%D \module %D [ file=core-ini, %D version=2003.12.01, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Core Macros, %D subtitle=Additional Initialization, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. \writestatus{loading}{ConTeXt Core Macros / Additional Initialization} \unprotect %D We introduce a couple of variables that are used all over \CONTEXT. Alternatively %D we could define them in each module but as they are part of the bigger picture we %D prefer to do it here. Ideally we should hav ea proper dependency tree but it might %D be that we want to make versions with a smaller footprints in which case one would %D still need to define the token list registers (unless we could do that runtime). %D \macros %D {every...} %D %D A few every's. %D Output routine: \newtoks \everybeforeoutput \newtoks \everyafteroutput %D Shipout: \newtoks \everyshipout \newtoks \everybeforeshipout \newtoks \everyaftershipout \newtoks \everyfirstshipout \newtoks \everylastshipout %D End of run: \newtoks \everybye \newtoks \everygoodbye \newtoks \everynotabene %D Document: \newtoks \everyendoftextbody \newtoks \everystarttext \newtoks \everystoptext \newtoks \everystartdocument \newtoks \everystopdocument %D Purity: \newtoks \everyforgetall \newtoks \everycleanupfeatures \newtoks \everysimplifycommands \newtoks \everypreroll \let\simplifiedcommands\everysimplifycommands % backward compatible, will stay as it's used in styles \newconditional\simplifyingcommands % public \unexpanded\def\forgetall {\the\everyforgetall} \unexpanded\def\cleanupfeatures {\the\everycleanupfeatures} \unexpanded\def\simplifycommands{\the\everysimplifycommands} \appendtoks \settrue\simplifyingcommands \to \everysimplifycommands \appendtoks \everypar\emptytoks % pretty important \to \everyforgetall %D Page building: \newtoks \everybeforepagebody \newtoks \everyafterpagebody \let\everypagebody\everybeforepagebody % backward compatible, will become obsolete %D Floats: \newtoks \everyinsidefloat %D Exporting: \newtoks \everyinitializeexport %D Sectioning: %newtoks \everyheadstart %D Par building (experimental, used in xml
) \newtoks \everybeginofpar \newtoks \everyendofpar %newtoks \everyparflush \unexpanded\def\bpar{\the\everybeginofpar\ignorespaces} % may interfere with \everypar \unexpanded\def\epar{\ifhmode\removeunwantedspaces\the\everyendofpar\fi} % test prevents problems with \bpar\epar %D Lists: \newtoks \everylistentry \newtoks \everysavesortkeys %D Marks: %newtoks \everymarking %D Fonts: \newtoks \everyfont \newtoks \everyglobalbodyfont \newtoks \everydefinedfont \newtoks \everybodyfont \newtoks \everyfontswitch \newtoks \everysetupbodyfont \newtoks \everyswitchtobodyfont %D Math: \newtoks \everybeforedisplayformula \newtoks \everymathematics \prependtoks \the\everymathematics \to \everymath \prependtoks \the\everymathematics \to \everydisplay %D Tables: %newtoks \everytable % we need to disstinguish kinds %D State mess: \newtoks \everypushsomestate \newtoks \everypopsomestate \unexpanded\def\pushsomestates{\the\everypushsomestate} \unexpanded\def\popsomestates {\the\everypopsomestate } %D More generic (used to be pushcolor etc) \newtoks\everystarttextproperties \newtoks\everystoptextproperties \unexpanded\def\starttextproperties{\the\everystarttextproperties} \unexpanded\def\stoptextproperties {\the\everystoptextproperties} %D \macros %D {trialtypesetting} %D %D We disable trial typesetting in the output routine, %D just to be sure. \prependtoks \resettrialtypesetting \to \everybeforepagebody %D \macros %D {ifinpagebody,ifinsidecolumns,ifdoublesided,ifsinglesided} %D %D These will become system modes and conditionals \newif \ifinpagebody \newif \ifinsidecolumns \newif \ifinsidemulticolumns % simple mixed-in-text columns \newif \ifdoublesided \doublesidedfalse \newif \ifsinglesided \singlesidedtrue \newif \ifinsidefloat \newif \ifdoingblocks \newif \ifgridsnapping \newif \ifexporting \newconstant\pageduplexmode % 0 single 1 double 2 mix \newconstant\pagebodymode % 0 not 1 normal pagebody 2 spread \newcount\nofcolumns \nofcolumns \plusone \newcount\nofmulticolumns \nofmulticolumns\plusone %D \macros %D {ifproductionrun} %D %D This boolean can be used to bypass certain initializations. % \newif\ifproductionrun % already defined \appendtoks \productionruntrue \to \everydump %D \macros %D {everyboxedcontent, ifboxedcontent, %D startboxedcontent, stopboxedcontent} %D %D This one is relatively new and will be used as a more robust test for inner %D situations. \newif \ifboxedcontent \newtoks\everyboxedcontent \appendtoks \boxedcontenttrue \to \everyboxedcontent \unexpanded\def\startboxedcontent{\bgroup\the\everyboxedcontent} \let\stopboxedcontent\egroup %D We store some original meanings, maybe in \type {math-ini}. \let\normalat \at \let\normalin \in \let\normalfrom \from %let\normalover \over \let\normalabout\about %D This will be implemented way later: \let\setlayoutcomponentattribute \gobbleoneargument \let\resetlayoutcomponentattribute\relax \let\layoutcomponentboxattribute \empty \protect \endinput