if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['core-env'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to core-env.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- maybe this will move to the context name space although the -- plurals are unlikely to clash with future tex primitives -- -- if tex.modes['xxxx'] then .... else .... end local rawset = rawset local P, C, S, lpegmatch, patterns = lpeg.P, lpeg.C, lpeg.S, lpeg.match, lpeg.patterns local gmatch = string.gmatch local context = context local ctxcore = context.core local texgetintegervalue = token.getinteger -- todo local allocate = utilities.storage.allocate local setmetatableindex = table.setmetatableindex local setmetatablenewindex = table.setmetatablenewindex local setmetatablecall = table.setmetatablecall local createtoken = token.create local isdefined = tokens.isdefined texmodes = allocate { } tex.modes = texmodes texsystemmodes = allocate { } tex.systemmodes = texsystemmodes texconstants = allocate { } tex.constants = texconstants texconditionals = allocate { } tex.conditionals = texconditionals texifs = allocate { } tex.ifs = texifs texisdefined = allocate { } tex.isdefined = texisdefined local implement = interfaces.implement -- we could use the built-in tex.is[count|dimen|skip|toks] here but caching -- at the lua end is not that bad (and we need more anyway) local cache = tokens.cache -- we can have a modes cache too local commandcodes = tokens.commands local iftrue = cache["iftrue"].index local conditioncode = commandcodes.if_test local integercode = commandcodes.integer -- local dimencode = commandcodes.register_dimenension -- local countcode = commandcodes.register_integer -- local tokencode = commandcodes.register_toks -- local skipcode = commandcodes.register_glue -- local muskipcode = commandcodes.register_mu_glue -- -- local types = { -- [dimencode] = "dimen", -- [countcode] = "count", -- [tokencode] = "token", -- [skipcode] = "skip", -- [muskipcode] = "muskip", -- -- [attributecode] = "attribute", -- [conditioncode] = "condition", -- [integercode] = "integer", -- } -- setmetatableindex(texmodes, function(t,k) -- local m = modes[k] -- if not m then -- local n = "mode>" .. k -- m = function() return texgetintegervalue(n) == 1 end -- rawset(modes,k,m) -- end -- return m() -- end) -- setmetatableindex(texsystemmodes, function(t,k) -- local m = systemmodes[k] -- if not m then -- local n = "mode>*" .. k -- m = function() return texgetintegervalue(n) == 1 end -- rawset(modes,k,m) -- end -- return m() -- end) do local modes = { } local systemmodes = { } local texiscount = tex.iscount local texgetcount = tex.getcount local boolean_value = tokens.values.boolean local function nomode() return false end setmetatableindex(texmodes, function(t,k) local m = modes[k] if not m then local n = "mode>" .. k local i = texiscount(n) if i then m = i and function() return texgetcount(i) == 1 end or nomode rawset(modes,k,m) else return false end end return m() end) setmetatableindex(texsystemmodes, function(t,k) local m = systemmodes[k] if not m then local n = "mode>*" .. k local i = texiscount(n) if i then m = i and function() return texgetcount(i) == 1 end or nomode rawset(systemmodes,k,m) else return false end end return m() end) local c_trialtypesetting = tex.iscount("mode>*trialtypesetting") context.settrialtypesettingmethod(function() -- return texsystemmodes.trialtypesetting -- upto three times faster: return texgetcount(c_trialtypesetting) == 1 end) implement { name = "ifmode", public = true, usage = "condition", arguments = "argument", actions = function(m) return boolean_value, texmodes[m] end } implement { name = "ifsystemmode", public = true, usage = "condition", arguments = "argument", actions = function(m) return boolean_value, texsystemmodes[m] end } -- local settings_to_array = utilities.parsers.settings_to_array -- local cache = table.setmetatableindex(function(t,k) -- local v = settings_to_array(k) -- if #v < 2 then -- v = false -- end -- t[k] = v -- return v -- end) local cache = utilities.parsers.hashes.settings_to_list implement { name = "ifmodes", public = true, usage = "condition", arguments = "argument", actions = function(m) local c = cache[m] local n = #c if n > 1 then for i=1,n do if texmodes[c[i]] then return boolean_value, true end end return boolean_value, false else return boolean_value, texmodes[m] end end } implement { name = "ifallmodes", public = true, usage = "condition", arguments = "argument", actions = function(m) local c = cache[m] if c then for i=1,#c do if not texmodes[c[i]] then return boolean_value, false end end return boolean_value, true else return boolean_value, texmodes[m] end end } end do local namespace = interfaces.getnamespace("setup") implement { name = "ifsetups", public = true, usage = "condition", arguments = "argument", actions = function(m) return boolean_value, isdefined(namespace .. m) end } end -- also a call method setmetatablenewindex(texmodes, function(t,k) report_mode("you cannot set the %s named %a this way","mode", k) end) setmetatablenewindex(texsystemmodes, function(t,k) report_mode("you cannot set the %s named %a this way","systemmode", k) end) setmetatablenewindex(texconstants, function(t,k) report_mode("you cannot set the %s named %a this way","constant", k) end) setmetatablenewindex(texconditionals, function(t,k) report_mode("you cannot set the %s named %a this way","conditional",k) end) setmetatablenewindex(texifs, function(t,k) end) -- if we really need performance we can have a dedicated cache for each -- kind of variable ... maybe we no longer have to cache anyway (in lmtx) setmetatableindex(texconstants, function(t,k) return cache[k].command == integercode and texgetintegervalue(k) or 0 end) setmetatableindex(texconditionals, function(t,k) -- 0 == true return cache[k].command == integercode and texgetintegervalue(k) == 0 end) setmetatableindex(texifs, function(t,k) local c = cache[k] return c.command == conditioncode and c.index == iftrue end) tex.isdefined = isdefined -- function tex.type(name) -- return types[cache[name].command] or "macro" -- end function context.setconditional(name,value) if value then ctxcore.settruevalue(name) else ctxcore.setfalsevalue(name) end end function context.setmode(name,value) if value then ctxcore.setmode(name) else ctxcore.resetmode(name) end end function context.setsystemmode(name,value) if value then ctxcore.setsystemmode(name) else ctxcore.resetsystemmode(name) end end context.modes = texmodes context.systemmodes = texsystemmodes context.conditionals = texconditionals -------.constants = texconstants -------.ifs = texifs do local sep = S("), ") local str = C((1-sep)^1) local tag = P("(") * C((1-S(")" ))^1) * P(")") local arg = P("(") * C((1-S("){"))^1) * P("{") * C((1-P("}"))^0) * P("}") * P(")") local pattern = ( P("lua") * tag / ctxcore.luasetup + P("xml") * arg / ctxcore.setupwithargument -- or xmlw as xmlsetup has swapped arguments + (P("tex") * tag + str) / ctxcore.texsetup + sep^1 )^1 implement { name = "autosetups", actions = function(str) lpegmatch(pattern,str) end, arguments = "string" } end