math-ext.lmt /size: 4608 b    last modification: 2024-01-16 10:22
1if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['math-ext'] = {
2    version   = 1.001,
3    comment   = "companion to math-ini.mkiv",
4    author    = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL",
5    copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team",
6    license   = "see context related readme files"
9-- local basename = file.basename
10-- local sortedhash  = table.sortedhash
12-- local mathematics     = mathematics
13-- local extras          = mathematics.extras or { }
14-- mathematics.extras    = extras
16-- local characters      = characters
17-- local chardata        =
18-- local mathpairs       = characters.mathpairs
20-- local trace_virtual   = false
21-- local report_math     = logs.reporter("mathematics")
23-- trackers.register("math.virtual", function(v) trace_virtual = v end)
25-- local mathplus        = { }
27-- function extras.add(unicode)
28--     local min = mathematics.extrabase
29--     local max = min + 0xFFF
30--     if unicode >= min and unicode <= max then
31--         if chardata[unicode] then
32--             mathplus[unicode] = true
33--         else
34--             report_math("extra %U is not a registered code point",unicode)
35--         end
36--     else
37--         report_math("extra %U should be in range %U - %U",unicode,min,max)
38--     end
39-- end
41-- function extras.copy(target,original)
42--     local characters = target.characters
43--     local properties =
44--     local parameters = target.parameters
45--     for unicode in sortedhash(mathplus) do
46--         local extradesc  = chardata[unicode]
47--         local nextinsize = extradesc.nextinsize
48--         if nextinsize then
49--             local extrachar = characters[unicode]
50--             local first     = 1
51--             local charused  = unicode
52--             if not extrachar then
53--                 for i=1,#nextinsize do
54--                     local slot = nextinsize[i]
55--                     extrachar = characters[slot]
56--                     if extrachar then
57--                         characters[unicode] = extrachar
58--                         first = i + 1
59--                         charused = slot
60--                         break
61--                     end
62--                 end
63--             end
64--             if not extrachar then
65--                 if trace_virtual then
66--                     report_math("extra %U in %a at %p with class %a and name %a is not mapped",
67--                         unicode,basename(properties.fullname),parameters.size,
68--                         extradesc.mathclass,extradesc.mathname)
69--                 end
70--             elseif not then
71--                 local nextused = false
72--                 for i=first,#nextinsize do
73--                     local nextslot = nextinsize[i]
74--                     local nextbase = characters[nextslot]
75--                     if nextbase then
76--                         local nextnext = nextbase and
77--                         if nextnext then
78--                             local nextchar = characters[nextnext]
79--                             if nextchar then
80--                        = nextchar
81--                                 nextused = nextslot
82--                                 break
83--                             end
84--                         end
85--                     end
86--                 end
87--                 if trace_virtual then
88--                     if nextused then
89--                         report_math("extra %U in %a at %p with class %a and name %a maps onto %U with next %U",
90--                             unicode,basename(properties.fullname),parameters.size,charused,
91--                             extradesc.mathclass,extradesc.mathname,nextused)
92--                     else
93--                         report_math("extra %U in %a at %p with class %a and name %a maps onto %U with no next",
94--                             unicode,basename(properties.fullname),parameters.size,charused,
95--                             extradesc.mathclass,extradesc.mathname)
96--                     end
97--                 end
98--             else
99--                 if trace_virtual then
100--                     report_math("extra %U in %a at %p with class %a and name %a maps onto %U with no next", -- own next
101--                         unicode,basename(properties.fullname),parameters.size,charused,
102--                         extradesc.mathclass,extradesc.mathname)
103--                 end
104--             end
105--         end
106--     end
107-- end
109-- utilities.sequencers.appendaction(mathactions,"system","mathematics.extras.copy")