if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['node-mig'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to node-mig.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } local format = string.format local trace_migrations = false trackers.register("nodes.migrations", function(v) trace_migrations = v end) local report_nodes = logs.reporter("nodes","migrations") local attributes = attributes local nodes = nodes local nuts = nodes.nuts local tonut = nuts.tonut local getnext = nuts.getnext local getid = nuts.getid local getlist = nuts.getlist local getprop = nuts.getprop local setprop = nuts.setprop local setlink = nuts.setlink local setlist = nuts.setlist local setprev = nuts.setprev local setnext = nuts.setnext local setboth = nuts.setboth local remove_node = nuts.remove local count = nuts.count local nodecodes = nodes.nodecodes local hlist_code = nodecodes.hlist local vlist_code = nodecodes.vlist local insert_code = nodecodes.ins local mark_code = nodecodes.mark local a_migrated = attributes.private("migrated") local trialtypesetting = context.trialtypesetting local migrate_inserts = false local migrate_marks = false local t_inserts = 0 local t_marks = 0 local t_sweeps = 0 local function locate(head,first,last) local current = head while current do local id = getid(current) if id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code then local list = getlist(current) if list then local l l, first, last = locate(list,first,last) if l ~= list then setlist(current,l) end end current = getnext(current) elseif id == insert_code then if migrate_inserts then local insert head, current, insert = remove_node(head,current) if first then setnext(insert) setlink(last,insert) else setboth(insert) first = insert end last = insert end elseif id == mark_code then if migrate_marks then local mark head, current, mark = remove_node(head,current) if first then setnext(mark) setlink(last,mark) else setboth(mark) first = mark end last = mark end else current = getnext(current) end end return head, first, last end function nodes.handlers.migrate(head,where) if head and not trialtypesetting() then if trace_migrations then report_nodes("migration sweep %a",where) end local current = head while current do local id = getid(current) if (id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code or id == insert_code) and not getprop(current,"migrated") then setprop(current,"migrated",true) local h = getlist(current) if h then t_sweeps = t_sweeps + 1 local first, last while h do local id = getid(h) if id == vlist_code or id == hlist_code then h, first, last = locate(h,first,last) end h = getnext(h) end if first then if trace_migrations then local ni = count(insert_code,first) local nm = count(mark_code,first) t_inserts = t_inserts + ni t_marks = t_marks + nm report_nodes("sweep %a, container %a, %s inserts and %s marks migrated outwards during %a", t_sweeps,nodecodes[id],ni,nm,where) end local n = getnext(current) if n then setlink(last,n) end setlink(current,first) current = last end end end current = getnext(current) end end return head end statistics.register("node migrations", function() if trace_migrations and t_sweeps > 0 then return format("%s sweeps, %s inserts moved, %s marks moved",t_sweeps,t_inserts,t_marks) end end) -- Since we started with mkiv we had it as experiment but it is about time -- to have a more formal interface .. it's still optional due to possible -- side effects. local enableaction = nodes.tasks.enableaction local disableaction = nodes.tasks.disableaction local migrations = { } nodes.migrations = migrations local enabled = false local function check() if migrate_marks or migrate_inserts then if not enabled then enableaction("mvlbuilders", "nodes.handlers.migrate") enableaction("processors", "nodes.handlers.migrate") enabled = true end else if enabled then disableaction("mvlbuilders", "nodes.handlers.migrate") disableaction("processors", "nodes.handlers.migrate") enabled = false end end end function migrations.setmarks(v) migrate_marks = v check() end function migrations.setinserts(v) migrate_inserts = v check() end