if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['back-imp-pdf'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to back-imp-pdf.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- We hide the pdf table from users so that we can guarantee no interference with -- the way we manage resources, info, etc. Users should use the \type {lpdf} -- interface instead. For now we have a little for tikz. If really needed some more -- can be made accessible but it has to happen in a controlled way then, for -- instance by first loading or enabling some compatibility layer so that we can -- trace possible interferences. updaters.register("backends.pdf.latebindings",function() -- local dummy = function() end local report = logs.reporter("backend") -- -- For now we keep this for tikz. If really needed some more can be made -- accessible but it has to happen in a controlled way then, for instance -- by first loading or enabling some compatibility layer so that we can -- trace possible interferences. -- pdf = { immediateobj = lpdf.immediateobject } table.setmetatableindex(pdf,function(t,k) report("calling unavailable pdf.%s function",k) t[k] = dummy return dummy end) end) -- The compression setter is defined here because it's probably the only macro -- that is used independent of a driver being chosen. It's easier this way than -- checking in other ways unless we add some generic compression setting to -- all drivers. interfaces.implement { name = "setpdfcompression", arguments = { "integer", "integer" }, actions = lpdf.setcompression, } -- The pdf driver itself is installed in lpdf-lmt.lmt!