layo-ini.lmt /size: 3674 b    last modification: 2023-12-21 09:44
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['layo-ini'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to layo-ini.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9-- We need to share information between the TeX and Lua end about the typographical
10-- model. This happens here. This code might move.
12local texgetcount  = tex.getcount
13local conditionals = tex.conditionals
15local c_realpageno  = tex.iscount("realpageno")
16local c_pagenoshift = tex.iscount("pagenoshift")
18layouts = {
19    status = { },
22local status = layouts.status
24function status.leftorrightpageaction(left,right)
25    if left == nil then
26        left, right = false, true
27    end
28    if not conditionals.layoutisdoublesided then
29        return left, right
30    elseif conditionals.layoutissinglesided then
31        return left, right
32    elseif texgetcount(c_pagenoshift) % 2 == 0 then
33        if texgetcount(c_realpageno) % 2 == 0 then
34            return right, left
35        else
36            return left, right
37        end
38    else
39        if texgetcount(c_realpageno) % 2 == 0 then
40            return left, right
41        else
42            return right, left
43        end
44    end
47function status.isleftpage(r)
48    if not conditionals.layoutisdoublesided then
49        return false
50    elseif conditionals.layoutissinglesided then
51        return false
52    elseif texgetcount(c_pagenoshift) % 2 == 0 then
53        return (r or texgetcount(c_realpageno)) % 2 == 0
54    else
55        return not (r or texgetcount(c_realpageno)) % 2 == 0
56    end
59-- Instead of making these these driver specific we make them generic. We can even consider
60-- to make these registers at the tex end.
62local canvas = {
63    pagespec     = "default", -- v_default
64    paperwidth   = 0,
65    paperheight  = 0,
66    topoffset    = 0,
67    leftoffset   = 0,
68    height       = 0,
69    width        = 0,
70    cropoffset   = 0,
71    bleedoffset  = 0,
72    trimoffset   = 0,
73    artoffset    = 0,
74    doublesided  = false,
75    marked       = false,
76    copies       = false,
79function layouts.setupcanvas(specification)
80    local paperheight = specification.paperheight or canvas.paperheight
81    local paperwidth  = specification.paperwidth  or canvas.paperwidth
82    local cropoffset  = specification.cropoffset  or 0
83    local trimoffset  = cropoffset  - (specification.trimoffset  or 0)
84    local bleedoffset = trimoffset  - (specification.bleedoffset or 0)
85    local artoffset   = bleedoffset - (specification.artoffset   or 0)
86    --
87    canvas.paperheight = paperheight
88    canvas.paperwidth  = paperwidth
89    canvas.cropoffset  = cropoffset
90    canvas.trimoffset  = trimoffset
91    canvas.bleedoffset = bleedoffset
92    canvas.artoffset   = artoffset
93    --
94    canvas.pagespec    = specification.mode       or pagespec
95    canvas.topoffset   = specification.topoffset  or 0
96    canvas.leftoffset  = specification.leftoffset or 0
97    canvas.height      = specification.height     or paperheight
98    canvas.width       = specification.width      or paperwidth
99    canvas.marked      = specification.print
100    --
101    local copies = specification.copies
102    if type(copies) == "number" then
103        if copies < 2 then
104            canvas.copies = false
105        else
106            canvas.copies = copies
107        end
108    end
109    --
110    local doublesided = specification.doublesided
111    if doublesided ~= nil then
112        canvas.doublesided = doublesided
113    end
116function layouts.getpagedimensions()
117    return canvas.paperwidth, canvas.paperheight
120function layouts.getcanvas()
121    return canvas