local common = fonts.goodies.load("common-math.lfg") local presets = common.mathematics.tweaks.presets -- Initial support for the font. -- Tell us if something looks weird. return { name = "gfsneohellenic", version = "1.00", comment = "Goodies that complement gfsneohellenicmath.", author = "Hans Hagen & Mikael Sundqvist", copyright = "ConTeXt development team", mathematics = { parameters = { DelimiterPercent = 85, DelimiterShortfall = 400, DelimiterDisplayPercent = 90, DelimiterDisplayShortfall = 400, }, tweaks = { aftercopying = { { tweak = "version", expected = "Version 1.02", }, { tweak = "fixprimes", factor = 0.825, smaller = true, fake = 0.8, }, presets.scripttocalligraphic { }, presets.rsfstoscript { }, presets.rsfsuprighttoscript { }, presets.moderntocalligraphic { }, presets.eulertocalligraphic { }, presets.xitsarabic { rscale = 0.80 }, presets.fallbacks { }, presets.moveitalics { correct = true }, presets.moveitalics { correct = true, letters = true }, presets.moveintegrals { }, presets.wipeanchors { }, presets.wipeitalics { }, { tweak = "checkaccents", }, { tweak = "wipecues", }, { tweak = "addcomposites", }, { tweak = "kerns", list = { ["0x7D.parts.top"] = { topright = -0.25 }, -- right brace top ["0x7D.parts.bottom"] = { bottomright = -0.25 }, -- right brace bottom ["0x7D.variants.*"] = { topright = -0.25, bottomright = -0.25 }, -- right brace variants ["0x29.parts.top"] = { topright = -0.3, }, -- right parenthesis top ["0x29.parts.bottom"] = { bottomright = -0.3 }, -- right parenthesis bottom ["0x29.variants.*"] = { topright = -0.15, bottomright = -0.15 }, -- right parenthesis variants ["0x221A.parts.top"] = { topright = 0.2, }, -- right radical top ["0x221A.parts.bottom"] = { bottomright = 0.2 }, -- right radical bottom ["0x221A.variants.*"] = { topright = 0.2, bottomright = 0.2 }, -- right radical variants [0x27E9] = { topright = -0.2, bottomright = -0.2 }, -- angles ["0x27E9.variants.*"] = { topright = -0.3, bottomright = -0.3 }, [0x27EB] = { topright = -0.2, bottomright = -0.2 }, ["0x27EB.variants.*"] = { topright = -0.3, bottomright = -0.3 }, }, }, { tweak = "flattenaccents", }, { tweak = "checkspacing", }, { tweak = "fixradicals", }, { tweak = "addscripts", }, { tweak = "accentdimensions", }, { tweak = "addrules", }, -- Font has extensible minus, but it looks like the LM one -- { -- tweak = "replacerules", -- -- minus = true, -- we have an extensible -- fraction = { height = .15, yoffset = .85 }, -- radical = { height = .15, yoffset = .823, leftoffset = .065, rightoffset = .065, leftoverlap = 0.03 }, -- stacker = { height = .15, yoffset = .85 }, -- }, { tweak = "addfourier", variant = 1, }, { tweak = "addprimed", }, }, }, bigs = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, -- -- experimental fixes for mkiv: -- dimensions = dimensions, kerns = kerns, }, }