if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['typo-cap'] = { version = 1.001, optimize = true, comment = "companion to typo-cap.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local next, type, tonumber = next, type, tonumber local format, insert = string.format, table.insert local div, getrandom = math.div, utilities.randomizer.get local trace_casing = false trackers .register("typesetters.casing", function(v) trace_casing = v end) local check_kerns = true directives.register("typesetters.casing.checkkerns", function(v) check_kerns = v end) local report_casing = logs.reporter("typesetting","casing") local nodes, node = nodes, node local nuts = nodes.nuts local getnext = nuts.getnext local getprev = nuts.getprev local getid = nuts.getid ----- getattr = nuts.getattr local takeattr = nuts.takeattr local getfont = nuts.getfont local getsubtype = nuts.getsubtype local getchar = nuts.getchar local isglyph = nuts.isglyph local getdisc = nuts.getdisc local setattr = nuts.setattr local setchar = nuts.setchar local setfont = nuts.setfont local copy_node = nuts.copy local endofmath = nuts.endofmath local insertafter = nuts.insertafter local findattribute = nuts.findattribute local nextglyph = nuts.traversers.glyph local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local kerncodes = nodes.kerncodes local glyph_code = nodecodes.glyph local kern_code = nodecodes.kern local disc_code = nodecodes.disc local math_code = nodecodes.math local fontkern_code = kerncodes.fontkern local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction local newkern = nuts.pool.kern local fonthashes = fonts.hashes local fontdata = fonthashes.identifiers local fontchar = fonthashes.characters local variables = interfaces.variables local v_reset = variables.reset local texsetattribute = tex.setattribute local unsetvalue = attributes.unsetvalue typesetters = typesetters or { } local typesetters = typesetters typesetters.cases = typesetters.cases or { } local cases = typesetters.cases cases.actions = { } local actions = cases.actions local a_cases = attributes.private("case") local extract = bit32.extract local run = 0 -- a trick to make neighbouring ranges work local blocked = { } local function set(tag,font) if run == 0x40 then -- 2^6 run = 1 else run = run + 1 end local a = font * 0x10000 + tag * 0x100 + run blocked[a] = false return a end local function get(a) return extract(a, 8, 8), -- tag extract(a,16,12), -- font extract(a, 0, 8) -- run end -- a previous implementation used char(0) as placeholder for the larger font, so we needed -- to remove it before it can do further harm ... that was too tricky as we use char 0 for -- other cases too -- -- we could do the whole glyph run here (till no more attributes match) but then we end up -- with more code .. maybe i will clean this up anyway as the lastfont hack is somewhat ugly -- ... on the other hand, we need to deal with cases like: -- -- \WORD {far too \Word{many \WORD{more \word{pushed} in between} useless} words} local uccodes = characters.uccodes local lccodes = characters.lccodes local categories = characters.categories -- true false true == mixed local function replacer(start,codes) local char, fnt = isglyph(start) local dc = codes[char] if dc then local ifc = fontchar[fnt] if type(dc) == "table" then for i=1,#dc do if not ifc[dc[i]] then return start, false end end for i=#dc,1,-1 do local chr = dc[i] if i == 1 then setchar(start,chr) else local g = copy_node(start) setchar(g,chr) insertafter(start,start,g) end end elseif ifc[dc] then setchar(start,dc) end end return start end local registered, n = { }, 0 local function register(name,f) if type(f) == "function" then n = n + 1 actions[n] = f registered[name] = n return n else local n = registered[f] registered[name] = n return n end end cases.register = register local function WORD(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) lastfont[n] = false return replacer(first or start,uccodes) end local function word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) lastfont[n] = false return replacer(first or start,lccodes) end local function Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) -- looks quite complex if where == "post" then return end if count == 1 and where ~= "post" then replacer(first or start,uccodes) return start, true else return start, true end end local function Word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) blocked[attr] = true return Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) end local function camel(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) word(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) Words(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) return start, true end -- local function mixed(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) -- if where == "post" then -- return -- end -- local used = first or start -- local char = getchar(first) -- local dc = uccodes[char] -- if not dc then -- -- quit -- elseif dc == char then -- local lfa = lastfont[n] -- if lfa then -- setfont(first,lfa) -- end -- else -- replacer(first or start,uccodes) -- end -- return start, true -- end local function mixed(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) if where == "post" then return end local used = first or start local char = getchar(used) local dc = uccodes[char] if not dc then -- quit elseif dc == char then local lfa = lastfont[n] if lfa then setfont(used,lfa) end elseif check_kerns then local p = getprev(used) if p and getid(p) == glyph_code then local c = lccodes[char] local c = type(c) == "table" and c[1] or c replacer(used,uccodes) local fp = getfont(p) local fc = getfont(used) if fp ~= fc then local k = fonts.getkern(fontdata[fp],getchar(p),c) if k ~= 0 then insertafter(p,p,newkern(k)) end end else replacer(used,uccodes) end else replacer(used,uccodes) end return start, true end local function Capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first,once) -- 3 local used = first or start if count == 1 and where ~= "post" then local lfa = lastfont[n] if lfa then local dc = uccodes[getchar(used)] if dc then setfont(used,lfa) end end end local s, c = replacer(first or start,uccodes) if once then lastfont[n] = false -- here end return start, c end local function capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,where,count,first,count) -- 4 return Capital(start,attr,lastfont,n,where,count,first,true) end local function none(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) return start, true end local function randomized(start,attr,lastfont,n,count,where,first) local used = first or start local char = getchar(used) local font = getfont(used) local tfm = fontchar[font] lastfont[n] = false local kind = categories[char] if kind == "lu" then while true do local n = getrandom("capital lu",0x41,0x5A) if tfm[n] then -- this also intercepts tables setchar(used,n) return start end end elseif kind == "ll" then while true do local n = getrandom("capital ll",0x61,0x7A) if tfm[n] then -- this also intercepts tables setchar(used,n) return start end end end return start end register(variables.WORD, WORD) -- 1 register(variables.word, word) -- 2 register(variables.Word, Word) -- 3 register(variables.Words, Words) -- 4 register(variables.capital,capital) -- 5 register(variables.Capital,Capital) -- 6 register(variables.none, none) -- 7 (dummy) register(variables.random, randomized) -- 8 register(variables.mixed, mixed) -- 9 register(variables.camel, camel) -- 10 register(variables.cap, variables.capital) -- clone register(variables.Cap, variables.Capital) -- clone -- This can be more clever: when we unset we can actually use the same attr ref if -- needed. Using properties to block further usage is not faster. function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data local start = head local lastfont = { } local lastattr = nil local count = 0 local previd = nil local prev = nil while start do -- while because start can jump ahead local id = getid(start) if id == glyph_code then -- local attr = getattr(start,a_cases) local attr = takeattr(start,a_cases) if attr and attr > 0 and not blocked[attr] then if attr ~= lastattr then lastattr = attr count = 1 else count = count + 1 end -- setattr(start,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- not needed local n, id, m = get(attr) if lastfont[n] == nil then lastfont[n] = id end local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number if action then local quit start, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count) if trace_casing then report_casing("case trigger %a, instance %a, fontid %a, result %a",n,m,id,quit and "-" or "+") end elseif trace_casing then report_casing("unknown case trigger %a",n) end end elseif id == disc_code then -- local attr = getattr(start,a_cases) local attr = takeattr(start,a_cases) if attr and attr > 0 and not blocked[attr] then if attr ~= lastattr then lastattr = attr count = 0 end -- setattr(start,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- not needed local n, id, m = get(attr) if lastfont[n] == nil then lastfont[n] = id end local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number if action then local pre, post, replace = getdisc(start) if replace then local cnt = count for g in nextglyph, replace do cnt = cnt + 1 takeattr(g,a_cases) -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g) if quit then break end end end if pre then local cnt = count for g in nextglyph, pre do cnt = cnt + 1 takeattr(g,a_cases) -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g) if quit then break end end end if post then local cnt = count for g in nextglyph, post do cnt = cnt + 1 takeattr(g,a_cases) -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g) if quit then break end end end end count = count + 1 end elseif id == math_code then start = endofmath(start) count = 0 elseif prev_id == kern_code and getsubtype(prev) == fontkern_code then -- still inside a word ...normally kerns are added later else count = 0 end if start then prev = start previd = id start = getnext(start) end end return head end -- function cases.handler(head) -- not real fast but also not used on much data -- local attr, start = findattribute(head,a_cases) -- if not start then -- return head, false -- end -- local lastfont = { } -- local lastattr = nil -- local count = 0 -- local previd = nil -- local prev = nil -- while start do -- while start do -- while because start can jump ahead -- local id = getid(start) -- if id == glyph_code then -- -- local attr = getattr(start,a_cases) -- local attr = takeattr(start,a_cases) -- if attr and attr > 0 and not blocked[attr] then -- if attr ~= lastattr then -- lastattr = attr -- count = 1 -- else -- count = count + 1 -- end -- -- setattr(start,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- not needed -- local n, id, m = get(attr) -- if lastfont[n] == nil then -- lastfont[n] = id -- end -- local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number -- if action then -- start = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,count) -- if trace_casing then -- report_casing("case trigger %a, instance %a, fontid %a, result %a",n,m,id,ok) -- end -- elseif trace_casing then -- report_casing("unknown case trigger %a",n) -- end -- end -- elseif id == disc_code then -- -- local attr = getattr(start,a_cases) -- local attr = takeattr(start,a_cases) -- if attr and attr > 0 and not blocked[attr] then -- if attr ~= lastattr then -- lastattr = attr -- count = 0 -- end -- -- setattr(start,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- not needed -- local n, id, m = get(attr) -- if lastfont[n] == nil then -- lastfont[n] = id -- end -- local action = actions[n] -- map back to low number -- if action then -- local pre, post, replace = getdisc(start) -- if replace then -- local cnt = count -- for g in glyph_code, replace do -- cnt = cnt + 1 -- takeattr(g,a_cases) -- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"replace",g) -- if quit then -- break -- end -- end -- end -- if pre then -- local cnt = count -- for g in nextglyph, pre do -- cnt = cnt + 1 -- takeattr(g,a_cases) -- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"pre",g) -- if quit then -- break -- end -- end -- end -- if post then -- local cnt = count -- for g in nextglyph, post do -- cnt = cnt + 1 -- takeattr(g,a_cases) -- -- setattr(g,a_cases,unsetvalue) -- local h, quit = action(start,attr,lastfont,n,cnt,"post",g) -- if quit then -- break -- end -- end -- end -- end -- count = count + 1 -- end -- elseif id == math_code then -- start = endofmath(start) -- count = 0 -- elseif prev_id == kern_code and getsubtype(prev) == fontkern_code then -- -- still inside a word ...normally kerns are added later -- else -- count = 0 -- start = getnext(start) -- break -- end -- if start then -- prev = start -- previd = id -- start = getnext(start) -- end -- end -- if start then -- attr, start = findattribute(start,a_cases) -- end -- end -- return head -- end -- function cases.handler(head) -- let's assume head doesn't change ... no reason -- local lastfont = { } -- for first, last, size, attr in nuts.words(head,a_cases) do -- local n, id, m = get(attr) -- if lastfont[n] == nil then -- lastfont[n] = id -- end -- local action = actions[n] -- if action then -- action(first,attr,lastfont,n) -- end -- end -- return head -- end local enabled = false function cases.set(n,id) if n == v_reset then n = unsetvalue else n = registered[n] or tonumber(n) if n then if not enabled then enableaction("processors","typesetters.cases.handler") if trace_casing then report_casing("enabling case handler") end enabled = true end n = set(n,id) else n = unsetvalue end end texsetattribute(a_cases,n) -- return n -- bonus end -- interface interfaces.implement { name = "setcharactercasing", actions = cases.set, arguments = { "string", "integer" } }