%D \module %D [ file=s-version, %D version=2011.07.28, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Version Pictogram, %D subtitle=Basics, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This is an oldie that we use to generate a pictogram that reflects the current %D version. \startMPextensions vardef context_version(expr variant, mark, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) = image ( interim overloadmode := 0; save angle, min, max, mk, yr, mo, da, ho, mi, se, max_mk, max_yr, max_mo, max_da, max_ho, max_mi, max_se ; numeric angle, delta ; pair min, max ; angle := 360/7.25 ; delta := (360-7*angle)/7 ; min := (0,10) ; max := (0,100) ; numeric mk, max_mk ; max_mk := 8 ; mk := if (mark <= 0) or (mark > max_mk) : max_mk else : mark fi ; numeric yr, max_yr ; max_yr := 2050 ; yr := if (year <= 2000) or (year > max_yr) : max_yr else : year fi ; numeric mo, max_mo ; max_mo := 12 ; mo := if (month <= 0) or (month > max_mo) : max_mo else : month fi ; numeric da, max_da ; max_da := 31 ; da := if (day <= 0) or (day > max_da) : max_da else : day fi ; numeric ho, max_ho ; max_ho := 24 ; ho := if (hours <= 0) or (hours > max_ho) : max_ho else : hours fi ; numeric mi, max_mi ; max_mi := 60 ; mi := if (minutes <= 0) or (minutes > max_mi) : max_mi else : minutes fi ; numeric se, max_se ; max_se := 60 ; se := if (seconds <= 0) or (seconds > max_se) : max_se else : seconds fi ; max_da := if (mo = 2) : 28 elseif (mo = 4) or (mo = 6) or (mo = 9) or (mo = 11) : 30 else : 31 fi ; if da > max_da : da := max_da fi ; yr := yr - 2000 ; max_yr := max_yr - 2000 ; if (variant = 2) or (variant = 3) : fill fullcircle scaled 205 withcolor .7white ; fi ; color colorant[] ; vardef do_context_version(expr i, amount) = fill (min/2 rotated (-angle/2) -- max { dir -40 } .. max rotated -angle -- cycle) rotated -(i*(angle+delta)) withcolor .3colorant[i] ; fill (min rotated (-angle/2) -- max { dir -(45+45*amount) } .. max rotated -angle -- cycle) rotated -(i*(angle+delta)) withcolor .7colorant[i] ; enddef ; color orange ; orange := (1,.62,.06) ; % .5white colorant[0] := red ; colorant[1] := green ; colorant[2] := blue ; colorant[3] := orange ; colorant[4] := cyan ; colorant[5] := magenta ; colorant[6] := yellow ; do_context_version(0, (yr-1)/max_yr) ; do_context_version(1, (mo-1)/max_mo) ; do_context_version(2, (da-1)/max_da) ; do_context_version(3, (mk-1)/max_mk) ; do_context_version(4, (ho-1)/max_ho) ; do_context_version(5, (mi-1)/max_mi) ; do_context_version(6, (se-1)/max_se) ; currentpicture := currentpicture slanted .15 ; if (variant = 3) : setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged 10 ; addbackground withcolor .3white ; setbounds currentpicture to boundingbox currentpicture enlarged -5 ; fi ; ) enddef ; % draw context_version(4,2011,07,28,14,50,30) ; % draw context_version(4,01,01,01,01,01,01) ; % draw context_version(4,99,12,31,24,60,60) ; \stopMPextensions \startluacode moduledata.versions = moduledata.versions or { } function moduledata.versions.drawcontextversion(variant, mark, year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds) if not variant then variant = 3 end if not mark then mark = 4 year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds = string.match(environment.version,"(....).(..).(..) (..).(..)") seconds = 30 end context.startMPcode() context("draw context_version(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s) ;", variant or 1, mark or 4, year or os.date("%y"), month or os.date("%m"), day or os.date("%d"), hours or os.date("%H"), minutes or os.date("%M"), seconds or os.date("%S") ) context.stopMPcode() end \stopluacode \continueifinputfile{s-version.mkiv} \starttext \startluacode context.startTEXpage() moduledata.versions.drawcontextversion() context.stopTEXpage() \stopluacode \stoptext % d:\imagemagick\convert.exe -geometry 256x256 s-version.pdf context-version.png % d:\imagemagick\convert.exe -geometry 72x72 s-version.pdf context-version.ico % d:\imagemagick\convert.exe -geometry 128x128 s-version.pdf context-version.icns