back-exp.lmt /size: 102 Kb    last modification: 2024-01-16 09:02
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['back-exp'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to back-exp.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9-- Todo: share properties more with tagged pdf (or thge reverse)
11-- Because we run into the 200 local limit we quite some do .. end wrappers .. not always
12-- that nice but it has to be.
14-- Experiments demonstrated that mapping to <div> and classes is messy because we have to
15-- package attributes (some 30) into one set of (space seperatated but prefixed classes)
16-- which only makes things worse .. so if you want something else, use xslt to get there.
18-- language       -> only mainlanguage, local languages should happen through start/stoplanguage
19-- tocs/registers -> maybe add a stripper (i.e. just don't flush entries in final tree)
20-- footnotes      -> css 3
21-- bodyfont       -> in styles.css
23-- Because we need to look ahead we now always build a tree (this was optional in
24-- the beginning). The extra overhead in the frontend is neglectable.
26-- We can optimize the code ... currently the overhead is some 10% for xml + html so
27-- there is no hurry.
29-- todo: move critital formatters out of functions
30-- todo: delay loading (apart from basic tag stuff)
32-- problem : too many local variables
34-- check setting __i__
36local next, type, tonumber = next, type, tonumber
37local sub, gsub, match = string.sub, string.gsub, string.match
38local validstring = string.valid
39local lpegmatch = lpeg.match
40local utfchar, utfvalues, utflen = utf.char, utf.values, utf.len
41local concat, merge, sort, setmetatableindex = table.concat, table.merge, table.sort, table.setmetatableindex
42local sortedhash, sortedkeys = table.sortedhash, table.sortedkeys
43local formatters = string.formatters
44local todimen = number.todimen
45local replacetemplate = utilities.templates.replace
46local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array
47local settings_to_hash = utilities.parsers.settings_to_hash
49local addsuffix, joinfile, nameonly, basename, filesuffix = file.addsuffix, file.join, file.nameonly, file.basename, file.suffix
51local trace_export  = false  trackers.register  ("export.trace",         function(v) trace_export  = v end)
52local trace_spacing = false  trackers.register  ("export.trace.spacing", function(v) trace_spacing = v end)
53local trace_details = false  trackers.register  ("export.trace.details", function(v) trace_details = v end)
55local less_state    = false  directives.register("export.lessstate",     function(v) less_state    = v end)
56local show_comment  = true   directives.register("export.comment",       function(v) show_comment  = v end)
58-- maybe we will also support these:
60-- local css_hyphens       = false  directives.register("export.css.hyphens",      function(v) css_hyphens      = v end)
61-- local css_textalign     = false  directives.register("export.css.textalign",    function(v) css_textalign    = v end)
62-- local css_bodyfontsize  = false  directives.register("export.css.bodyfontsize", function(v) css_bodyfontsize = v end)
63-- local css_textwidth     = false  directives.register("export.css.textwidth",    function(v) css_textwidth    = v end)
65local report_export     = logs.reporter("backend","export")
67local nodes             = nodes
68local attributes        = attributes
70local variables         = interfaces.variables
71local v_yes             = variables.yes
72local v_no              =
73local v_xml             = variables.xml
74local v_hidden          = variables.hidden
76local implement         = interfaces.implement
78local tasks             = nodes.tasks
79local fontchar          = fonts.hashes.characters
80local fontquads         = fonts.hashes.quads
81local languagenames     = languages.numbers
83local texgetcount       = tex.getcount
85local references        = structures.references
86local structurestags    = structures.tags
87local taglist           = structurestags.taglist
88local specifications    = structurestags.specifications
89local properties        =
90local locatedtag        = structurestags.locatedtag
92structurestags.usewithcare = { }
94local starttiming       = statistics.starttiming
95local stoptiming        = statistics.stoptiming
97local characterdata     =
98local overloads         = fonts.mappings.overloads
100-- todo: more locals (and optimize)
102local exportversion     <const> = "0.35"
103local mathmlns          <const> = ""
104local contextns         <const> = "" -- whatever suits
105local cssnamespaceurl   <const> = "@namespace context url('%namespace%') ;"
106local cssnamespace      <const> = "context|"
107----- cssnamespacenop   <const> = "/* no namespace */"
109local usecssnamespace   = false
111local nofcurrentcontent = 0 -- so we don't free (less garbage collection)
112local currentcontent    = { }
113local currentnesting    = nil
114local currentattribute  = nil
115local last              = nil
116local currentparagraph  = nil
118local noftextblocks     = 0
120----- hyphencode        = 0xAD
121local hyphen            = utfchar(0xAD) -- todo: also emdash etc
122local tagsplitter       = structurestags.patterns.splitter
123----- colonsplitter     = lpeg.splitat(":")
124----- dashsplitter      = lpeg.splitat("-")
125local threshold         = 65536
126local indexing          = false
127local keephyphens       = false
128local exportproperties  = false
130local finetuning        = { }
132local treestack         = { }
133local nesting           = { }
134local currentdepth      = 0
136local wrapups           = { }
138local tree              = { data = { }, fulltag == "root" } -- root
139local treehash          = { }
140local extras            = { }
141local checks            = { }
142local fixes             = { }
143local finalizers        = { }
144local nofbreaks         = 0
145local used              = { }
146local exporting         = false
147local restart           = false
148local specialspaces     = { [0x20] = " "  }               -- for conversion
149local somespace         = { [0x20] = true, [" "] = true } -- for testing
150local entities          = { ["&"] = "&amp;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["<"] = "&lt;" }
151local attribentities    = { ["&"] = "&amp;", [">"] = "&gt;", ["<"] = "&lt;", ['"'] = "quot;" }
153local p_entity          = lpeg.replacer(entities) -- was: entityremapper = utf.remapper(entities)
154local p_attribute       = lpeg.replacer(attribentities)
155local p_escaped         = lpeg.patterns.xml.escaped
157local f_tagid           = formatters["%s-%04i"]
159-- local alignmapping = {
160--     flushright = "right",
161--     middle     = "center",
162--     flushleft  = "left",
163-- }
165local defaultnature = "mixed" -- "inline"
167setmetatableindex(used, function(t,k)
168    if k then
169        local v = { }
170        t[k] = v
171        return v
172    end
175local f_entity    = formatters["&#x%X;"]
176local f_attribute = formatters[" %s=%q"]
177local f_property  = formatters[" %s%s=%q"]
179setmetatableindex(specialspaces, function(t,k)
180    local v = utfchar(k)
181    t[k] = v
182    entities[v] = f_entity(k)
183    somespace[k] = true
184    somespace[v] = true
185    return v
189local namespaced = {
190    -- filled on
193local namespaces = {
194    msubsup     = "m",
195    msub        = "m",
196    msup        = "m",
197    mn          = "m",
198    mi          = "m",
199    ms          = "m",
200    mo          = "m",
201    mtext       = "m",
202    mrow        = "m",
203    mfrac       = "m",
204    mroot       = "m",
205    msqrt       = "m",
206    munderover  = "m",
207    munder      = "m",
208    mover       = "m",
209    merror      = "m",
210    math        = "m",
211    mrow        = "m",
212    mtable      = "m",
213    mtr         = "m",
214    mtd         = "m",
215    mfenced     = "m",
216    maction     = "m",
217    mspace      = "m",
218    -- only when testing
219    mstacker    = "m",
220    mstackertop = "m",
221    mstackermid = "m",
222    mstackerbot = "m",
223    mextensible = 'm',
226setmetatableindex(namespaced, function(t,k)
227    if k then
228        local namespace = namespaces[k]
229        local v = namespace and namespace .. ":" .. k or k
230        t[k] = v
231        return v
232    end
235local function attribute(key,value)
236    if value and value ~= "" then
237        return f_attribute(key,lpegmatch(p_attribute,value))
238    else
239        return ""
240    end
243local function setattribute(di,key,value,escaped)
244    if value and value ~= "" then
245        local a = di.attributes
246        if escaped then
247            value = lpegmatch(p_escaped,value)
248        end
249        if not a then
250            di.attributes = { [key] = value }
251        else
252            a[key] = value
253        end
254    end
257local listdata = { } -- this has to be done otherwise: each element can just point back to ...
259function wrapups.hashlistdata()
260    local c = structures.lists.collected
261    for i=1,#c do
262        local ci = c[i]
263        local tag = ci.references.tag
264        if tag then
265            local m = ci.metadata
266            local t = m.kind .. ">" .. tag -- todo: use internal (see strc-lst.lua where it's set)
267            listdata[t] = ci
268        end
269    end
272function structurestags.setattributehash(attr,key,value) -- public hash
273    local specification = taglist[attr]
274    if specification then
275        specification[key] = value
276    else
277        -- some kind of error
278    end
281local usedstyles      = { }
282local usedimages      = { }
283local referencehash   = { } -- move ?
284local destinationhash = { } -- move ?
286structurestags.backend = {
287    setattribute    = setattribute,
288    extras          = extras,
289    checks          = checks,
290    fixes           = fixes,
291    listdata        = listdata,
292    finalizers      = finalizers,
293    usedstyles      = usedstyles,
294    usedimages      = usedimages,
295    referencehash   = referencehash,
296    destinationhash = destinationhash,
299local namespacetemplate <const> = [[
300/* %what% for file %filename% */
307    -- experiment: styles and images
308    --
309    -- officially we should convert to bp but we round anyway
311    -- /* padding      : ; */
312    -- /* text-justify : inter-word ; */
313    -- /* text-align : justify ; */
315local documenttemplate <const> = [[
317%namespace%div.document {
318    font-size  : %size% !important ;
319    max-width  : %width% !important ;
320    text-align : %align% !important ;
321    hyphens    : %hyphens% !important ;
324local styletemplate <const> = [[
326%namespace%div.%element%.%detail% {
327    display      : inline ;
328    font-style   : %style% ;
329    font-variant : %variant% ;
330    font-weight  : %weight% ;
331    font-family  : %family% ;
332    color        : %color% ;
335    local numbertoallign = {
336        [0] = "justify", ["0"] = "justify", [variables.normal    ] = "justify",
337              "right",   ["1"] = "right",   [variables.flushright] = "right",
338              "center",  ["2"] = "center",  [variables.middle    ] = "center",
339              "left",    ["3"] = "left",    [variables.flushleft ] = "left",
340    }
342    function wrapups.allusedstyles(filename)
343        local result = { replacetemplate(namespacetemplate, {
344            what            = "styles",
345            filename        = filename,
346            namespace       = contextns,
347         -- cssnamespaceurl = usecssnamespace and cssnamespaceurl or cssnamespacenop,
348            cssnamespaceurl = cssnamespaceurl,
349        },false,true) }
350        --
351        local bodyfont = finetuning.bodyfont
352        local width    = finetuning.width
353        local hyphen   = finetuning.hyphen
354        local align    = finetuning.align
355        --
356        if type(bodyfont) == "number" then
357            bodyfont = todimen(bodyfont)
358        else
359            bodyfont = "12pt"
360        end
361        if type(width) == "number" then
362            width = todimen(width) or "50em"
363        else
364            width = "50em"
365        end
366        if hyphen == v_yes then
367            hyphen = "manual"
368        else
369            hyphen = "inherited"
370        end
371        if align then
372            align = numbertoallign[align]
373        end
374        if not align then
375            align = hyphen and "justify" or "inherited"
376        end
377        --
378        result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(documenttemplate,{
379            size    = bodyfont,
380            width   = width,
381            align   = align,
382            hyphens = hyphen
383        })
384        --
385        local colorspecification = xml.css.colorspecification
386        local fontspecification  = xml.css.fontspecification
387        for element, details in sortedhash(usedstyles) do
388            for detail, data in sortedhash(details) do
389                local s = fontspecification(
390                local c = colorspecification(data.color)
391                detail = gsub(detail,"[^A-Za-z0-9]+","-")
392                result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(styletemplate,{
393                    namespace = usecssnamespace and cssnamespace or "",
394                    element   = element,
395                    detail    = detail,
396                    style     =   or "inherit",
397                    variant   = s.variant or "inherit",
398                    weight    = s.weight  or "inherit",
399                    family    =  or "inherit",
400                    color     = c         or "inherit",
401                    display   = s.display and "block" or nil,
402                })
403            end
404        end
405        return concat(result,"\n\n")
406    end
412local imagetemplate <const> = [[
413%element%[id="%id%"], %namespace%div.%element%[id="%id%"] {
414    display           : block ;
415    background-image  : url('%url%') ;
416    background-size   : 100%% auto ;
417    background-repeat : no-repeat ;
418    width             : %width% ;
419    height            : %height% ;
422    local f_svgname = formatters["%s.svg"]
423    local f_svgpage = formatters["%s-page-%s.svg"]
424    local collected = { }
426    local function usedname(name,page)
427        if filesuffix(name) == "pdf" then
428            -- temp hack .. we will have a remapper
429            if page and page > 1 then
430                name = f_svgpage(nameonly(name),page)
431            else
432                name = f_svgname(nameonly(name))
433            end
434        end
435        local scheme = url.hasscheme(name)
436        if not scheme or scheme == "file" then
437            -- or can we just use the name ?
438            return joinfile("../images",basename(url.filename(name)))
439        else
440            return name
441        end
442    end
444    function wrapups.allusedimages(filename)
445        local result = { replacetemplate(namespacetemplate, {
446            what            = "images",
447            filename        = filename,
448            namespace       = contextns,
449         -- cssnamespaceurl = usecssnamespace and cssnamespaceurl or "",
450            cssnamespaceurl = cssnamespaceurl,
451        },false,true) }
452        for element, details in sortedhash(usedimages) do
453            for detail, data in sortedhash(details) do
454                local name =
455                local page = tonumber( or 1
456                local spec = {
457                    element   = element,
458                    id        =,
459                    name      = name,
460                    page      = page,
461                    url       = usedname(name,page),
462                    width     = data.width,
463                    height    = data.height,
464                    used      = data.used,
465                    namespace = usecssnamespace and cssnamespace or "",
466                }
467                result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(imagetemplate,spec)
468                collected[detail] = spec
469            end
470        end
471        return concat(result,"\n\n")
472    end
474    function wrapups.uniqueusedimages() -- todo: combine these two
475        return collected
476    end
482properties.vspace = { export = "break",     nature = "display" }
483----------------- = { export = "pagebreak", nature = "display" }
485local function makebreaklist(list)
486    nofbreaks = nofbreaks + 1
487    local t = { }
488    local l = list and list.taglist
489    if l then
490        for i=1,#list do
491            t[i] = l[i]
492        end
493    end
494    t[#t+1] = "break>" .. nofbreaks -- maybe no number or 0
495    return { taglist = t }
498local breakattributes = {
499    type = "collapse"
502local function makebreaknode(attributes) -- maybe no fulltag
503    nofbreaks = nofbreaks + 1
504    return {
505        tg         = "break",
506        fulltag    = "break>" .. nofbreaks,
507        n          = nofbreaks,
508        element    = "break",
509        nature     = "display",
510        attributes = attributes or nil,
511     -- data       = { }, -- not needed
512     -- attribute  = 0, -- not needed
513     -- parnumber  = 0,
514    }
519    local fields = { "title", "subtitle", "author", "keywords", "url", "version" }
521    local ignoredelements = false
523    local function checkdocument(root)
524        local data =
525        if data then
526            for i=1,#data do
527                local di = data[i]
528                local tg =
529                if tg == "noexport" then
530                    local s = specifications[di.fulltag]
531                    local u = s and s.userdata
532                    if u then
533                        local comment = u.comment
534                        if comment then
535                            di.element = "comment"
536                   = { { content = comment } }
537                            u.comment = nil
538                        else
539                            data[i] = false
540                        end
541                    else
542                        data[i] = false
543                    end
544                elseif di.content then
545                    -- okay
546                elseif tg == "ignore" then
547                    di.element = ""
548                    checkdocument(di)
549                elseif ignoredelements and ignoredelements[tg] then
550                    di.element = ""
551                    checkdocument(di)
552                else
553                    checkdocument(di) -- new, else no noexport handling
554                end
555            end
556        end
557    end
559    function extras.document(di,element,n,fulltag)
560        setattribute(di,"language",languagenames[texgetcount("mainlanguagenumber")])
561        if not less_state then
562            setattribute(di,"file",tex.jobname)
563            setattribute(di,"date",os.fulltime())
564            setattribute(di,"context",environment.version)
565            setattribute(di,"version",exportversion)
566            setattribute(di,"xmlns:m",mathmlns)
567            local identity = interactions.general.getidentity()
568            for i=1,#fields do
569                local key   = fields[i]
570                local value = identity[key]
571                if value and value ~= "" then
572                    setattribute(di,key,value)
573                end
574            end
575        end
576        checkdocument(di)
577    end
579    implement {
580        name      = "ignoretagsinexport",
581        arguments = "string",
582        actions   = function(list)
583            for tag in string.gmatch(list,"[a-z]+") do
584                if ignoredelements then
585                    ignoredelements[tag] = true
586                else
587                    ignoredelements = { [tag] = true }
588                end
589            end
590        end,
591    }
595-- flusher
599    local f_detail                     = formatters[' detail="%s"']
600    local f_chain                      = formatters[' chain="%s"']
601    local f_index                      = formatters[' n="%s"']
602    local f_spacing                    = formatters['<c p="%s">%s</c>']
604    local f_empty_inline               = formatters["<%s/>"]
605    local f_empty_mixed                = formatters["%w<%s/>\n"]
606    local f_empty_display              = formatters["\n%w<%s/>\n"]
607    local f_empty_inline_attr          = formatters["<%s%s/>"]
608    local f_empty_mixed_attr           = formatters["%w<%s%s/>"]
609    local f_empty_display_attr         = formatters["\n%w<%s%s/>\n"]
611    local f_begin_inline               = formatters["<%s>"]
612    local f_begin_mixed                = formatters["%w<%s>"]
613    local f_begin_display              = formatters["\n%w<%s>\n"]
614    local f_begin_inline_attr          = formatters["<%s%s>"]
615    local f_begin_mixed_attr           = formatters["%w<%s%s>"]
616    local f_begin_display_attr         = formatters["\n%w<%s%s>\n"]
618    local f_end_inline                 = formatters["</%s>"]
619    local f_end_mixed                  = formatters["</%s>\n"]
620    local f_end_display                = formatters["%w</%s>\n"]
622    local f_begin_inline_comment       = formatters["<!-- %s --><%s>"]
623    local f_begin_mixed_comment        = formatters["%w<!-- %s --><%s>"]
624    local f_begin_display_comment      = formatters["\n%w<!-- %s -->\n%w<%s>\n"]
625    local f_begin_inline_attr_comment  = formatters["<!-- %s --><%s%s>"]
626    local f_begin_mixed_attr_comment   = formatters["%w<!-- %s --><%s%s>"]
627    local f_begin_display_attr_comment = formatters["\n%w<!-- %s -->\n%w<%s%s>\n"]
629    local f_comment_begin_inline       = formatters["<!-- begin %s -->"]
630    local f_comment_begin_mixed        = formatters["%w<!-- begin %s -->"]
631    local f_comment_begin_display      = formatters["\n%w<!-- begin %s -->\n"]
633    local f_comment_end_inline         = formatters["<!-- end %s -->"]
634    local f_comment_end_mixed          = formatters["<!-- end %s -->\n"]
635    local f_comment_end_display        = formatters["%w<!-- end %s -->\n"]
637    local f_metadata_begin             = formatters["\n%w<metadata>\n"]
638    local f_metadata                   = formatters["%w<metavariable name=%q>%s</metavariable>\n"]
639    local f_metadata_end               = formatters["%w</metadata>\n"]
641    local function attributes(a)
642        local r = { }
643        local n = 0
644        for k, v in next, a do
645            n = n + 1
646            r[n] = f_attribute(k,tostring(v)) -- tostring because of %q
647        end
648        sort(r)
649        return concat(r,"")
650    end
652    local function properties(a)
653        local r = { }
654        local n = 0
655        for k, v in next, a do
656            n = n + 1
657            r[n] = f_property(exportproperties,k,tostring(v)) -- tostring because of %q
658        end
659        sort(r)
660        return concat(r,"")
661    end
663    local depth  = 0
664    local inline = 0
666    local function emptytag(result,element,nature,di) -- currently only break but at some point
667        local a = di.attributes                       -- we might add detail etc
668        if a then -- happens seldom
669            if nature == "display" then
670                result[#result+1] = f_empty_display_attr(depth,namespaced[element],attributes(a))
671            elseif nature == "mixed" then
672                result[#result+1] = f_empty_mixed_attr(depth,namespaced[element],attributes(a))
673            else
674                result[#result+1] = f_empty_inline_attr(namespaced[element],attributes(a))
675            end
676        else
677            if nature == "display" then
678                result[#result+1] = f_empty_display(depth,namespaced[element])
679            elseif nature == "mixed" then
680                result[#result+1] = f_empty_mixed(depth,namespaced[element])
681            else
682                result[#result+1] = f_empty_inline(namespaced[element])
683            end
684        end
685    end
687 -- local function stripspaces(di)
688 --     local d =
689 --     local n = #d
690 --     local m = 0
691 --     for i=1,n do
692 --         local di = d[i]
693 --         if then
694 --             m = m + 1
695 --             d[m] = di
696 --         end
697 --     end
698 --     for i=n,m+1,-1 do
699 --         d[i] = nil
700 --     end
701 -- end
702 --
703 -- -- simpler:
705    local function stripspaces(di)
706        local d =
707        for i=1,#d do
708            local di = d[i]
709            if not then
710                di.content = ""
711            end
712        end
713    end
715    local function begintag(result,element,nature,di,skip)
716        local index         = di.n
717        local fulltag       = di.fulltag
718        local specification = specifications[fulltag] or { } -- we can have a dummy
719        local comment       = di.comment
720        local detail        = specification.detail
721        if skip == "comment" then
722            if show_comment then
723                if nature == "inline" or inline > 0 then
724                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_begin_inline(namespaced[element])
725                    inline = inline + 1
726                elseif nature == "mixed" then
727                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_begin_mixed(depth,namespaced[element])
728                    depth = depth + 1
729                    inline = 1
730                else
731                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_begin_display(depth,namespaced[element])
732                    depth = depth + 1
733                end
734            end
735        elseif skip then
736            -- ignore
737        else
739            local n = 0
740            local r = { } -- delay this
741            if detail then
742                detail = gsub(detail,"[^A-Za-z0-9]+","-")
743                specification.detail = detail -- we use it later in for the div
744                n = n + 1
745                r[n] = f_detail(detail)
746            end
747            local parents = specification.parents
748            if parents then
749                parents = gsub(parents,"[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+","-")
750                specification.parents = parents -- we use it later in for the div
751                n = n + 1
752                r[n] = f_chain(parents)
753            end
754            if indexing and index then
755                n = n + 1
756                r[n] = f_index(index)
757            end
758            --
759            local extra = extras[element]
760            if extra then
761                extra(di,element,index,fulltag)
762            end
763            --
764            if di.record then
765                stripspaces(di)
766            end
767            --
768            if exportproperties then
769                local p = specification.userdata
770                if not p then
771                    -- skip
772                elseif exportproperties == v_yes then
773                    n = n + 1
774                    r[n] = attributes(p)
775                else
776                    n = n + 1
777                    r[n] = properties(p)
778                end
779            end
780            local a = di.attributes
781            if a then
782                if trace_spacing then
783                    a.p = di.parnumber or 0
784                end
785                n = n + 1
786                r[n] = attributes(a)
787            elseif trace_spacing then
788                n = n + 1
789                r[n] = attributes { p = di.parnumber or 0 }
790            end
791            if n == 0 then
792                if nature == "inline" or inline > 0 then
793                    if show_comment and comment then
794                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_inline_comment(comment,namespaced[element])
795                    else
796                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_inline(namespaced[element])
797                    end
798                    inline = inline + 1
799                elseif nature == "mixed" then
800                    if show_comment and comment then
801                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_mixed_comment(depth,comment,namespaced[element])
802                    else
803                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_mixed(depth,namespaced[element])
804                    end
805                    depth = depth + 1
806                    inline = 1
807                else
808                    if show_comment and comment then
809                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_display_comment(depth,comment,depth,namespaced[element])
810                    else
811                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_display(depth,namespaced[element])
812                    end
813                    depth = depth + 1
814                end
815            else
816                r = concat(r,"",1,n)
817                if nature == "inline" or inline > 0 then
818                    if show_comment and comment then
819                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_inline_attr_comment(comment,namespaced[element],r)
820                    else
821                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_inline_attr(namespaced[element],r)
822                    end
823                    inline = inline + 1
824                elseif nature == "mixed" then
825                    if show_comment and comment then
826                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_mixed_attr_comment(depth,comment,namespaced[element],r)
827                    else
828                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_mixed_attr(depth,namespaced[element],r)
829                    end
830                    depth = depth + 1
831                    inline = 1
832                else
833                    if show_comment and comment then
834                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_display_attr_comment(depth,comment,depth,namespaced[element],r)
835                    else
836                        result[#result+1] = f_begin_display_attr(depth,namespaced[element],r)
837                    end
838                    depth = depth + 1
839                end
840            end
841        end
842        used[element][detail or ""] = { nature, specification.parents }  -- for template css
843        -- also in last else ?
844        local metadata = specification.metadata
845        if metadata and next(metadata) then
846            result[#result+1] = f_metadata_begin(depth)
847            for k, v in sortedhash(metadata) do
848                if v ~= "" then
849                    result[#result+1] = f_metadata(depth+1,k,lpegmatch(p_entity,v))
850                end
851            end
852            result[#result+1] = f_metadata_end(depth)
853        end
854    end
856    local function endtag(result,element,nature,di,skip)
857        if skip == "comment" then
858            if show_comment then
859                if nature == "display" and (inline == 0 or inline == 1) then
860                    depth = depth - 1
861                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_end_display(depth,namespaced[element])
862                    inline = 0
863                elseif nature == "mixed" and (inline == 0 or inline == 1) then
864                    depth = depth - 1
865                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_end_mixed(namespaced[element])
866                    inline = 0
867                else
868                    inline = inline - 1
869                    result[#result+1] = f_comment_end_inline(namespaced[element])
870                end
871            end
872        elseif skip then
873            -- ignore
874        else
875            if nature == "display" and (inline == 0 or inline == 1) then
876                depth = depth - 1
877                result[#result+1] = f_end_display(depth,namespaced[element])
878                inline = 0
879            elseif nature == "mixed" and (inline == 0 or inline == 1) then
880                depth = depth - 1
881                result[#result+1] = f_end_mixed(namespaced[element])
882                inline = 0
883            else
884                inline = inline - 1
885                result[#result+1] = f_end_inline(namespaced[element])
886            end
887        end
888    end
890    local function flushtree(result,data,nature)
891        local nofdata = #data
892        for i=1,nofdata do
893            local di = data[i]
894            if not di then -- hm, di can be string
895                -- whatever
896            else
897                local content = di.content
898             -- also optimize for content == "" : trace that first
899                if content then
900                    -- already has breaks
901                    local content = lpegmatch(p_entity,content)
902                    if i == nofdata and sub(content,-1) == "\n" then -- move check
903                        -- can be an end of line in par but can also be the last line
904                        if trace_spacing then
905                            result[#result+1] = f_spacing(di.parnumber or 0,sub(content,1,-2))
906                        else
907                            result[#result+1] = sub(content,1,-2)
908                        end
909                        result[#result+1] = " "
910                    else
911                        if trace_spacing then
912                            result[#result+1] = f_spacing(di.parnumber or 0,content)
913                        else
914                            result[#result+1] = content
915                        end
916                    end
917                elseif not di.collapsed then -- ignore collapsed data (is appended, reconstructed par)
918                    local element = di.element
919                    if not element then
920                        -- skip
921                    elseif element == "break" then -- or element == "pagebreak" -- todo: use empty flag
922                        emptytag(result,element,nature,di)
923                    elseif element == "mspace" then -- todo: use empty flag
924                        emptytag(result,element,nature,di)
925                    elseif element == "" or di.skip == "ignore" then
926                        -- skip
927                    else
928                        if di.before then
929                            flushtree(result,di.before,nature)
930                        end
931                        local natu = di.nature
932                        local skip = di.skip
933                        if di.breaknode then
934                            emptytag(result,"break","display",di)
935                        end
936                        begintag(result,element,natu,di,skip)
937                        flushtree(result,,natu)
938                        endtag(result,element,natu,di,skip)
939                        if di.after then
940                            flushtree(result,di.after,nature)
941                        end
942                    end
943                else
944--                     local element = di.element
945--                     if element == "mspace" then -- todo: use empty flag
946--                         emptytag(result,element,nature,di)
947--                     end
948                end
949            end
950        end
951    end
953    local function breaktree(tree,parent,parentelement) -- also removes double breaks
954        local data =
955        if data then
956            local nofdata = #data
957            local prevelement
958            local prevnature
959            local prevparnumber
960            local newdata = { }
961            local nofnewdata = 0
962            for i=1,nofdata do
963                local di = data[i]
964                if not di then
965                    -- skip
966                elseif di.skip == "ignore" then
967                    -- skip (new)
968                elseif == "ignore" then
969                    -- skip (new)
970                elseif di.content then
971                    if di.samepar then
972                        prevparnumber = false
973                    else
974                        local parnumber = di.parnumber
975                        if prevnature == "inline" and prevparnumber and prevparnumber ~= parnumber then
976                            nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
977                            if trace_spacing then
978                                newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode { type = "a", p = prevparnumber, n = parnumber }
979                            else
980                                newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode()
981                            end
982                        end
983                        prevelement = nil
984                        prevparnumber = parnumber
985                    end
986                    prevnature = "inline"
987                    nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
988                    newdata[nofnewdata] = di
989                elseif not di.collapsed then
990                    local element = di.element
991                    if element == "break" then -- or element == "pagebreak"
992                        if prevelement == "break" then
993                            di.element = ""
994                        end
995                        prevelement = element
996                        prevnature = "display"
997                        nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
998                        newdata[nofnewdata] = di
999                    elseif element == "" or di.skip == "ignore" then
1000                        -- skip
1001                    else
1002                        if di.samepar then
1003                            prevnature    = "inline"
1004                            prevparnumber = false
1005                        else
1006                            local nature = di.nature
1007                            local parnumber = di.parnumber
1008                            if prevnature == "inline" and nature == "inline" and prevparnumber and prevparnumber ~= parnumber then
1009                                nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
1010                                if trace_spacing then
1011                                    newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode { type = "b", p = prevparnumber, n = parnumber }
1012                                else
1013                                    newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode()
1014                                end
1015                            end
1016                            prevnature = nature
1017                            prevparnumber = parnumber
1018                        end
1019                        prevelement = element
1020                        breaktree(di,tree,element)
1021                        nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
1022                        newdata[nofnewdata] = di
1023                    end
1024                else
1025                    if di.samepar then
1026                        prevnature    = "inline"
1027                        prevparnumber = false
1028                    else
1029                        local nature = di.nature
1030                        local parnumber = di.parnumber
1031                        if prevnature == "inline" and nature == "inline" and prevparnumber and prevparnumber ~= parnumber then
1032                            nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
1033                            if trace_spacing then
1034                                newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode { type = "c", p = prevparnumber, n = parnumber }
1035                            else
1036                                newdata[nofnewdata] = makebreaknode()
1037                            end
1038                        end
1039                        prevnature = nature
1040                        prevparnumber = parnumber
1041                    end
1042                    nofnewdata = nofnewdata + 1
1043                    newdata[nofnewdata] = di
1044                end
1045            end
1046   = newdata
1047        end
1048    end
1050    -- also tabulaterow reconstruction .. maybe better as a checker
1051    -- i.e cell attribute
1053    local function showtree(data,when,where)
1054        if data then
1055            for i=1,#data do
1056                local d = data[i]
1057                if type(d) == "table" and d.element then
1058                    print(when,where,i,d.element,d.parnumber or 0)
1059                end
1060            end
1061        end
1062    end
1064    local function collapsetree(tree)
1065     -- showtree(data,"before","collapse")
1066     -- for tag, trees in sortedhash(treehash) do
1067        for tag, trees in next, treehash do
1068            local d = trees[1].data
1069            if d then
1070                local nd = #d
1071                if nd > 0 then
1072                    for i=2,#trees do
1073                        local currenttree = trees[i]
1074                        local currentdata =
1075                        local currentpar  = currenttree.parnumber
1076                        local previouspar = trees[i-1].parnumber
1077                        currenttree.collapsed = true
1078                        -- is the next ok?
1079                        if previouspar == 0 or not (di and di.content) then
1080                            previouspar = nil -- no need anyway so no further testing needed
1081                        end
1082                        for j=1,#currentdata do
1083                            local cd = currentdata[j]
1084                            if not cd or cd == "" then
1085                                -- skip
1086                            elseif cd.skip == "ignore" then
1087                                -- skip
1088                            elseif cd.content then
1089                                if not currentpar then
1090                                    -- add space ?
1091                                elseif not previouspar then
1092                                    -- add space ?
1093                                elseif currentpar ~= previouspar then
1094                                    nd = nd + 1
1095                                    if trace_spacing then
1096                                        d[nd] = makebreaknode { type = "d", p = previouspar, n = currentpar }
1097                                    else
1098                                        d[nd] = makebreaknode()
1099                                    end
1100                                end
1101                                previouspar = currentpar
1102                                nd = nd + 1
1103                                d[nd] = cd
1104                            else
1105                                nd = nd + 1
1106                                d[nd] = cd
1107                            end
1108                            currentdata[j] = false
1109                        end
1110                    end
1111                end
1112            end
1113        end
1114     -- showtree(data,"after","collapse")
1115    end
1117    local function finalizetree(tree)
1118     -- showtree(data,"before","finalize")
1119        for _, finalizer in next, finalizers do
1120            finalizer(tree)
1121        end
1122     -- showtree(data,"after","finalize")
1123    end
1125    local function indextree(tree)
1126        local data =
1127        if data then
1128         -- showtree(data,"before","index")
1129            local n, new = 0, { }
1130            for i=1,#data do
1131                local d = data[i]
1132                if not d then
1133                    -- skip
1134                elseif d.content then
1135                    n = n + 1
1136                    new[n] = d
1137                elseif not d.collapsed then
1138                    n = n + 1
1139                    d.__i__ = n
1140                    d.__p__ = tree
1141                    indextree(d)
1142                    new[n] = d
1143                end
1144            end
1145   = new
1146         -- showtree(new,"after","index")
1147        end
1148    end
1150    local function checktree(tree)
1151        local data =
1152        if data then
1153         -- showtree(data,"before","check")
1154            for i=1,#data do
1155                local d = data[i]
1156                if type(d) == "table" then
1157                    local tg =
1158                    if tg then
1159                        local check = checks[tg]
1160                        if check then
1161                            check(d,data,i)
1162                        end
1163                    end
1164                    checktree(d) -- so parts can pass twice
1165                end
1166            end
1167         -- showtree(data,"after","check")
1168        end
1169    end
1171    local function fixtree(tree)
1172        local data =
1173        if data then
1174         -- showtree(data,"before","fix")
1175            for i=1,#data do
1176                local d = data[i]
1177                if type(d) == "table" then
1178                    local tg =
1179                    if tg then
1180                        local fix = fixes[tg]
1181                        if fix then
1182                            fix(d,data,i)
1183                        end
1184                    end
1185                    fixtree(d) -- so parts can pass twice
1186                end
1187            end
1188         -- showtree(data,"after","fix")
1189        end
1190    end
1192    wrapups.flushtree    = flushtree
1193    wrapups.breaktree    = breaktree
1194    wrapups.collapsetree = collapsetree
1195    wrapups.finalizetree = finalizetree
1196    wrapups.indextree    = indextree
1197    wrapups.checktree    = checktree
1198    wrapups.fixtree      = fixtree
1202-- collector code
1204local function push(fulltag,depth)
1205    local tg, n, detail, element, nature, record
1206    local specification = specifications[fulltag]
1207    if specification then
1208        tg     = specification.tagname
1209        n      = specification.tagindex
1210        detail = specification.detail
1211    else
1212        -- a break (more efficient if we don't store those in specifications)
1213        tg, n = lpegmatch(tagsplitter,fulltag)
1214        n = tonumber(n) -- to tonumber in tagsplitter
1215    end
1216    local p = properties[tg]
1217    if p then
1218        element = p.export or tg
1219        nature  = p.nature or "inline" -- defaultnature
1220        record  = p.record
1221    end
1222    local treedata =
1223    local t = { -- maybe we can use the tag table
1224        tg        = tg,
1225        fulltag   = fulltag,
1226        detail    = detail,
1227        n         = n, -- already a number
1228        element   = element,
1229        nature    = nature,
1230        data      = { },
1231        attribute = currentattribute,
1232        parnumber = currentparagraph,
1233        record    = record, -- we can consider storing properties
1234    }
1235    treedata[#treedata+1] = t
1236    currentdepth = currentdepth + 1
1237    nesting[currentdepth] = fulltag
1238    treestack[currentdepth] = tree
1239    if trace_export then
1240        if detail and detail ~= "" then
1241            report_export("%w<%s trigger=%q n=%q paragraph=%q index=%q detail=%q>",currentdepth-1,tg,n,currentattribute or 0,currentparagraph or 0,#treedata,detail)
1242        else
1243            report_export("%w<%s trigger=%q n=%q paragraph=%q index=%q>",currentdepth-1,tg,n,currentattribute or 0,currentparagraph or 0,#treedata)
1244        end
1245    end
1246    tree = t
1247    if tg == "break" then
1248        -- no need for this
1249    else
1250        local h = treehash[fulltag]
1251        if h then
1252            h[#h+1] = t
1253        else
1254            treehash[fulltag] = { t }
1255        end
1256    end
1259local function pop()
1260    if currentdepth > 0 then
1261        local top = nesting[currentdepth]
1262        tree = treestack[currentdepth]
1263        currentdepth = currentdepth - 1
1264        if trace_export then
1265            if top then
1266                report_export("%w</%s>",currentdepth,match(top,"[^>]+"))
1267            else
1268                report_export("</BAD>")
1269            end
1270        end
1271    else
1272        report_export("%w<!-- too many pops -->",currentdepth)
1273    end
1276local function continueexport()
1277    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1278        if trace_export then
1279            report_export("%w<!-- injecting pagebreak space -->",currentdepth)
1280        end
1281        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1282        currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " " -- pagebreak
1283    end
1286local function pushentry(current)
1287    if not current then
1288        -- bad news
1289        return
1290    end
1291    current = current.taglist
1292    if not current then
1293        -- even worse news
1294        return
1295    end
1296    if restart then
1297        continueexport()
1298        restart = false
1299    end
1300    local newdepth = #current
1301    local olddepth = currentdepth
1302    if trace_export then
1303        report_export("%w<!-- moving from depth %s to %s (%s) -->",currentdepth,olddepth,newdepth,current[newdepth])
1304    end
1305    if olddepth <= 0 then
1306        for i=1,newdepth do
1307            push(current[i],i)
1308        end
1309    else
1310        local difference
1311        if olddepth < newdepth then
1312            for i=1,olddepth do
1313                if current[i] ~= nesting[i] then
1314                    difference = i
1315                    break
1316                end
1317            end
1318        else
1319            for i=1,newdepth do
1320                if current[i] ~= nesting[i] then
1321                    difference = i
1322                    break
1323                end
1324            end
1325        end
1326        if difference then
1327            for i=olddepth,difference,-1 do
1328                pop()
1329            end
1330            for i=difference,newdepth do
1331                push(current[i],i)
1332            end
1333        elseif newdepth > olddepth then
1334            for i=olddepth+1,newdepth do
1335                push(current[i],i)
1336            end
1337        elseif newdepth < olddepth then
1338            for i=olddepth,newdepth,-1 do
1339                pop()
1340            end
1341        elseif trace_export then
1342            report_export("%w<!-- staying at depth %s (%s) -->",currentdepth,newdepth,nesting[newdepth] or "?")
1343        end
1344    end
1345    return olddepth, newdepth
1348local function pushcontent(oldparagraph,newparagraph)
1349    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1350        if oldparagraph then
1351            if currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] == "\n" then
1352                if trace_export then
1353                    report_export("%w<!-- removing newline -->",currentdepth)
1354                end
1355                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent - 1
1356            end
1357        end
1358        local content = concat(currentcontent,"",1,nofcurrentcontent)
1359        if content == "" then
1360            -- omit; when oldparagraph we could push, remove spaces, pop
1361        elseif somespace[content] and oldparagraph then
1362            -- omit; when oldparagraph we could push, remove spaces, pop
1363        else
1364            local olddepth, newdepth
1365            local list = taglist[currentattribute]
1366            if list then
1367                olddepth, newdepth = pushentry(list)
1368            end
1369            if tree then
1370                local td =
1371                local nd = #td
1372                td[nd+1] = { parnumber = oldparagraph or currentparagraph, content = content }
1373                if trace_export then
1374                    report_export("%w<!-- start content with length %s -->",currentdepth,utflen(content))
1375                    report_export("%w%s",currentdepth,(gsub(content,"\n","\\n")))
1376                    report_export("%w<!-- stop content -->",currentdepth)
1377                end
1378                if olddepth then
1379                    for i=newdepth-1,olddepth,-1 do
1380                        pop()
1381                    end
1382                end
1383            end
1384        end
1385        nofcurrentcontent = 0
1386    end
1387    if oldparagraph then
1388        pushentry(makebreaklist(currentnesting))
1389        if trace_export then
1390            report_export("%w<!-- break added between paragraph %a and %a -->",currentdepth,oldparagraph,newparagraph)
1391        end
1392    end
1395local function finishexport()
1396    if trace_export then
1397        report_export("%w<!-- start finalizing -->",currentdepth)
1398    end
1399    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1400        if somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1401            if trace_export then
1402                report_export("%w<!-- removing space -->",currentdepth)
1403            end
1404            nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent - 1
1405        end
1406        pushcontent()
1407    end
1408    for i=currentdepth,1,-1 do
1409        pop()
1410    end
1411    currentcontent = { } -- we're nice and do a cleanup
1412    if trace_export then
1413        report_export("%w<!-- stop finalizing -->",currentdepth)
1414    end
1417-- inserts ?
1419local collectresults  do -- too many locals otherwise
1421    local nodecodes          = nodes.nodecodes
1422    local gluecodes          = nodes.gluecodes
1423    local listcodes          = nodes.listcodes
1424    local whatsitcodes       = nodes.whatsitcodes
1426    local subtypes           = nodes.subtypes
1428    local hlist_code         = nodecodes.hlist
1429    local vlist_code         = nodecodes.vlist
1430    local glyph_code         = nodecodes.glyph
1431    local glue_code          = nodecodes.glue
1432    local kern_code          = nodecodes.kern
1433    local disc_code          = nodecodes.disc
1434    local whatsit_code       = nodecodes.whatsit
1435    local par_code           = nodecodes.par
1437    local userskip_code      = gluecodes.userskip
1438    local rightskip_code     = gluecodes.rightskip
1439    local parfillskip_code   = gluecodes.parfillskip
1440    local spaceskip_code     = gluecodes.spaceskip
1441    local xspaceskip_code    = gluecodes.xspaceskip
1442    local intermathskip_code = gluecodes.intermathskip
1444    local linelist_code      = listcodes.line
1446    local userdefinedwhatsit_code  = whatsitcodes.userdefined
1448    local privateattribute = attributes.private
1449    local a_image          = privateattribute('image')
1450    local a_reference      = privateattribute('reference')
1451    local a_destination    = privateattribute('destination')
1452    local a_characters     = privateattribute('characters')
1453    local a_exportstatus   = privateattribute('exportstatus')
1454    local a_tagged         = privateattribute('tagged')
1455    local a_taggedpar      = privateattribute("taggedpar")
1456    local a_textblock      = privateattribute("textblock")
1458    local inline_mark      = nodes.pool.userids["margins.inline"]
1460    local nuts             = nodes.nuts
1462    local getnext          = nuts.getnext
1463    local getdisc          = nuts.getdisc
1464    local getlist          = nuts.getlist
1465    local getid            = nuts.getid
1466    local getattr          = nuts.getattr
1467    local setattr          = nuts.setattr -- maybe use properties
1468    local isglyph          = nuts.isglyph
1469    local getkern          = nuts.getkern
1470    local getwidth         = nuts.getwidth
1472    local startofpar       = nuts.startofpar
1474    local nexthlist        = nuts.traversers.hlist
1475    local nextnode         = nuts.traversers.node
1477    local function addtomaybe(maybewrong,c,case)
1478        if trace_export then
1479            report_export("%w<!-- possible paragraph mixup at %C case %i -->",currentdepth,c,case)
1480        else
1481            local s = formatters["%C"](c)
1482            if maybewrong then
1483                maybewrong[#maybewrong+1] = s
1484            else
1485                maybewrong = { s }
1486            end
1487            return maybewrong
1488        end
1489    end
1491    local function showmaybe(maybewrong)
1492        if not trace_export then
1493            report_export("fuzzy paragraph: % t",maybewrong)
1494        end
1495    end
1497    local function showdetail(n,id,subtype)
1498        local a = getattr(n,a_tagged)
1499        local t = taglist[a]
1500        local c = nodecodes[id]
1501        local s = subtypes[id][subtype]
1502        if a and t then
1503            report_export("node %a, subtype %a, tag %a, element %a, tree '% t'",c,s,a,t.tagname,t.taglist)
1504        else
1505            report_export("node %a, subtype %a, untagged",c,s)
1506        end
1507    end
1509    local function collectresults(head,list,pat,pap) -- is last used (we also have currentattribute)
1510        local p
1511        local paragraph
1512        local maybewrong
1513        local pid
1514        for n, id, subtype in nextnode, head do
1515            if trace_details then
1516                showdetail(n,id,subtype)
1517            end
1518            if id == glyph_code then
1519                local c, f = isglyph(n)
1520                local at   = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1521                if not at then
1522                 -- we need to tag the pagebody stuff as being valid skippable
1523                 --
1524                 -- report_export("skipping character: %C (no attribute)",n.char)
1525                else
1526                    if last ~= at then
1527                        local tl = taglist[at]
1528                        local ap = getattr(n,a_taggedpar) or pap
1529                        if paragraph and (not ap or ap < paragraph) then
1530                            maybewrong = addtomaybe(maybewrong,c,1)
1531                        end
1532                        pushcontent()
1533                        currentnesting   = tl
1534                        currentparagraph = ap
1535                        currentattribute = at
1536                        last = at
1537                        pushentry(currentnesting)
1538                        if trace_export then
1539                            report_export("%w<!-- processing glyph %C tagged %a -->",currentdepth,c,at)
1540                        end
1541                        -- We need to intercept this here; maybe I will also move this
1542                        -- to a regular setter at the tex end.
1543                        local r = getattr(n,a_reference)
1544                        if r then
1545                            local t = tl.taglist
1546                            referencehash[t[#t]] = r -- fulltag
1547                        end
1548                        local d = getattr(n,a_destination)
1549                        if d then
1550                            local t = tl.taglist
1551                            destinationhash[t[#t]] = d -- fulltag
1552                        end
1553                        --
1554                    elseif last then
1555                        -- we can consider tagging the pars (lines) in the parbuilder but then we loose some
1556                        -- information unless we inject a special node (but even then we can run into nesting
1557                        -- issues)
1558                        local ap = getattr(n,a_taggedpar) or pap
1559                        if ap ~= currentparagraph then
1560                            pushcontent(currentparagraph,ap)
1561                            pushentry(currentnesting)
1562                            currentattribute = last
1563                            currentparagraph = ap
1564                        end
1565                        if paragraph and (not ap or ap < paragraph) then
1566                            maybewrong = addtomaybe(maybewrong,c,2)
1567                        end
1568                        if trace_export then
1569                            report_export("%w<!-- processing glyph %C tagged %a -->",currentdepth,c,last)
1570                        end
1571                    else
1572                        if trace_export then
1573                            report_export("%w<!-- processing glyph %C tagged %a -->",currentdepth,c,at)
1574                        end
1575                    end
1576                    local s = getattr(n,a_exportstatus)
1577                    if s then
1578                        c = s
1579                    end
1580                    if c == 0 or c == 0xFFFD then
1581                        if trace_export then
1582                            report_export("%w<!-- skipping glyph %U -->",currentdepth,c)
1583                        end
1584                    elseif c == 0x20 then
1585                        local a = getattr(n,a_characters)
1586                        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1587                        if a then
1588                            if trace_export then
1589                                report_export("%w<!-- turning last space into special space %U -->",currentdepth,a)
1590                            end
1591                            currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = specialspaces[a] -- special space
1592                        else
1593                            currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1594                        end
1595                    else
1596                        local fc = fontchar[f]
1597                        if fc then
1598                            fc = fc and fc[c]
1599                            if fc then
1600                                local u = fc.unicode
1601                                if u == 0 or u == 0xFFFD then
1602                                    -- ignore (can make disappear)
1603                                elseif not u then
1604                                    nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1605                                    currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = utfchar(c)
1606                                elseif type(u) == "table" then
1607                                    for i=1,#u do
1608                                        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1609                                        currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = utfchar(u[i])
1610                                    end
1611                                else
1612                                    nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1613                                    currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = utfchar(u)
1614                                end
1615                            elseif c > 0 then
1616                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1617                                currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = utfchar(c)
1618                            else
1619                                -- we can have -1 as side effect of an explicit hyphen (unless we expand)
1620                            end
1621                        elseif c > 0 then
1622                            nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1623                            currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = utfchar(c)
1624                        else
1625                            -- we can have -1 as side effect of an explicit hyphen (unless we expand)
1626                        end
1627                    end
1628                end
1629            elseif id == glue_code then
1630                -- we need to distinguish between hskips and vskips
1631                local ca = getattr(n,a_characters)
1632                if ca == 0 then
1633                    -- skip this one ... already converted special character (node-acc)
1634                elseif ca then
1635                    local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1636                    if a then
1637                        local c = specialspaces[ca]
1638                        if last ~= a then
1639                            local tl = taglist[a]
1640                            if trace_export then
1641                                report_export("%w<!-- processing space glyph %U tagged %a case 1 -->",currentdepth,ca,a)
1642                            end
1643                            pushcontent()
1644                            currentnesting = tl
1645                            currentparagraph = getattr(n,a_taggedpar) or pap
1646                            currentattribute = a
1647                            last = a
1648                            pushentry(currentnesting)
1649                            -- no reference check (see above)
1650                        elseif last then
1651                            local ap = getattr(n,a_taggedpar) or pap
1652                            if ap ~= currentparagraph then
1653                                pushcontent(currentparagraph,ap)
1654                                pushentry(currentnesting)
1655                                currentattribute = last
1656                                currentparagraph = ap
1657                            end
1658                            if trace_export then
1659                                report_export("%w<!-- processing space glyph %U tagged %a case 2 -->",currentdepth,ca,last)
1660                            end
1661                        end
1662                        -- if somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1663                        --     if trace_export then
1664                        --         report_export("%w<!-- removing space -->",currentdepth)
1665                        --     end
1666                        --     nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent - 1
1667                        -- end
1668                        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1669                        currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = c
1670                    end
1671                elseif subtype == userskip_code then
1672-- local at = getattr(n,a_tagged)
1673-- local tl = taglist[at]
1674-- if tl and structurestags.strip(tl.taglist[#tl.taglist]) == "mspace" then
1675--     if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1676--         pushcontent()
1677--         pushentry(currentnesting) -- ??
1678--     end
1679--     -- in the past we'd push a space here ... check mkiv : otherwise no threshold with mspace
1680--     pushentry(tl)
1681--     if trace_export then
1682--         report_export("%w<!-- processing mspace tagged %a",currentdepth,at)
1683--     end
1684--     last = nil
1685--     currentparagraph = nil
1686-- else
1687                    if getwidth(n) > threshold then
1688                        if last and not somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1689                            local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1690                            if a == last then
1691                                if trace_export then
1692                                    report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 5a -->",currentdepth)
1693                                end
1694                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1695                                currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1696                            elseif a then
1697                                -- e.g LOGO<space>LOGO
1698                                if trace_export then
1699                                    report_export("%w<!-- processing glue > threshold tagged %s becomes %s -->",currentdepth,last,a)
1700                                end
1701                                pushcontent()
1702                                if trace_export then
1703                                    report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 5b -->",currentdepth)
1704                                end
1705                                last = a
1706                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1707                                currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1708                                currentnesting = taglist[last]
1709                                pushentry(currentnesting)
1710                                currentattribute = last
1711                            end
1712                        end
1713                    end
1714-- end
1715                elseif subtype == spaceskip_code or subtype == xspaceskip_code then
1716                    if not somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1717                        local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1718                        if a == last then
1719                            if trace_export then
1720                                report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 7 (stay in element) -->",currentdepth)
1721                            end
1722                            nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1723                            currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1724                        else
1725                            if trace_export then
1726                                report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 7 (end of element) -->",currentdepth)
1727                            end
1728                            last = a
1729                            pushcontent()
1730                            nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1731                            currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1732                            currentnesting = taglist[last]
1733                            pushentry(currentnesting)
1734                            currentattribute = last
1735                        end
1736                    end
1737                elseif subtype == intermathskip_code then
1738                    -- put this as attribute when it differs, maybe more ... check mathml
1739                elseif subtype == rightskip_code then
1740                    -- a line
1741                    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1742                        local r = currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]
1743                        if r == hyphen then
1744                            if not keephyphens then
1745                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent - 1
1746                            end
1747                        elseif pid == disc_code then
1748                            -- go on .. tricky: we should mark the glyhs as coming from a disc
1749                        elseif not somespace[r] then
1750                            local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1751                            if a == last then
1752                                if trace_export then
1753                                    report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 1 (end of line, stay in element) -->",currentdepth)
1754                                end
1755                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1756                                currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1757                            else
1758                                if trace_export then
1759                                    report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 1 (end of line, end of element) -->",currentdepth)
1760                                end
1761                                last = a
1762                                pushcontent()
1763                                nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1764                                currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1765                                currentnesting = taglist[last]
1766                                pushentry(currentnesting)
1767                                currentattribute = last
1768                            end
1769                        end
1770                    end
1771                elseif subtype == parfillskip_code then
1772                    -- deal with paragraph endings (crossings) elsewhere and we quit here
1773                    -- as we don't want the rightskip space addition
1774                    if maybewrong then
1775                        showmaybe(maybewrong)
1776                    end
1777                    return
1778                end
1779            elseif id == hlist_code or id == vlist_code then
1780                local ai = getattr(n,a_image)
1781                if ai then
1782                    local at = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1783                    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1784                        pushcontent()
1785                        pushentry(currentnesting) -- ??
1786                    end
1787                    pushentry(taglist[at]) -- has an index, todo: flag empty element
1788                    if trace_export then
1789                        report_export("%w<!-- processing image tagged %a",currentdepth,last)
1790                    end
1791                    last = nil
1792                    currentparagraph = nil
1793                else
1794                    -- we need to determine an end-of-line
1795                    local list = getlist(n)
1796                    if list then
1797                        -- todo: no par checking needed in math
1798                        local at = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1799                        collectresults(list,n,at)
1800                    end
1801                end
1802            elseif id == kern_code then
1803                local kern = getkern(n)
1804                if kern > 0 then
1805                    local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1806                    local t = taglist[a]
1807                    if not t or t.tagname ~= "ignore" then -- maybe earlier on top)
1808                        local limit = threshold
1809                        if p then
1810                            local c, f = isglyph(p)
1811                            if c then
1812                                limit = fontquads[f] / 4
1813                            end
1814                        end
1815                        if kern > limit then
1816                            if last and not somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1817                             -- local a = getattr(n,a_tagged) or pat
1818                                if a == last then
1819                                    if not somespace[currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent]] then
1820                                        if trace_export then
1821                                            report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 8 (kern %p) -->",currentdepth,kern)
1822                                        end
1823                                        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1824                                        currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1825                                    end
1826                                elseif a then
1827                                    -- e.g LOGO<space>LOGO
1828                                    if trace_export then
1829                                        report_export("%w<!-- processing kern, threshold %p, tag %s => %s -->",currentdepth,limit,last,a)
1830                                    end
1831                                    last = a
1832                                    pushcontent()
1833                                    if trace_export then
1834                                        report_export("%w<!-- injecting spacing 9 (kern %p) -->",currentdepth,kern)
1835                                    end
1836                                    nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1837                                    currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = " "
1838                                 -- currentnesting = taglist[last]
1839                                    currentnesting = t
1840                                    pushentry(currentnesting)
1841                                    currentattribute = last
1842                                end
1843                            end
1844                        end
1845                    end
1846                end
1847            elseif id == whatsit_code then
1848                -- todo (lmtx)
1849                if subtype == userdefinedwhatsit_code then
1850                    -- similar to images, see above
1851                    local at = getattr(n,a_tagged)
1852                    if nofcurrentcontent > 0 then
1853                        pushcontent()
1854                        pushentry(currentnesting) -- ??
1855                    end
1856                    pushentry(taglist[at])
1857                    if trace_export then
1858                        report_export("%w<!-- processing anchor tagged %a",currentdepth,last)
1859                    end
1860                    last = nil
1861                    currentparagraph = nil
1862                end
1863            elseif not paragraph and id == par_code and startofpar(n) then
1864                paragraph = getattr(n,a_taggedpar)
1865            elseif id == disc_code then
1866                -- very unlikely because we stripped them
1867                local pre, post, replace = getdisc(n)
1868                if keephyphens then
1869                    if pre and not getnext(pre) and isglyph(pre) == 0xAD then -- hyphencode then
1870                        nofcurrentcontent = nofcurrentcontent + 1
1871                        currentcontent[nofcurrentcontent] = hyphen
1872                    end
1873                end
1874                if replace then
1875                    collectresults(replace,nil)
1876                end
1877            end
1878            p   = n
1879            pid = id
1880        end
1881        if maybewrong then
1882            showmaybe(maybewrong)
1883        end
1884    end
1886    local enabled = true
1888    updaters.register("tagging.state.disable",function() enabled = false end)
1889    updaters.register("tagging.state.enable", function() enabled = true  end)
1891    function nodes.handlers.export(head) -- hooks into the page builder
1892        if enabled then
1893            starttiming(treehash)
1894            if trace_export then
1895                report_export("%w<!-- start flushing page -->",currentdepth)
1896            end
1897         -- continueexport()
1898            restart = true
1899            collectresults(head)
1900            if trace_export then
1901                report_export("%w<!-- stop flushing page -->",currentdepth)
1902            end
1903            stoptiming(treehash)
1904        end
1905        return head
1906    end
1908    function nodes.handlers.checkparcounter(p)
1909        setattr(p,a_taggedpar,texgetcount("tagparcounter") + 1)
1910        return p
1911    end
1913    -- needs checking!
1915    function builders.paragraphs.tag(head)
1916        noftextblocks = noftextblocks + 1
1917        for n, subtype in nexthlist, head do
1918            if subtype == linelist_code then
1919                setattr(n,a_textblock,noftextblocks)
1920         -- elseif subtype == glue_code or subtype == kern_code then -- weird, no list
1921         --     setattr(n,a_textblock,0)
1922            end
1923        end
1924        return false
1925    end
1931    local xmlcollected  = xml.collected
1932    local xmlsetcomment = xml.setcomment
1934local xmlpreamble_nop = [[
1935<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="%standalone%" ?>
1938local xmlpreamble_yes = [[
1939<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="%standalone%" ?>
1943    input filename   : %filename%
1944    processing date  : %date%
1945    context version  : %contextversion%
1946    exporter version : %exportversion%
1952    local flushtree = wrapups.flushtree
1954    local function wholepreamble(standalone,nocomment)
1955        return replacetemplate(nocomment and xmlpreamble_nop or xmlpreamble_yes, {
1956            standalone     = standalone and "yes" or "no",
1957            filename       = tex.jobname,
1958            date           = os.fulltime(),
1959            contextversion = environment.version,
1960            exportversion  = exportversion,
1961        })
1962    end
1965local csspreamble = [[
1966<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="%filename%" ?>
1969local cssheadlink = [[
1970<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="%filename%" />
1973-- great, these suggested valuess attributes
1975local mathmlheadscript = [[
1977    type="text/javascript"
1978    id="MathJax-script"
1979    async="async"
1980    src="">
1984    local function allusedstylesheets(cssfiles,files,path,extra)
1985        local done   = { }
1986        local result = { }
1987        local extras = { }
1988        for i=1,#cssfiles do
1989            local cssfile = cssfiles[i]
1990            if type(cssfile) ~= "string" then
1991                -- error
1992            elseif cssfile == "export-example.css" then
1993                -- ignore
1994            elseif not done[cssfile] then
1995                cssfile = joinfile(path,basename(cssfile))
1996                report_export("adding css reference '%s'",cssfile)
1997                files[#files+1]   = cssfile
1998                result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(csspreamble, { filename = cssfile })
1999                extras[#extras+1] = replacetemplate(cssheadlink, { filename = cssfile })
2000                done[cssfile]     = true
2001            end
2002        end
2003        if extra then
2004            extras[#extras+1] = extra
2005        end
2006        return concat(result), concat(extras)
2007    end
2009local elementtemplate <const> = [[
2010/* element="%element%" detail="%detail%" chain="%chain%" */
2013%namespace%div.%element% {
2014    display: %display% ;
2017local detailtemplate <const> = [[
2018/* element="%element%" detail="%detail%" chain="%chain%" */
2021%namespace%div.%element%.%detail% {
2022    display: %display% ;
2025-- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN" "" >
2027local htmltemplate <const> = [[
2030<html xmlns="" xmlns:math="">
2032    <head>
2034        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
2036        <title>%title%</title>
2040    </head>
2041    <body>
2042        <div class="document" xmlns="">
2044<div class="warning">Rendering can be suboptimal because there is no default/fallback css loaded.</div>
2048        </div>
2049    </body>
2053    local displaymapping = {
2054        inline  = "inline",
2055        display = "block",
2056        mixed   = "inline",
2057    }
2059    local function allusedelements(filename)
2060        local result = { replacetemplate(namespacetemplate, {
2061            what            = "template",
2062            filename        = filename,
2063            namespace       = contextns,
2064         -- cssnamespaceurl = usecssnamespace and cssnamespaceurl or "",
2065            cssnamespaceurl = cssnamespaceurl,
2066        },false,true) }
2067        for element, details in sortedhash(used) do
2068            if namespaces[element] then
2069                -- skip math
2070            else
2071                for detail, what in sortedhash(details) do
2072                    local nature  = what[1] or "display"
2073                    local chain   = what[2]
2074                    local display = displaymapping[nature] or "block"
2075                    if detail == "" then
2076                        result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(elementtemplate, {
2077                            element   = element,
2078                            display   = display,
2079                            chain     = chain,
2080                            namespace = usecssnamespace and namespace or "",
2081                        })
2082                    else
2083                        result[#result+1] = replacetemplate(detailtemplate, {
2084                            element   = element,
2085                            display   = display,
2086                            detail    = detail,
2087                            chain     = chain,
2088                            namespace = usecssnamespace and cssnamespace or "",
2089                        })
2090                    end
2091                end
2092            end
2093        end
2094        return concat(result,"\n\n")
2095    end
2097    local function allcontent(tree)
2098        local result = { }
2099        local data   =
2100        for i=1,#data do
2101            if data[i].tg ~= "document" then
2102                data[i] = { }
2103            end
2104        end
2105        flushtree(result,,"display") -- we need to collect images
2106        result = concat(result)
2107        -- no need to lpeg .. fast enough
2108        result = gsub(result,"\n *\n","\n")
2109        result = gsub(result,"\n +([^< ])","\n%1")
2110        --
2111        return result
2112    end
2114    -- local xhtmlpreamble = [[
2115    --     <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC
2116    --         "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1 plus MathML 2.0 plus SVG 1.1//EN"
2117    --         ""
2118    --     >
2119    -- ]]
2121    local function cleanxhtmltree(xmltree)
2122        if xmltree then
2123            local implicits = { }
2124            local explicits = { }
2125            local overloads = { }
2126            for e in xmlcollected(xmltree,"*") do
2127                local at =
2128                if at then
2129                    local explicit = at.explicit
2130                    local implicit = at.implicit
2131                    if explicit then
2132                        if not explicits[explicit] then
2133                            explicits[explicit] = true
2134                   = explicit
2135                            if implicit then
2136                                overloads[implicit] = explicit
2137                            end
2138                        end
2139                    else
2140                        if implicit and not implicits[implicit] then
2141                            implicits[implicit] = true
2142                   = "aut:" .. implicit
2143                        end
2144                    end
2145                end
2146            end
2147            for e in xmlcollected(xmltree,"*") do
2148                local at =
2149                if at then
2150                    local internal = at.internal
2151                    local location = at.location
2152                    if internal then
2153                        if location then
2154                            local explicit = overloads[location]
2155                            if explicit then
2156                                at.href = "#" .. explicit
2157                            else
2158                                at.href = "#aut:" .. internal
2159                            end
2160                        else
2161                            at.href = "#aut:" .. internal
2162                        end
2163                    else
2164                        if location then
2165                            at.href = "#" .. location
2166                        else
2167                            local url = at.url
2168                            if url then
2169                                at.href = url
2170                            else
2171                                local file = at.file
2172                                if file then
2173                                    at.href = file
2174                                end
2175                            end
2176                        end
2177                    end
2178                end
2179            end
2180            return xmltree
2181        else
2182            return xml.convert('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n<error>invalid xhtml tree</error>')
2183        end
2184    end
2186    -- maybe the reverse: be explicit about what is permitted
2188    local private = {
2189        destination = true,
2190        prefix      = true,
2191        reference   = true,
2192        --
2193        id          = true,
2194        href        = true,
2195        --
2196        implicit    = true,
2197        explicit    = true,
2198        --
2199        url         = true,
2200        file        = true,
2201        internal    = true,
2202        location    = true,
2203        --
2204        name        = true, -- image name
2205        used        = true, -- image name
2206        page        = true, -- image name
2207        width       = true,
2208        height      = true,
2209        --
2210    }
2212    local addclicks   = true
2213    local f_onclick   = formatters[ [[location.href='%s']] ]
2214    local f_onclick   = formatters[ [[location.href='%s']] ]
2216    local p_cleanid   = lpeg.replacer { [":"] = "-" }
2217    local p_cleanhref = lpeg.Cs(lpeg.P("#") * p_cleanid)
2219    local p_splitter  = lpeg.Ct ( (
2220        lpeg.Carg(1) * lpeg.C((1-lpeg.P(" "))^1) / function(d,s) if not d[s] then d[s] = true return s end end
2221      * lpeg.P(" ")^0 )^1 )
2224    local classes = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k)
2225        local v = concat(lpegmatch(p_splitter,k,1,{})," ")
2226        t[k] = v
2227        return v
2228    end)
2230    local function makeclass(tg,at)
2231        local detail     = at.detail
2232        local chain      = at.chain
2233        local extra      = nil
2234        local classes    = { }
2235        local nofclasses = 0
2236        at.detail        = nil
2237        at.chain         = nil
2238        for k, v in next, at do
2239            if not private[k] then
2240                nofclasses = nofclasses + 1
2241                classes[nofclasses] = k .. "-" .. v
2242            end
2243        end
2244        if detail and detail ~= "" then
2245            if chain and chain ~= "" then
2246                if chain ~= detail then
2247                    extra = classes[tg .. " " .. chain .. " " .. detail]
2248                elseif tg ~= detail then
2249                    extra = detail
2250                end
2251            elseif tg ~= detail then
2252                extra = detail
2253            end
2254        elseif chain and chain ~= "" then
2255            if tg ~= chain then
2256                extra = chain
2257            end
2258        end
2259        -- in this order
2260        if nofclasses > 0 then
2261            sort(classes)
2262            classes = concat(classes," ")
2263            if extra then
2264                return tg .. " " .. extra .. " " .. classes
2265            else
2266                return tg .. " " .. classes
2267            end
2268        else
2269            if extra then
2270                return tg .. " " .. extra
2271            else
2272                return tg
2273            end
2274        end
2275    end
2277    -- Some elements are not supported (well) in css so we need to retain them. For
2278    -- instance, tablecells have no colspan so basically that renders css table div
2279    -- elements quite useless. A side effect is that we nwo can have conflicts when
2280    -- we mix in with other html (as there is no reset). Of course, when it eventually
2281    -- gets added, there is a change then that those not using the div abstraction
2282    -- will be rediculed.
2283    --
2284    -- a table tr td th thead tbody tfoot
2285    --
2287    local crappycss = {
2288        table     = "table", tabulate      = "table",
2289        tablehead = "thead", tabulatehead  = "thead",
2290        tablebody = "tbody", tabulatebody  = "tbody",
2291        tablefoot = "tfoot", tabulatefoot  = "tfoot",
2292        tablerow  = "tr",    tabulaterow   = "tr",
2293        tablecell = "td",    tabulatecell  = "td",
2294    }
2296    local cssmapping = false
2298    directives.register("export.nativetags", function(v)
2299        cssmapping = v and crappycss or false
2300    end)
2302    local function remap(specification,source,target)
2303        local comment = nil -- share comments
2304        for c in xmlcollected(source,"*") do
2305            if not c.special then
2306                local tg =
2307                local ns = c.ns
2308                local at =
2309                if ns == "m" then
2310                    -- should happen elsewhere
2311                 -- if false then -- yes or no
2312                        c.ns = ""
2313                        at["xmlns:m"] = nil
2314                        if tg == "math" then
2315                            at["xmlns"]   = mathmlns
2316                        end
2317                 -- end
2318             -- elseif tg == "a" then
2319             --     c.ns = ""
2320                else
2321                    local dt = c.dt
2322                    local nt = #dt
2323                    if nt == 0 or (nt == 1 and dt[1] == "") then
2324                        if comment then
2325                            c.dt = comment
2326                        else
2327                            xmlsetcomment(c,"empty")
2328                            comment = c.dt
2329                        end
2330                    end
2331                    local class = nil
2332                    local label = nil
2333                    if tg == "document" then
2334                        at.href   = nil
2335                        at.detail = nil
2336                        at.chain  = nil
2337                    elseif tg == "metavariable" then
2338                        label =
2339                        at.detail = "metaname-" .. label
2340                        class = makeclass(tg,at)
2341                    else
2342                        class = makeclass(tg,at)
2343                    end
2344                    local id   =
2345                    local href = at.href
2346                    local attr = nil
2347                    if id then
2348                        id = lpegmatch(p_cleanid, id) or id
2349                        if href then
2350                            href = lpegmatch(p_cleanhref,href) or href
2351                            attr = {
2352                                class   = class,
2353                                id      = id,
2354                                href    = href,
2355                                onclick = addclicks and f_onclick(href) or nil,
2356                            }
2357                        else
2358                            attr = {
2359                                class = class,
2360                                id    = id,
2361                            }
2362                        end
2363                    else
2364                        if href then
2365                            href = lpegmatch(p_cleanhref,href) or href
2366                            attr = {
2367                                class   = class,
2368                                href    = href,
2369                                onclick = addclicks and f_onclick(href) or nil,
2370                            }
2371                        else
2372                            attr = {
2373                                class = class,
2374                            }
2375                        end
2376                    end
2377           = attr
2378                    if label then
2379                        attr.label = label
2380                    end
2381           = cssmapping and cssmapping[tg] or "div"
2382                end
2383            end
2384        end
2385    end
2387 -- local cssfile = nil  directives.register("backend.export.css", function(v) cssfile = v end)
2389    local embedfile = false  directives.register("export.embed",function(v) embedfile = v end)
2391    local justexport = nodes.handlers.export
2393    local function wrapuptree(tree)
2394        wrapups.fixtree(tree)
2395        wrapups.collapsetree(tree)
2396        wrapups.indextree(tree)
2397        wrapups.checktree(tree)
2398        wrapups.breaktree(tree)
2399        wrapups.finalizetree(tree)
2400    end
2402    local function localexport(head)
2403        starttiming(treehash)
2405        local saved_treestack    = treestack
2406        local saved_nesting      = nesting
2407        local saved_currentdepth = currentdepth
2408        local saved_tree         = tree
2409        local saved_treehash     = treehash
2410        local saved_nofbreaks    = nofbreaks
2411        local saved_show_comment = show_comment
2413        treestack         = { }
2414        nesting           = { }
2415        currentdepth      = 0
2416        tree              = { data = { }, fulltag == "root" } -- root
2417        treehash          = { }
2418        nofbreaks         = 0
2419        show_comment      = false
2421        justexport(head)
2422        finishexport()
2423        wrapuptree(tree)
2425     -- =[1].data
2427        local result = concat {
2428            wholepreamble(true,true),
2429            allcontent(tree),
2430        }
2432        treestack    = saved_treestack
2433        nesting      = saved_nesting
2434        currentdepth = saved_currentdepth
2435        tree         = saved_tree
2436        treehash     = saved_treehash
2437        nofbreaks    = saved_nofbreaks
2438        show_comment = saved_show_comment
2440        stoptiming(treehash)
2442        return result
2444    end
2446    structurestags.localexport = localexport
2448    function structures.tags.exportbox(n,filename,buffername)
2449        local list = nodes.nuts.getbox(n)
2450        if n then
2451            local e = localexport(list)
2452            if filename and filename ~= "" then
2453                io.savedata(filename,e)
2454            elseif buffername then
2455                buffers.assign(buffername == interfaces.variables.yes and "" or buffername,e)
2456            else
2457                return e
2458            end
2459        end
2460    end
2462    interfaces.implement {
2463        name      = "exportbox",
2464        arguments = { "integer", "string", "string" },
2465        actions   = structures.tags.exportbox
2466    }
2468    function structurestags.finishexport()
2470        if exporting then
2471            exporting = false
2472        else
2473            return
2474        end
2476        local onlyxml = finetuning.export == v_xml
2478        starttiming(treehash)
2479        --
2480        finishexport()
2481        --
2482        report_export("")
2483        if onlyxml then
2484            report_export("exporting xml, no other files")
2485        else
2486            report_export("exporting xml, xhtml, html and css files")
2487        end
2488        report_export("")
2489        --
2490        wrapuptree(tree)
2491        --
2492        local askedname = finetuning.file
2493        --
2494        -- we use a dedicated subpath:
2495        --
2496        -- ./jobname-export
2497        -- ./jobname-export/images
2498        -- ./jobname-export/styles
2499        -- ./jobname-export/styles
2500        -- ./jobname-export/jobname-export.xml
2501        -- ./jobname-export/jobname-export.xhtml
2502        -- ./jobname-export/jobname-export.html
2503        -- ./jobname-export/jobname-specification.lua
2504        -- ./jobname-export/styles/jobname-defaults.css
2505        -- ./jobname-export/styles/jobname-styles.css
2506        -- ./jobname-export/styles/jobname-images.css
2507        -- ./jobname-export/styles/jobname-templates.css
2509        if type(askedname) ~= "string" or askedname == "" then
2510            askedname = tex.jobname
2511        end
2513        local usedname  = nameonly(askedname)
2514        local basepath  = usedname .. "-export"
2515        local imagepath = joinfile(basepath,"images")
2516        local stylepath = joinfile(basepath,"styles")
2518        local function validpath(what,pathname)
2519            if lfs.isdir(pathname) then
2520                report_export("using existing %s path %a",what,pathname)
2521                return pathname
2522            end
2523            lfs.mkdir(pathname)
2524            if lfs.isdir(pathname) then
2525                report_export("using cretated %s path %a",what,basepath)
2526                return pathname
2527            else
2528                report_export("unable to create %s path %a",what,basepath)
2529                return false
2530            end
2531        end
2533        if not (validpath("export",basepath) and validpath("images",imagepath) and validpath("styles",stylepath)) then
2534            return
2535        end
2537        -- we're now on the dedicated export subpath so we can't clash names
2538        --
2539        -- a xhtml suffix no longer seems to be work well with browsers
2541        local xmlfilebase           = addsuffix(usedname .. "-raw","xml"  )
2542        local xhtmlfilebase         = addsuffix(usedname .. "-tag","xhtml")
2543        local htmlfilebase          = addsuffix(usedname .. "-div","html")
2544        local specificationfilebase = addsuffix(usedname .. "-pub","lua"  )
2546        local xmlfilename           = joinfile(basepath, xmlfilebase          )
2547        local xhtmlfilename         = joinfile(basepath, xhtmlfilebase        )
2548        local htmlfilename          = joinfile(basepath, htmlfilebase         )
2549        local specificationfilename = joinfile(basepath, specificationfilebase)
2550        --
2551        local defaultfilebase       = addsuffix(usedname .. "-defaults", "css")
2552        local imagefilebase         = addsuffix(usedname .. "-images",   "css")
2553        local stylefilebase         = addsuffix(usedname .. "-styles",   "css")
2554        local templatefilebase      = addsuffix(usedname .. "-templates","css")
2555        --
2556        local defaultfilename       = joinfile(stylepath,defaultfilebase )
2557        local imagefilename         = joinfile(stylepath,imagefilebase   )
2558        local stylefilename         = joinfile(stylepath,stylefilebase   )
2559        local templatefilename      = joinfile(stylepath,templatefilebase)
2561        local cssfile               = finetuning.cssfile
2563        -- we keep track of all used files
2565        local files = {
2566        }
2568        -- we always load the defaults and optionally extra css files; we also copy the example
2569        -- css file so that we always have the latest version
2571        local cssfiles = {
2572            defaultfilebase,
2573            imagefilebase,
2574            stylefilebase,
2575        }
2577        local cssextra = cssfile and table.unique(settings_to_array(cssfile)) or { }
2579        -- at this point we're ready for the content; the collector also does some
2580        -- housekeeping and data collecting; at this point we still have an xml
2581        -- representation that uses verbose element names and carries information in
2582        -- attributes
2584        local result = allcontent(tree)
2586        -- ugly but so be it:
2588        local extradata = structures.tags.getextradata()
2589        if extradata then
2590            local t = { "" }
2591            t[#t+1] = "<extradata>"
2592            for name, action in sortedhash(extradata) do
2593                t[#t+1] = action()
2594            end
2595            t[#t+1] = "</extradata>"
2596            t[#t+1] = "</document>"
2597            -- we use a function because otherwise we can have a bad capture index
2598            result = gsub(result,"</document>",function()
2599                return concat(t,"\n")
2600            end)
2601        end
2603        -- done with ugly
2605        if onlyxml then
2607            os.remove(defaultfilename)
2608            os.remove(imagefilename)
2609            os.remove(stylefilename)
2610            os.remove(templatefilename)
2612            for i=1,#cssextra do
2613                os.remove(joinfile(stylepath,basename(source)))
2614            end
2616         -- os.remove(xmlfilename)
2618            os.remove(imagefilename)
2619            os.remove(stylefilename)
2620            os.remove(templatefilename)
2621            os.remove(xhtmlfilename)
2622            os.remove(specificationfilename)
2623            os.remove(htmlfilename)
2625            result = concat {
2626                wholepreamble(true,true),
2627                "<!-- This export file is used for filtering runtime only! -->\n",
2628                result,
2629            }
2631            report_export("saving xml data in %a",xmlfilename)
2632            io.savedata(xmlfilename,result)
2634            return
2636        end
2638        local examplefilename = resolvers.findfile("export-example.css")
2639        if examplefilename then
2640            local data = io.loaddata(examplefilename)
2641            if not data or data == "" then
2642                data = "/* missing css file */"
2643            elseif not usecssnamespace then
2644                data = gsub(data,cssnamespace,"")
2645            end
2646            io.savedata(defaultfilename,data)
2647        end
2649        if cssfile then
2650            for i=1,#cssextra do
2651                local source = addsuffix(cssextra[i],"css")
2652                local target = joinfile(stylepath,basename(source))
2653                cssfiles[#cssfiles+1] = source
2654                if not lfs.isfile(source) then
2655                    source = joinfile("../",source)
2656                end
2657                if lfs.isfile(source) then
2658                    report_export("copying %s",source)
2659                    file.copy(source,target)
2660                end
2661            end
2662        end
2665        local script = settings_to_hash(finetuning.option or "").mathjax and mathmlheadscript or nil
2667        local x_styles, h_styles = allusedstylesheets(cssfiles,files,"styles",script)
2669        local attach = backends.nodeinjections.attachfile
2671        if embedfile and attach then
2672            -- only for testing
2673            attach {
2674                data       = concat{ wholepreamble(true), result },
2675                name       = basename(xmlfilename),
2676                registered = "export",
2677                title      = "raw xml export",
2678                method     = v_hidden,
2679                mimetype   = "application/mathml+xml",
2680            }
2681        end
2683        result = concat {
2684            wholepreamble(true),
2685            x_styles, -- adds to files
2686            result,
2687        }
2689        cssfiles = table.unique(cssfiles)
2691        -- we're now ready for saving the result in the xml file
2693        report_export("saving xml data in %a",xmlfilename)
2694        io.savedata(xmlfilename,result)
2696        report_export("saving css image definitions in %a",imagefilename)
2697        io.savedata(imagefilename,wrapups.allusedimages(usedname))
2699        report_export("saving css style definitions in %a",stylefilename)
2700        io.savedata(stylefilename,wrapups.allusedstyles(usedname))
2702        report_export("saving css template in %a",templatefilename)
2703        io.savedata(templatefilename,allusedelements(usedname))
2705        -- additionally we save an xhtml file; for that we load the file as xml tree
2707        report_export("saving xhtml variant in %a",xhtmlfilename)
2709        local xmltree = cleanxhtmltree(xml.convert(result))
2711     -- local xmltree = xml.convert(result)
2712     -- for c in xml.collected(xmltree,"m:mtext[lastindex()=1]/m:mrow") do
2713     --     print(c)
2714     -- end
2715     -- for c in xml.collected(xmltree,"mtext/mrow") do
2716     --     print(c)
2717     -- end
2718     -- local xmltree = cleanxhtmltree(xmltree)
2722        -- now we save a specification file that can b eused for generating an epub file
2724        -- looking at identity is somewhat redundant as we also inherit from interaction
2725        -- at the tex end
2727        local identity  = interactions.general.getidentity()
2728        local metadata  = structures.tags.getmetadata()
2730        local specification = {
2731            name       = usedname,
2732            identifier = os.uuid(),
2733            images     = wrapups.uniqueusedimages(),
2734            imagefile  = joinfile("styles",imagefilebase),
2735            imagepath  = "images",
2736            stylepath  = "styles",
2737            xmlfiles   = { xmlfilebase },
2738            xhtmlfiles = { xhtmlfilebase },
2739            htmlfiles  = { htmlfilebase },
2740            styles     = cssfiles,
2741            htmlroot   = htmlfilebase,
2742            language   = languagenames[texgetcount("mainlanguagenumber")],
2743            title      = validstring(finetuning.title) or validstring(identity.title),
2744            subtitle   = validstring(finetuning.subtitle) or validstring(identity.subtitle),
2745            author     = validstring( or validstring(,
2746            firstpage  = validstring(finetuning.firstpage),
2747            lastpage   = validstring(finetuning.lastpage),
2748            metadata   = metadata,
2749        }
2751        report_export("saving specification in %a",specificationfilename,specificationfilename)
2753        xml.wipe(xmltree,"metadata") -- maybe optional
2755        io.savedata(specificationfilename,table.serialize(specification,true))
2757        -- the html export for epub is different in the sense that it uses div's instead of
2758        -- specific tags
2760        report_export("saving div based alternative in %a",htmlfilename)
2762        remap(specification,xmltree)
2764        -- believe it or not, but a <title/> can prevent viewing in browsers
2766        local title = specification.title
2768        if not title or title == "" then
2769            title = metadata.title
2770            if not title or title == "" then
2771                title = usedname -- was: "no title"
2772            end
2773        end
2775        local variables = {
2776            style    = h_styles,
2777            body     = xml.tostring(xml.first(xmltree,"/div")),
2778            preamble = wholepreamble(false),
2779            title    = title,
2780        }
2782        io.savedata(htmlfilename,replacetemplate(htmltemplate,variables,"xml"))
2784        -- finally we report how an epub file can be made (using the specification)
2786        report_export("")
2787        report_export('create epub with: mtxrun --script epub --make "%s" [--purge --rename --svgmath]',usedname)
2788        report_export("")
2790        stoptiming(treehash)
2791    end
2793    local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction
2795    function structurestags.initializeexport()
2796        if not exporting then
2797            report_export("enabling export to xml")
2798            enableaction("shipouts","nodes.handlers.export")
2799         -- enableaction("shipouts","nodes.handlers.accessibility")
2800            enableaction("math",    "noads.handlers.tags")
2801            enableaction("everypar","nodes.handlers.checkparcounter")
2802            luatex.registerstopactions(structurestags.finishexport)
2803            exporting = true
2804        end
2805    end
2807    function structurestags.setupexport(t)
2808        merge(finetuning,t)
2809        keephyphens      = finetuning.hyphen == v_yes
2810        exportproperties =
2811        if exportproperties == v_no then
2812            exportproperties = false
2813        end
2814    end
2816    statistics.register("xml exporting time", function()
2817        if exporting then
2818            return string.format("%s seconds, version %s", statistics.elapsedtime(treehash),exportversion)
2819        end
2820    end)
2824-- These are called at the tex end:
2826implement {
2827    name      = "setupexport",
2828    actions   = structurestags.setupexport,
2829    arguments = {
2830        {
2831            { "align" },
2832            { "bodyfont", "dimen" },
2833            { "width", "dimen" },
2834            { "properties" },
2835            { "hyphen" },
2836            { "title" },
2837            { "subtitle" },
2838            { "author" },
2839            { "firstpage" },
2840            { "lastpage" },
2841            { "svgstyle" },
2842            { "cssfile" },
2843            { "file" },
2844            { "option" },
2845            { "export" },
2846        }
2847    }
2850implement {
2851    name      = "finishexport",
2852    actions   = structurestags.finishexport,
2855implement {
2856    name      = "initializeexport",
2857    actions   = structurestags.initializeexport,