local lbuffer, ln
215            if nesting == 1 then
216                buffer = gbuffer
217                n      = 0
218            else
219                lbuffer = buffer
220                ln      = n
221                buffer  = { }
222                n       = 0
223            end
225            result = f()
226            if result then
227                local t = type(result)
228                -- we can consider to use the injector for tables but then we need to
229                -- check if concatination is expected so best keep this!
230                if t == "number" or t == "boolean" then
231                    -- native types
232                elseif t == "string" or t == "table" then
233                    -- (concatenated) passed to scantokens
234                else
235                    -- scantokens
236                    result = tostring(result)
237                end
238                if trace_luarun then
239                    report_luarun("%i: %s result: %s",nesting,t,result)
240                end
241            elseif n == 0 then
242             -- result = ""
243                result = nil -- no scantokens done then
244                if trace_luarun then
245                    report_luarun("%i: no buffered result",nesting)
246                end
247            elseif n == 1 then
248                result = buffer[1]
249                if trace_luarun then
250                    report_luarun("%i: 1 buffered result: %s",nesting,result)
251                end
252            else
253                -- the space is why we sometimes have collectors
254                if nesting == 1 then
255                    -- if we had no space we could pass result directly in lmtx
256                    result = concat(buffer," ",1,n)
257                    if n > 500 or #result > 10000 then
258                        gbuffer = { } -- newtable(20,0)
259                        lbuffer = gbuffer
260                    end
261                else
262                    -- if we had no space we could pass result directly in lmtx
263                    result = concat(buffer," ")
264                end
265                if trace_luarun then
266                    report_luarun("%i: %i buffered results: %s",nesting,n,result)
267                end
268            end
270            if nesting == 1 then
271                n = 0
272            else
273                buffer = lbuffer
274                n      = ln
275            end
277        else
278            report_luarun("%i: no result, invalid code: %s",nesting,code)
279            result = ""
280        end
282        nesting = nesting - 1
284        return result
285    end
287    function metapost.nofscriptruns()
288        local c = mplib.getcallbackstate()
289        return c.count, string.format(
290            "%s (file: %s, text: %s, script: %s, log: %s)",
291            c.count, c.file, c.text, c.script, c.log
292        )
293    end
295    -- writers
297    local function rawmpp(value)
298        n = n + 1
299        local t = type(value)
300        if t == "number" then
301            buffer[n] = f_numeric(value)
302        elseif t == "string" then
303            buffer[n] = value
304        elseif t == "table" then
305            if #t == 6 then
306                buffer[n] = "totransform(" .. concat(value,",") .. ")"
307            else
308                buffer[n] = "(" .. concat(value,",") .. ")"
309            end
310        else -- boolean or whatever
311            buffer[n] = tostring(value)
312        end
313    end
315    local function mpprint(first,second,...)
316        if second == nil then
317            if first ~= nil then
318                rawmpp(first)
319            end
320        else
321            for i=1,select("#",first,second,...) do
322                local value = (select(i,first,second,...))
323                if value ~= nil then
324                    rawmpp(value)
325                end
326            end
327        end
328    end
330    local function mpp(value)
331        n = n + 1
332        local t = type(value)
333        if t == "number" then
334            buffer[n] = f_numeric(value)
335        elseif t == "string" then
336            buffer[n] = lpegmatch(p,value)
337        elseif t == "table" then
338            if #t > 4 then
339                buffer[n] = ""
340            else
341                buffer[n] = "(" .. concat(value,",") .. ")"
342            end
343        else -- boolean or whatever
344            buffer[n] = tostring(value)
345        end
346    end
348    local function mpvprint(first,second,...) -- variable print
349        if second == nil then
350            if first ~= nil then
351                mpp(first)
352            end
353        else
354            for i=1,select("#",first,second,...) do
355                local value = (select(i,first,second,...))
356                if value ~= nil then
357                    mpp(value)
358                end
359            end
360        end
361    end
363    local function mpstring(value)
364        n = n + 1
365        buffer[n] = lpegmatch(p,value)
366    end
368    local function mpboolean(b)
369        n = n + 1
370        buffer[n] = b and "true" or "false"
371    end
373    local function mpnumeric(f)
374        n = n + 1
375        if not f or f == 0 then
376            buffer[n] = "0"
377        else
378            buffer[n] = f_numeric(f)
379        end
380    end
382    local function mpinteger(i)
383        n = n + 1
384     -- buffer[n] = i and f_integer(i) or "0"
385        buffer[n] = i or "0"
386    end
388    local function mppoints(i)
389        n = n + 1
390        if not i or i == 0 then
391            buffer[n] = "0pt"
392        else
393            buffer[n] = f_points(i)
394        end
395    end
397    local function mppair(x,y)
398        n = n + 1
399        if type(x) == "table" then
400            buffer[n] = f_pair(x[1],x[2])
401        else
402            buffer[n] = f_pair(x,y or x)
403        end
404    end
406    local function mppairpoints(x,y)
407        n = n + 1
408        if type(x) == "table" then
409            buffer[n] = f_pair_pt(x[1],x[2])
410        else
411            buffer[n] = f_pair_pt(x,y or x)
412        end
413    end
415    local function mptriplet(x,y,z)
416        n = n + 1
417        if type(x) == "table" then
418            buffer[n] = f_triplet(x[1],x[2],x[3])
419        else
420            buffer[n] = f_triplet(x,y,z)
421        end
422    end
424    local function mptripletpoints(x,y,z)
425        n = n + 1
426        if type(x) == "table" then
427            buffer[n] = f_triplet_pt(x[1],x[2],x[3])
428        else
429            buffer[n] = f_triplet_pt(x,y,z)
430        end
431    end
433    local function mpquadruple(w,x,y,z)
434        n = n + 1
435        if type(w) == "table" then
436            buffer[n] = f_quadruple(w[1],w[2],w[3],w[4])
437        else
438            buffer[n] = f_quadruple(w,x,y,z)
439        end
440    end
442    local function mpquadruplepoints(w,x,y,z)
443        n = n + 1
444        if type(w) == "table" then
445            buffer[n] = f_quadruple_pt(w[1],w[2],w[3],w[4])
446        else
447            buffer[n] = f_quadruple_pt(w,x,y,z)
448        end
449    end
451    local function mptransform(x,y,xx,xy,yx,yy)
452        n = n + 1
453        if type(x) == "table" then
454            buffer[n] = f_transform(x[1],x[2],x[3],x[4],x[5],x[6])
455        else
456            buffer[n] = f_transform(x,y,xx,xy,yx,yy)
457        end
458    end
460    local function mpcolor(c,m,y,k)
461        n = n + 1
462        if type(c) == "table" then
463            local l = #c
464            if l == 4 then
465                buffer[n] = f_quadruple(c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4])
466            elseif l == 3 then
467                buffer[n] = f_triplet(c[1],c[2],c[3])
468            else
469                buffer[n] = f_numeric(c[1])
470            end
471        else
472            if k then
473                buffer[n] = f_quadruple(c,m,y,k)
474            elseif y then
475                buffer[n] = f_triplet(c,m,y)
476            else
477                buffer[n] = f_numeric(c)
478            end
479        end
480    end
482    -- we have three kind of connectors:
483    --
484    -- .. ... -- (true)
486    local function mp_path(f2,f6,t,connector,cycle)
487        if type(t) == "table" then
488            local tn = #t
489            if tn == 1 then
490                local t1 = t[1]
491                n = n + 1
492                if t.pen then
493                    buffer[n] = f_pen(unpack(t1))
494                else
495                    buffer[n] = f2(t1[1],t1[2])
496                end
497            elseif tn > 0 then
498                if connector == true or connector == nil then
499                    connector = ".."
500                elseif connector == false then
501                    connector = "--"
502                end
503                if cycle == nil then
504                    cycle = t.cycle
505                    if cycle == nil then
506                        cycle = true
507                    end
508                end
509                local six      = connector == ".." -- otherwise we use whatever gets asked for
510                local controls = connector         -- whatever
511                local a = t[1]
512                local b = t[2]
513                n = n + 1
514                buffer[n] = "("
515                n = n + 1
516                if six and #a == 6 and #b == 6 then
517                    buffer[n] = f6(a[1],a[2],a[5],a[6],b[3],b[4])
518                    controls  = ".."
519                else
520                    buffer[n] = f2(a[1],a[2])
521                    controls  = connector
522                end
523                for i=2,tn-1 do
524                    a = b
525                    b = t[i+1]
526                    n = n + 1
527                    buffer[n] = connector
528                    n = n + 1
529                    if six and #a == 6 and #b == 6 then
530                        buffer[n] = f6(a[1],a[2],a[5],a[6],b[3],b[4])
531                        controls  = ".."
532                    else
533                        buffer[n] = f2(a[1],a[2])
534                        controls  = connector
535                    end
536                end
537                n = n + 1
538                buffer[n] = connector
539                a = b
540                b = t[1]
541                n = n + 1
542                if cycle then
543                    if six and #a == 6 and #b == 6 then
544                        buffer[n] = f6(a[1],a[2],a[5],a[6],b[3],b[4])
545                        controls  = ".."
546                    else
547                        buffer[n] = f2(a[1],a[2])
548                        controls  = connector
549                    end
550                    n = n + 1
551                    buffer[n] = connector
552                    n = n + 1
553                    buffer[n] = "cycle"
554                else
555                    buffer[n] = f2(a[1],a[2])
556                end
557                n = n + 1
558                buffer[n] = ")"
559            end
560        end
561    end
563    local function mppath(...)
564        mp_path(f_pair,f_ctrl,...)
565    end
567    local function mppathpoints(...)
568        mp_path(f_pair_pt,f_ctrl_pt,...)
569    end
571    local function mpsize(t)
572        n = n + 1
573        buffer[n] = type(t) == "table" and f_numeric(#t) or "0"
574    end
576    local replacer = lpeg.replacer("@","%%")
578    local function mpfprint(fmt,...)
579        n = n + 1
580        if not find(fmt,"%",1,true) then
581            fmt = lpegmatch(replacer,fmt)
582        end
583        buffer[n] = formatters[fmt](...)
584    end
586    local function mpquoted(fmt,s,...)
587        if s then
588            n = n + 1
589            if not find(fmt,"%",1,true) then
590                fmt = lpegmatch(replacer,fmt)
591            end
592         -- buffer[n] = '"' .. formatters[fmt](s,...) .. '"'
593            buffer[n] = lpegmatch(p,formatters[fmt](s,...))
594        elseif fmt then
595            n = n + 1
596         -- buffer[n] = '"' .. fmt .. '"'
597            buffer[n] = lpegmatch(p,fmt)
598        else
599            -- something is wrong
600        end
601    end
603          = mpdirect
604    aux.flush           = mpflush
606    aux.print           = mpprint
607    aux.vprint          = mpvprint
608    aux.boolean         = mpboolean
609    aux.string          = mpstring
610    aux.numeric         = mpnumeric
611    aux.number          = mpnumeric
612    aux.integer         = mpinteger
613    aux.points          = mppoints
614    aux.pair            = mppair
615    aux.pairpoints      = mppairpoints
616    aux.triplet         = mptriplet
617    aux.tripletpoints   = mptripletpoints
618    aux.quadruple       = mpquadruple
619    aux.quadruplepoints = mpquadruplepoints
620    aux.path            = mppath
621    aux.pathpoints      = mppathpoints
622    aux.size            = mpsize
623    aux.fprint          = mpfprint
624    aux.quoted          = mpquoted
625    aux.transform       = mptransform
626    aux.color           = mpcolor
628    -- for the moment
630    local function mpdraw(lines,list) -- n * 4
631        if list then
632            local c = #lines
633            for i=1,c do
634                local ci = lines[i]
635                local ni = #ci
636                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = i < c and "d(" or "D("
637                for j=1,ni,2 do
638                    local l = j + 1
639                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ci[j]
640                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
641                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ci[l]
642                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = l < ni and ")--(" or ");"
643                end
644            end
645        else
646            local l = #lines
647            local m = l - 4
648            for i=1,l,4 do
649                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = i < m and "d(" or "D("
650                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i]
651                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
652                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+1]
653                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ")--("
654                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+2]
655                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
656                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+3]
657                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ");"
658            end
659        end
660    end
662    local function mpfill(lines,list)
663        if list then
664            local c = #lines
665            for i=1,c do
666                local ci = lines[i]
667                local ni = #ci
668                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = i < c and "f(" or "F("
669                for j=1,ni,2 do
670                    local l = j + 1
671                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ci[j]
672                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
673                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ci[l]
674                    n = n + 1 buffer[n] = l < ni and ")--(" or ")--C;"
675                end
676            end
677        else
678            local l = #lines
679            local m = l - 4
680            for i=1,l,4 do
681                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = i < m and "f(" or "F("
682                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i]
683                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
684                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+1]
685                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ")--("
686                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+2]
687                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ","
688                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = lines[i+3]
689                n = n + 1 buffer[n] = ")--C;"
690            end
691        end
692    end
694    aux.draw = mpdraw
695    aux.fill = mpfill
697    for k, v in next, aux do mp[k] = v end
699 -- mp.print = table.setmetatablecall(aux, function(t,...)
700 --     mpprint(...)
701 -- end)
703    mp.print = table.setmetatablecall(aux, function(t,first,second,...)
704        if second == nil then
705            if first ~= nil then
706                rawmpp(first)
707            end
708        else
709            for i=1,select("#",first,second,...) do
710                local value = (select(i,first,second,...))
711                if value ~= nil then
712                    rawmpp(value)
713                end
714            end
715        end
716    end)
722    local mpnumeric   = mp.numeric
723    local scanstring  = scan.string
724    local scriptindex = metapost.scriptindex
726    function mp.mf_script_index(name)
727        local index = scriptindex(name)
728     -- report_script("method %i, name %a, index %i",1,name,index)
729        mpnumeric(index)
730    end
732    -- once bootstrapped ... (needs pushed mpx instances)
734    metapost.registerdirect("scriptindex",function()
735        return scriptindex(scanstring())
736    end)
740function mp.n(t) -- used ?
741    return type(t) == "table" and #t or 0
746    -- experiment: names can change
748    local mppath     = aux.path
749    local mpsize     = aux.size
751    local whitespace = lpegpatterns.whitespace
752    local newline    = lpegpatterns.newline
753    local setsep     = newline^2
754    local comment    = (S("#%") + P("--")) * (1-newline)^0 * (whitespace - setsep)^0
755    local value      = (1-whitespace)^1 / tonumber
756    local entry      = Ct( value * whitespace * value)
757    local set        = Ct((entry * (whitespace-setsep)^0 * comment^0)^1)
758    local series     = Ct((set * whitespace^0)^1)
760    local pattern    = whitespace^0 * series
762    local datasets   = { }
763    mp.datasets      = datasets
765    function mp.dataset(str)
766        return lpegmatch(pattern,str)
767    end
769    function datasets.load(tag,filename)
770        if not filename then
771            tag, filename = file.basename(tag), tag
772        end
773        local data = lpegmatch(pattern,io.loaddata(filename) or "")
774        datasets[tag] = {
775            data = data,
776            line = function(n) mppath(data[n or 1]) end,
777            size = function()  mpsize(data)         end,
778        }
779    end
781    table.setmetatablecall(datasets,function(t,k,f,...)
782        local d = datasets[k]
783        local t = type(d)
784        if t == "table" then
785            d = d[f]
786            if type(d) == "function" then
787                d(...)
788            else
789                mpvprint(...)
790            end
791        elseif t == "function" then
792            d(f,...)
793        end
794    end)
798-- \startluacode
799--     local str = [[
800--         10 20 20 20
801--         30 40 40 60
802--         50 10
804--         10 10 20 30
805--         30 50 40 50
806--         50 20 -- the last one
808--         10 20 % comment
809--         20 10
810--         30 40 # comment
811--         40 20
812--         50 10
813--     ]]
815--     MP.myset = mp.dataset(str)
817--     inspect(MP.myset)
818-- \stopluacode
820-- \startMPpage
821--     color c[] ; c[1] := red ; c[2] := green ; c[3] := blue ;
822--     for i=1 upto lua("mp.print(mp.n(MP.myset))") :
823--         draw lua("mp.path(MP.myset[" & decimal i & "])") withcolor c[i] ;
824--     endfor ;
825-- \stopMPpage
827-- texts:
830    if c then
831        report_message("%s : %s",a,formatters[(gsub(b,"@","%%"))](c,...))
832    elseif b then
833        report_message("%s : %s",a,b)
834    elseif a then
835        report_message("message : %s",a)
836    end
839function mp.flatten(t)
840    local tn = #t
842    local t1 = t[1]
843    local t2 = t[2]
844    local t3 = t[3]
845    local t4 = t[4]
847    for i=1,tn-5,2 do
848        local t5 = t[i+4]
849        local t6 = t[i+5]
850        if t1 == t3 and t3 == t5 and ((t2 <= t4 and t4 <= t6) or (t6 <= t4 and t4 <= t2)) then
851            t[i+3] = t2
852            t4     = t2
853            t[i]   = false
854            t[i+1] = false
855        elseif t2 == t4 and t4 == t6 and ((t1 <= t3 and t3 <= t5) or (t5 <= t3 and t3 <= t1)) then
856            t[i+2] = t1
857            t3     = t1
858            t[i]   = false
859            t[i+1] = false
860        end
861        t1 = t3
862        t2 = t4
863        t3 = t5
864        t4 = t6
865    end
867    -- remove duplicates
869    local t1 = t[1]
870    local t2 = t[2]
871    for i=1,tn-2,2 do
872        local t3 = t[i+2]
873        local t4 = t[i+3]
874        if t1 == t3 and t2 == t4 then
875            t[i]   = false
876            t[i+1] = false
877        end
878        t1 = t3
879        t2 = t4
880    end
882    -- move coordinates
884    local m = 0
885    for i=1,tn,2 do
886        if t[i] then
887            m = m + 1 t[m] = t[i]
888            m = m + 1 t[m] = t[i+1]
889        end
890    end
892    -- prune the table (not gc'd)
894    for i=tn,m+1,-1 do
895        t[i] = nil
896    end
898    -- safeguard so that we have at least one segment
900    if m == 2 then
901        t[3] = t[1]
902        t[4] = t[2]
903    end