%D \module %D [ file=s-present-four, %D version=2011.04.15, % about %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment Four, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D Just another one-time used Bacho\TEX\ presentation style that I found back %D when cleaning up old files. It's just simple pages in a shape and this time %D we hook it into a section command. \startmodule[present-four] \setupbodyfont [dejavu,11pt] \setupcolors [textcolor=white] \setupalign [flushleft] \startuseMPgraphic{page} vardef One = ulcorner Page -- .75[ulcorner Page, urcorner Page] -- .60[ulcorner Page, lrcorner Page] -- .75[ulcorner Page, llcorner Page] -- cycle enddef; vardef One = ulcorner Page -- .80[ulcorner Page, urcorner Page] -- .65[ulcorner Page, lrcorner Page] -- .80[ulcorner Page, llcorner Page] -- cycle enddef; vardef Two = One rotatedaround(center Page, 90) enddef ; vardef Three = One rotatedaround(center Page,180) enddef ; vardef Four = One rotatedaround(center Page,270) enddef ; StartPage ; if CurrentLayout = "layout:0" : fill Two withcolor .25[red,blue] ; fill Three withcolor .25[blue,yellow] ; fill Four withcolor .25[yellow,blue] ; fill One withcolor .5white ; elseif CurrentLayout = "layout:1" : fill Two withcolor .25[red,blue] ; fill Three withcolor .25[blue,yellow] ; fill Four withcolor .25[yellow,blue] ; fill One withcolor .25[green,red] ; elseif CurrentLayout = "layout:2" : fill One withcolor .25[green,red] ; fill Two withcolor .25[red,blue] ; fill Three withcolor .25[blue,yellow] ; fill Four withcolor .25[yellow,blue] ; elseif CurrentLayout = "layout:3" : fill One withcolor .25[green,red] ; fill Two withcolor .25[red,blue] ; fill Four withcolor .25[yellow,blue] ; fill Three withcolor .25[blue,yellow] ; elseif CurrentLayout = "layout:4" : fill One withcolor .25[green,red] ; fill Three withcolor .25[blue,yellow] ; fill Four withcolor .25[yellow,blue] ; fill Two withcolor .25[red,blue] ; fi ; StopPage ; \stopuseMPgraphic \setupbackgrounds [page] [background={page}] \setupinteraction [state=start, click=no] \setupinteractionscreen [option=max] \defineoverlay [page] [\useMPgraphic{page}] \definepapersize [mine] [width=400pt, height=400pt] \setuppapersize [mine] \setuplayout [header=0pt, footer=0pt, margin=0pt, width=middle, height=middle] % \showframe \definelayout [layout:0] [backspace=10pt,cutspace=.375\paperwidth, bottomspace=.35\paperheight,topspace=10pt] \definelayout [layout:1] [backspace=10pt,cutspace=.375\paperwidth, bottomspace=.35\paperheight,topspace=10pt] \definelayout [layout:2] [backspace=.35\paperwidth,cutspace=10pt, bottomspace=.375\paperheight,topspace=10pt] \definelayout [layout:3] [backspace=.375\paperwidth,cutspace=10pt, bottomspace=10pt,topspace=.375\paperheight] \definelayout [layout:4] [backspace=10pt,cutspace=.375\paperwidth, bottomspace=10pt,topspace=.35\paperheight] \setuptyping [space=fixed] \startluacode local n = -1 function documentdata.StartPage() if n == 4 then n = 1 else n = n + 1 end context.setuplayout { string.format("layout:%s",n) } end function documentdata.StopPage() context.page() end \stopluacode \unexpanded\def\StartPage {\bgroup \ctxlua{documentdata.StartPage()}} \unexpanded\def\StopPage {\ctxlua{documentdata.StopPage()} \egroup} \startsetups subject:start \bgroup \ctxlua{documentdata.StartPage()} \stopsetups \startsetups subject:stop \ctxlua{documentdata.StopPage()} \egroup \stopsetups \setuphead[subject] [beforesection=\directsetup{subject:start}, aftersection=\directsetup{subject:stop}] \startsetups document:start \StartPage \definedfont[SerifBold*default at 48pt] \setupinterlinespace \documentvariable{title} \StopPage \stopsetups \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-present-four.mkiv} \usemodule[present-common] \inputpresentationfile{bachotex/2011/bachotex-2011-cld-and-mkvi.tex}