mtx-context-ideas.tex /size: 1802 b    last modification: 2020-07-01 14:35
1%D \module
2%D   [       file=mtx-context-ideas,
3%D        version=2009.03.21,
4%D          title=\CONTEXT\ Extra Trickry,
5%D       subtitle=Placeholder File,
6%D         author=Hans Hagen,
7%D           date=\currentdate,
8%D      copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}]
10%C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is
11%C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for
12%C details.
14% The hard coded goodies in texexec are now external. We also use this
15% opportunity to explore mixed tex/lua user interfacing so you will see
16% some old and new tricks here that might disappear or become extended.
18% if users want to add their own ... go ahead but use a different
19% namespace:
21% mtx-context-third-somename.tex
22% mtx-context-user-somename.tex
24% \startluacode
25%     -- some day we might move the whole ui to lua
26%     context = context or { }
27%     function interfaces.tosetups(setups)
28%         if not setups then
29%             return ""
30%         elseif type(setups) == "table" then
31%             local t = { }
32%             for k,v in next, setups do
33%                 t[k] = "{" .. v .. "}"
34%             end
35%             return table.concat(t,",")
36%         else
37%             return setups
38%         end
39%     end
40%     function context.setuplayout(category,setups)
41%         setups = setups or category
42%         tex.sprint(string.format("\\setuplayout[%s]",interfaces.tosetups(setups))
43%     end
44%     local topspace = document.arguments["topspace"] or 0
45%     if dimen(topspace) > dimen(0) then
46%         context.setuplayout { topspace = dimen(topspace) }
47%     end
48%     local backspace = document.arguments["backspace"] or 0
49%     if dimen(topspace) > dimen(0) then
50%         context.setuplayout { backspace = dimen(backspace) }
51%     end
52% \stopluacode