mp-grid.mpiv /size: 4301 b    last modification: 2020-07-01 14:35
1%D \module
2%D   [       file=mp-grid.mpiv,
3%D        version=2000.07.10,
4%D          title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics,
5%D       subtitle=grid support,
6%D         author=Hans Hagen,
7%D           date=\currentdate,
8%D      copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
10%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
11%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See licen-en.pdf for
12%C details.
14%D Under construction.
16if known context_grid : endinput ; fi ;
18boolean context_grid ; context_grid := true ;
20string  fmt_separator  ; fmt_separator  := "@" ;
21numeric fmt_precision  ; fmt_precision  := 3 ;
22boolean fmt_initialize ; fmt_initialize := false ;
23boolean fmt_zerocheck  ; fmt_zerocheck  := true ;
25if unknown fmt_loaded : input "mp-form.mpiv" ; fi ;
27boolean fmt_pictures ; fmt_pictures := true ;
29def  do_format = if fmt_pictures :  format else :  formatstr fi enddef ;
30def do_mformat = if fmt_pictures : Mformat else : Mformatstr fi enddef ;
32numeric grid_eps ; grid_eps = eps ;
34def hlingrid (expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Width) text t =
35    image (
36        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
37            draw (origin--(Width,0)) shifted (0,i*(Length/Max)) t ;
38        endfor ;
39    ) ;
40enddef ;
42def vlingrid (expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Height) text t =
43    image (
44        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
45            draw (origin--(0,Height)) shifted (i*(Length/Max),0) t ;
46        endfor ;
47    ) ;
48enddef ;
50def hloggrid (expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Width) text t =
51    image (
52        for i=max(Min,1) step Step until min(Max,10)+grid_eps :
53            draw (origin--(Width,0)) shifted (0,Length*log(i)) t ;
54        endfor ;
55    ) ;
56enddef ;
58def vloggrid (expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Height) text t =
59    image (
60        for i=max(Min,1) step Step until min(Max,10)+grid_eps :
61            draw (origin--(0,Height)) shifted (Length*log(i),0) t ;
62        endfor ;
63    ) ;
64enddef ;
66vardef hlintext@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Format) text t =
67    image (
68        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
69            draw textext@#(mfun_format_number(Format,i)) shifted (0,i*(Length/Max)) t ;
70        endfor ;
71    )
72enddef ;
74vardef vlintext@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Format) text t =
75    image (
76        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
77            draw textext@#(mfun_format_number(Format,i)) shifted (i*(Length/Max),0) t ;
78        endfor ;
79    )
80enddef ;
82vardef hlogtext@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Format) text t =
83    image (
84        for i=max(Min,1) step Step until min(Max,10)+grid_eps :
85            draw textext@#(mfun_format_number(Format,i)) shifted (0,Length*log(i)) t ;
86        endfor ;
87    )
88enddef ;
90vardef vlogtext@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length, Format) text t =
91    image (
92        for i=max(Min,1) step Step until min(Max,10)+grid_eps :
93            draw textext@#(mfun_format_number(Format,i)) shifted (Length*log(i),0) t ;
94        endfor ;
95    )
96enddef ;
98vardef hlinlabel@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length) text t =
99    image (
100        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
101            draw thelabel@#(decimal i,(0,i*(Length/Max))) t ;
102        endfor ;
103    )
104enddef ;
106vardef vlinlabel@#(expr Min, Max, Step, Length) text t =
107    image (
108        for i=Min step Step until Max+grid_eps :
109            draw thelabel@#(decimal i,(i*(Length/Max),0)) t ;
110        endfor ;
111    )
112enddef ;
114vardef linlog(expr xy) = (    xpart xy,  log(ypart xy)) enddef ;
115vardef loglin(expr xy) = (log(xpart xy),     ypart xy)  enddef ;
116vardef loglog(expr xy) = (log(xpart xy), log(ypart xy)) enddef ;
117vardef linlin(expr xy) = (   (xpart xy),    (ypart xy)) enddef ;
119vardef loglinpath primary p = processpath (p) (loglin) enddef ;
120vardef linlogpath primary p = processpath (p) (linlog) enddef ;
121vardef loglogpath primary p = processpath (p) (loglog) enddef ;
122vardef linlinpath primary p = processpath (p) (linlin) enddef ;
124vardef processpath (expr p) (text pp) =
125    if path p :
126        for i=0 upto length(p)-1 :
127            pp(point       i    of p) .. controls
128            pp(postcontrol i    of p) and
129            pp(precontrol (i+1) of p) ..
130        endfor
131        if cycle p :
132            cycle
133        else :
134            pp(point length(p) of p)
135        fi
136    elseif pair p :
137        pp(p)
138    else :
139        p
140    fi
141enddef ;