if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['back-imp-lua'] = { version = 1.001, optimize = true, comment = "companion to back-imp-lua.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- we can remap fonts local fontproperties = fonts.hashes.properties local fontparameters = fonts.hashes.parameters local fontshapes = fonts.hashes.shapes local starttiming = statistics.starttiming local stoptiming = statistics.stoptiming local bpfactor = number.dimenfactors.bp local texgetbox = tex.getbox local rulecodes = nodes.rulecodes local normalrule_code = rulecodes.normal ----- boxrule_code = rulecodes.box ----- imagerule_code = rulecodes.image ----- emptyrule_code = rulecodes.empty ----- userrule_code = rulecodes.user ----- overrule_code = rulecodes.over ----- underrule_code = rulecodes.under ----- fractionrule_code = rulecodes.fraction ----- radicalrule_code = rulecodes.radical local outlinerule_code = rulecodes.outline -- todo : per instance local pages = { } local fonts = { } local names = { } local mapping = { } local used = { } local shapes = { } local glyphs = { } local buffer = { } local metadata = nil local b = 0 local converter = nil local compact = false -- true local shapestoo = true local x, y, d, f, c, w, h, t, r, o local function reset() buffer = { } b = 0 t = nil x = nil y = nil d = nil f = nil c = nil w = nil h = nil r = nil o = nil end local function result() return { metadata = metadata, fonts = fonts, pages = pages, shapes = shapes, } end -- actions local function outputfilename(driver) return tex.jobname .. "-output.lua" end local function save() -- might become a driver function that already is plugged into stopactions local filename = outputfilename() drivers.report("saving result in %a",filename) starttiming(drivers) local data = result() if data then io.savedata(filename,table.serialize(data)) end stoptiming(drivers) end local function prepare(driver) converter = drivers.converters.lmtx -- if not environment.initex then backends.initialize("lua") -- end luatex.registerstopactions(1,function() save() end) end local function initialize(driver,details) reset() end local function finalize(driver,details) local n = details.pagenumber local b = details.boundingbox pages[n] = { number = n, content = buffer, boundingbox = { b[1] * bpfactor, b[2] * bpfactor, b[3] * bpfactor, b[4] * bpfactor, }, } if not metadata then -- this has to happen while we're still running tex because we do -- prerolls local identity = interactions.general.getidentity() local jobname = environment.jobname or tex.jobname or "unknown" metadata = { unit = "bp", jobname = jobname, title = identity.title, subject = identity.subject, author = identity.author, keywords = identity.keywords, time = os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), engine = environment.luatexengine .. " " .. environment.luatexversion, context = environment.version, } end end local function wrapup(driver) end local function cleanup(driver) reset() end local function convert(driver,boxnumber,pagenumber) converter(driver,texgetbox(boxnumber),"page",pagenumber) end -- flushers local function updatefontstate(id) if not mapping[id] then local fn = #fonts + 1 mapping[id] = fn local properties = fontproperties[id] local parameters = fontparameters[id] local filename = file.basename(properties.filename) local fontname = properties.fullname or properties.fontname if shapestoo then if not names[fontname] then local sn = #shapes+1 names[fontname] = sn shapes[sn] = { } glyphs[sn] = fontshapes[id].glyphs end end fonts[fn] = { filename = filename, name = fontname, size = parameters.size * bpfactor, shapes = shapestoo and names[fontname] or nil, } end end local function flushcharacter(current, pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, font, char) local fnt = mapping[font] b = b + 1 buffer[b] = { t = "glyph" ~= t and "glyph" or nil, f = font ~= f and fnt or nil, c = char ~= c and char or nil, x = pos_h ~= x and (pos_h * bpfactor) or nil, y = pos_v ~= y and (pos_v * bpfactor) or nil, d = pos_r ~= d and (pos_r == 1 and "r2l" or "l2r") or nil, } t = "glyph" f = font c = char x = pos_h y = pos_v d = pos_r if shapestoo then -- can be sped up if needed local sn = fonts[fnt].shapes local shp = shapes[sn] if not shp[char] then shp[char] = glyphs[sn][char] end end end local function flush_rule(current, pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, size_h, size_v, rule_s, rule_o) b = b + 1 buffer[b] = { t = "rule" ~= t and "rule" or nil, r = rule_s ~= r and rule_s or nil, o = rule_s == "outline" and rule_o ~= o and (rule_o * bpfactor) or nil, w = size_h ~= w and (size_h * bpfactor) or nil, h = size_v ~= h and (size_v * bpfactor) or nil, x = pos_h ~= x and (pos_h * bpfactor) or nil, y = pos_v ~= y and (pos_v * bpfactor) or nil, d = pos_r ~= d and (pos_r == 1 and "r2l" or "l2r") or nil, } t = "rule" w = size_h h = size_v x = pos_h y = pos_v d = pos_r end local function flushrule(current, pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, size_h, size_v, subtype) local rule_s, rule_o if subtype == normalrule_code then rule_s = normal_rule_code elseif subtype == outlinerule_code then rule_s = outline_rule_code rule_o = getdata(current) else return end return flush_rule(pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, size_h, size_v, rule_s, rule_o) end local function flushsimplerule(pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, size_h, size_v) return flush_rule(false,pos_h,pos_v,pos_r,size_h,size_v,normalrule_code,nil) end local function flushspecialrule(pos_h, pos_v, pos_r, w, h, d, l, outline) return flush_rule(false,pos_h,pos_v-d,pos_r,w,h+d,outline and outlinerule_code or normalrule_code) end -- file stuff too -- todo: default flushers -- also color (via hash) -- installer drivers.install { name = "lua", actions = { prepare = prepare, initialize = initialize, finalize = finalize, wrapup = wrapup, cleanup = cleanup, convert = convert, outputfilename = outputfilename, }, flushers = { updatefontstate = updatefontstate, character = flushcharacter, rule = flushrule, simplerule = flushsimplerule, specialrule = flushspecialrule, } } -- actions local function outputfilename(driver) return tex.jobname .. "-output.json" end local function save() -- might become a driver function that already is plugged into stopactions local filename = outputfilename() drivers.report("saving result in %a",filename) starttiming(drivers) local data = result() if data then if not utilities.json then require("util-jsn") end io.savedata(filename,utilities.json.tostring(data,not compact)) end stoptiming(drivers) end local function prepare(driver) converter = drivers.converters.lmtx luatex.registerstopactions(1,function() save() end) end -- installer drivers.install { name = "json", actions = { prepare = prepare, wrapup = wrapup, cleanup = cleanup, -- initialize = initialize, convert = convert, finalize = finalize, -- outputfilename = outputfilename, }, flushers = { updatefontstate = updatefontstate, character = flushcharacter, rule = flushrule, simplerule = flushsimplerule, specialrule = flushspecialrule, setstate = function() end, } } -- actions local function outputfilename(driver) return tex.jobname .. "-output.js" end local function save() -- might become a driver function that already is plugged into stopactions local filename = outputfilename() drivers.report("saving result in %a",filename) starttiming(drivers) local data = result() if data then if not utilities.json then require("util-jsn") end io.savedata(filename, "const JSON_CONTEXT = JSON.parse ( `" .. utilities.json.tostring(data,not compact) .. "` ) ;\n" ) end stoptiming(drivers) end local function prepare(driver) converter = drivers.converters.lmtx -- if not environment.initex then backends.initialize("js") -- end luatex.registerstopactions(1,function() save() end) end -- installer drivers.install { name = "js", actions = { prepare = prepare, initialize = initialize, finalize = finalize, wrapup = wrapup, cleanup = cleanup, convert = convert, outputfilename = outputfilename, }, flushers = { updatefontstate = updatefontstate, character = flushcharacter, rule = flushrule, simplerule = flushsimplerule, specialrule = flushspecialrule, } }