if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mlib-lua'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mlib-ctx.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files", } local type = type local insert, remove = table.insert, table.remove local set = mp.set local get = mp.get local currentmpx = nil local stack = { } local get_numeric = mplib.get_numeric local get_integer = mplib.get_integer local get_string = mplib.get_string local get_boolean = mplib.get_boolean local get_path = mplib.get_path local set_path = mplib.set_path get.numeric = function(s) return get_numeric(currentmpx,s) end get.number = function(s) return get_numeric(currentmpx,s) end get.integer = function(s) return get_integer(currentmpx,s) end get.string = function(s) return get_string (currentmpx,s) end get.boolean = function(s) return get_boolean(currentmpx,s) end get.path = function(s) return get_path (currentmpx,s) end set.path = function(s,t) return set_path (currentmpx,s,t) end -- not working yet function metapost.pushscriptrunner(mpx) insert(stack,mpx) currentmpx = mpx end function metapost.popscriptrunner() currentmpx = remove(stack,mpx) end function metapost.currentmpx() return currentmpx end local status = mplib.status function metapost.currentmpxstatus() return status and status(currentmpx) or 0 end