mtx-fcd.xml /size: 1440 b    last modification: 2020-07-01 14:35
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3 <metadata>
4  <entry name="name">mtx-fcd</entry>
5  <entry name="detail">Fast Directory Change</entry>
6  <entry name="version">1.00</entry>
7 </metadata>
8 <flags>
9  <category name="basic">
10   <subcategory>
11    <flag name="clear"><short>clear the cache</short></flag>
12    <flag name="clear"><short><ref name="history"/> [entry] clear the history</short></flag>
13    <flag name="scan"><short>clear the cache and add given path(s)</short></flag>
14    <flag name="add"><short>add given path(s)</short></flag>
15    <flag name="find"><short>find given path (can be substring)</short></flag>
16    <flag name="find"><short><ref name="nohistory"/> find given path (can be substring) but don't use history</short></flag>
17    <flag name="stub"><short>print platform stub file</short></flag>
18    <flag name="list"><short>show roots of cached dirs</short></flag>
19    <flag name="list"><short><ref name="history"/> show history of chosen dirs</short></flag>
20    <flag name="help"><short>show this help</short></flag>
21   </subcategory>
22  </category>
23 </flags>
24 <examples>
25  <category>
26   <title>Example</title>
27   <subcategory>
28    <example><command>fcd --scan t:\</command></example>
29    <example><command>fcd --add f:\project</command></example>
30    <example><command>fcd [--find] whatever</command></example>
31    <example><command>fcd --list</command></example>
32   </subcategory>
33  </category>
34 </examples>