%D \module %D [ file=s-present-boring, % s-pre-15, %D version=2020.07.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Presentation Environment Boring, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D Because I use a mupdf based viewer and acrobat is not always reliable I nowadays %D tend to go for simple presentation styles. They mostly serve as a reminder for %D myself of what I'm supposed to talk about. Just demoing often makes more sense, %D especially at meetings where there is some interaction. \startmodule[present-boring] \setupbodyfont [plex] \setuppapersize [S6] \setuplayout [backspace=20pt, topspace=20pt, bottomspace=20pt, header=0pt, footer=0pt, bottom=20pt, bottomdistance=30pt, width=middle, height=fit] \definecolor[maincolor] [darkblue] \definecolor[extracolor][darkyellow] \definecolor[darkcolor] [darkgray] \setupbackgrounds [page] [backgroundoffset=10pt, background=color, backgroundcolor=darkcolor] \setupbackgrounds [text] [text] [backgroundoffset=10pt, background=color, backgroundcolor=maincolor] \setupbackgrounds [bottom] [text] [backgroundoffset=10pt, background=color, backgroundcolor=extracolor] \setupcolors [textcolor=white] \setuphead [chapter] [style=\bfc, after={\blank[line,fixed]}] \setupwhitespace [halfline] \setupblank [halfline,fixed] % \setupblank % [fixed] \setuplinenumbering [typing] [style=\txx, color=middlegray] \setuptyping [numbering=line, location=left, blank=halfline] \startsetups document:start \startpagemakeup \raggedcenter \vfill \dontleavehmode \scale [ width=\textwidth ] { \space {\bf \documentvariable{title}} \space } \vfill \dontleavehmode \scale [ width=.8\textwidth ] { \space {\bf \documentvariable{banner}} \space } \vfill \vfill \dontleavehmode \scale [ width=\textwidth ] { \qquad \color[darkcolor]{\documentvariable{location}} \qquad } \vfill \stoppagemakeup \setupbottomtexts [ { \words { \documentvariable{title} \quad\emdash\quad \documentvariable{location} \quad\emdash\quad \getmarking[title] } } ] \stopsetups \startsetups document:stop % \stopsetups \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-present-boring.mkiv} \usemodule[present-common] \inputpresentationfile{context/2020/context-2020-tokens.tex}