%D \module %D [ file=s-present-lines, %D version=1017.09.01, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment Balls, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This style was made for the \CONTEXT\ 2017 meeting. According to Alan Braslau we %D should not display items that we discuss but for now I stick to it. As a %D compromise this is a simple and effective style. \startmodule[present-lines] \definecolor[backcolor][s=.6] \definecolor[pagecolor][s=.3] \definecolor[dotscolor][s=.2] \definecolor[maincolor][b=.6] \definecolor[maincolor][r=.6] \setuppapersize [S6] \setuplayout [header=0pt, footer=0pt, topspace=20mm, backspace=20mm, width=middle, height=middle] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=page] \defineoverlay [page] [\useMPgraphic{page}] \setupitemgroup % [color=dotscolor] [color=maincolor] \definesymbol [1][{\symbol[\char"25A0]}] \setupbodyfont [dejavu] \startuseMPgraphic{page} StartPage ; numeric d ; d := 15pt ; fill Page enlarged 2d withcolor "pagecolor" ; fill Field[Text][Text] enlarged 2d withcolor "backcolor" ; draw leftboundary Field[Text][Text] bottomenlarged 3d topenlarged -(d/10) shifted (-d,0) withpen pensquare scaled (d/5) withcolor "maincolor" ; draw bottomboundary Field[Text][Text] leftenlarged 3d rightenlarged -(d/10) shifted (0,-d) withpen pensquare scaled (d/5) withcolor "maincolor" ; draw rightboundary Field[Text][Text] topenlarged 3d bottomenlarged -(d/10) shifted (d,0) withpen pensquare scaled (d/5) withcolor "maincolor" ; draw topboundary Field[Text][Text] rightenlarged 3d leftenlarged -(d/10) shifted (0,d) withpen pensquare scaled (d/5) withcolor "maincolor" ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \setuphead [chapter,title] [placehead=empty, number=no, after={\blank[disable]}, before=] \setuptext [color=pagecolor, style=\bfd] \setuptexttexts [\directsetup{text:texts}] \startsetups text:texts \vbox to \textheight { \vfill \hfill \setstrut \strut \getmarking[chapter] \getmarking[title] \vskip-\strutdp } \stopsetups \startsetups document:start \startstandardmakeup \startparagraph % Per 01-02-2017 the Bold abstraction also makes sure that CurrentFont % works well which in turn makes MixedCaps and such working. \definedfont[Bold*default @ 42pt] \setupinterlinespace \startcolor[pagecolor] \begstrut \documentvariable{title} \endstrut \stopcolor \stopparagraph \blank[2*line] \determinelistcharacteristics[chapter] \ifnum\listlength>10\relax \startcolumns \placelist[chapter][alternative=f] \stopcolumns \else \placelist[chapter][alternative=f] \fi \vfill \hfill \bfb \setstrut \strut \startcolor[pagecolor] \documentvariable{subtitle} \stopcolor \vskip-\strutdp \stopstandardmakeup \stopsetups \setupinteraction [state=start, color=maincolor, contrastcolor=maincolor, style=] \setuptyping [color=maincolor] \setuptype [color=maincolor] \usemodule[abr-04] \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-present-lines.mkiv} % \usemodule[present-common] % \inputpresentationfile{examples/....} % todo, 2017 presentations