%D \module %D [ file=s-languages-goodies, %D version=2021.25.03, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File, %D subtitle=Language Goodies, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \startmodule[languages-goodies] \registerctxluafile{s-languages-goodies}{autosuffix} \installmodulecommandluasingle \showlanguagegoodies {moduledata.languages.goodies.show} \installmodulecommandluasingle \showlanguageligatures {moduledata.languages.goodies.ligatures} \stopmodule \continueifinputfile{s-languages-goodies.mkxl} % Beware, for now this file is a playground so what gets rendered % can differ per upload. \usemodule[art-01] % \setupbodyfont[libertine] \setuplanguage[de][goodies={lang-de.llg}] \setuplanguage[en][goodies={lang-en.llg}] \mainlanguage[de] % \setupalign[stretch,verytolerant,flushleft] \dontcomplain % \startlanguageoptions[de] % Zapf|innovation % \stoplanguageoptions % \tracinghyphenation3 \tracingonline2 \starttext \start % \setupalign[stretch,verytolerant,flushleft,nothyphenated] \dontcomplain % \showlanguageligatures[language=de,list=ff fi fl fk ft fb ffi ffl fff ffk fft ffb ffh ffj] % \showlanguageligatures[language=en,list=ff fi fl fk ft fb ffi ffl fff ffk fft ffb ffh ffj] % \starttitle[title={DE}] % \start \de \showlanguagegoodies [file={lang-de.llg}] \stop % \stoptitle % \starttitle[title={EN}] % \start \en \showlanguagegoodies[file={lang-en.llg}] \stop % \stoptitle \page \stop % oeps effe % nonexistentffitestcase % nonexistentffltestcase \enabletrackers[languages.goodies,languages.applied] \start \de \dontcomplain % general % 0 : ignore % 1 : invisible % {}{}{} % 2 : no break % {}{}{}[9] % 3 : pre % {-}{}{} % 4 : pre replace % {-}{}{-} % 5 : post % {}{-}{} % 6 : post replace % {}{-}{-} % 7 : pre post % {-}{-}{} % 8 : pre post replace % {-}{-}{-} % \codedef\hccode % \codedef\hycode % \hccode"002D = "2010 \hycode"002D = "0 % hyphen minus % \hccode"00AD = "0000 \hycode"00AD = "1 % soft hyphen % \hccode"2010 = "2010 \hycode"2010 = "0 % hyphen % \hccode"2011 = "2010 \hycode"2011 = "2 % non breaking hyphen % \hccode"2012 = "2012 \hycode"2012 = "0 % figure dash % \hccode"2013 = "2013 \hycode"2013 = "0 % en dash % \hccode"2014 = "2014 \hycode"2014 = "0 % em dash % \permanent\protected\def\cwm{\discretionary preword postword{-}{}{-}} % \tracingonline2 \tracinghyphenation2 % One can map to exhyphenchar and use a pre/post for that one but if % really needed \hbcode (before=pre) and \hacode (after=post) can be % introduced. Maybe only settable runtime via lua. \hccode"002D = "002D \hccode"2010 = "2010 \hccode"2013 = "2013 \hccode"2014 = "2014 % Offline\cwm Anwendungen\par % {\hsize 1mm Offline\cwm Anwendungen\par} % Offline-Anwendungen\par % Offline{\char"2010}Anwendungen\par % {\hsize 1mm Offline-Anwendungen\par} % {\hsize 1mm Offline{\char"2010}Anwendungen\par} % {\hsize 1mm Offline{\endash}Anwendungen\par} % {\hsize 1mm Offline{\emdash}Anwendungen\par} {\hsize 3mm \emdash Offline-Anwendungen\emdash\par} {\hsize 3mm \emdash\wordboundary Offline-Anwendungen\wordboundary\emdash\par} {\hsize 3mm \quotation{Offline-Anwendungen}\par} {\hsize 3mm „Offline-Anwendungen“\par} {\hsize 3mm -Offline-Anwendungen-\par} % OfflineAnwendungen\par % {\hsize 1mm OfflineAnwendungen\par} % Offline\par % {\hsize 1mm Offline\par} % \hyphenationmode\bitwiseflip\hyphenationmode-\forcehandlerhyphenationmodecode % \de \dontcomplain % \startexceptions[de] % multi-cul-ti{-}{}{-}word{-}{}{-}boun-daries % \stopexceptions % {multiculti-word-boundaries\par} % {multicultiwordboundaries\par} % {\hsize 1mm multicultiwordboundaries\par} % {\hsize 1mm multiculti-word-boundaries\par} % {\hsize 1mm multiwordboundaries\par} \stop \stoptext