if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['luat-exe'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to luat-lib.mkiv", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } if not sandbox then require("l-sandbox") require("util-sbx") end -- for testing -- Ok, as usual, after finishing some code, I rewarded myself with searching youtube for -- new music ... this time I ran into the swedisch group 'wintergatan' (search for: marble -- machine) ... mechanical computers are so much more fun than the ones needed for running -- the code below. Nice videos (and shows) too ... local type = type local executers = resolvers.executers or { } resolvers.executers = executers local disablerunners = sandbox.disablerunners local disablelibraries = sandbox.disablelibraries local registerbinary = sandbox.registerbinary local registerlibrary = sandbox.registerlibrary local registerroot = sandbox.registerroot local lpegmatch = lpeg.match local sc_splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(";") local cm_splitter = lpeg.tsplitat(",") local execution_mode directives.register("system.executionmode", function(v) execution_mode = v end) local execution_list directives.register("system.executionlist", function(v) execution_list = v end) local root_list directives.register("system.rootlist", function(v) root_list = v end) local library_mode directives.register("system.librarymode", function(v) library_mode = v end) local library_list directives.register("system.librarylist", function(v) library_list = v end) sandbox.initializer { category = "binaries", action = function() if execution_mode == "none" then -- will be done later elseif execution_mode == "list" then if type(execution_list) == "string" then execution_list = lpegmatch(cm_splitter,execution_list) end if type(execution_list) == "table" then for i=1,#execution_list do registerbinary(execution_list[i]) end end else registerbinary(true) -- all end end } sandbox.finalizer { category = "binaries", action = function() if execution_mode == "none" then disablerunners() end end } sandbox.initializer { category = "libraries", action = function() if library_mode == "none" then -- will be done later elseif library_mode == "list" then if type(library_list) == "string" then library_list = lpegmatch(cm_splitter,library_list) end if type(library_list) == "table" then for i=1,#library_list do registerlibrary(library_list[i]) end end else registerlibrary(true) -- all end end } sandbox.finalizer { category = "libraries", action = function() if library_mode == "none" then disablelibraries() end end } -- A bit of file system protection. sandbox.initializer{ category = "files", action = function () if type(root_list) == "string" then root_list = lpegmatch(sc_splitter,root_list) end if type(root_list) == "table" then for i=1,#root_list do registerroot(root_list[i]) end end end } -- Let's prevent abuse of these libraries (built-in support still works). sandbox.finalizer { category = "functions", action = function() mplib = nil epdf = nil zip = nil fontloader = nil end }