%D \module %D [ file=back-swf, %D version=2009.12.31, %D title=\CONTEXT\ Backend Macros, %D subtitle=Shockwave Experiment, %D author=Hans Hagen \& Luigi Scarso, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D The question is: should I still document this in interaction.tex or just %D assume it's obsolete technology \unknown %D This is only a placeholder that demonstrates the usage of swf resources. %D There is no need to include this file into the format. The module was %D tested by Luigi and Willi and based on their suggestions the functionality %D was improved. %D %D \starttyping %D \enabletrackers[graphics.locating] %D \enabletrackers[backend.swf] %D %D \startluaparameterset [swf:relative:resources] %D relativepaths = { %D "assets" %D } %D \stopluaparameterset %D %D \startluaparameterset[swf:relative:display] %D toolbar = true, %D preview = "images/posterframes/*.jpg", -- relative to assets %D open = "click", %D close = "focus", %D \stopluaparameterset %D %D \startTEXpage %D \externalfigure %D [whatever.swf] %D [resources=swf:relative:resources, %D display=swf:relative:display] %D \stopTEXpage %D \stoptyping %D Embedding (and using) movies used to be a breeze in acrobat but depended %D on a plugin. Then we got renditions that depended on the built-in flash %D player. And now we have rich media, depending on whatever and being able %D to use the flash player as well ... but it's an erratic and soon obsolete %D adventure. So \unknown\ we do provide the user the means but stay away %D from it ourselves: it's a dead end. The following tricks use the already %D present shockwave (flash) trickery. %D %D At some point we will no longer provide this in the core but load it at %D runtime. %D %D \starttyping %D \externalfigure %D [shockwave] %D [file=test.mp4, %D label=foo] %D %D \useJSscripts[vplayer] % or \useJSscripts[videoplayer] %D %D \goto{START} [JS(StartShockwave{foo})] %D \goto{REWIND}[JS(RewindShockwave{foo})] %D \goto{PAUSE} [JS(PauseShockwave{foo})] %D \goto{STOP} [JS(StopShockwave{foo})] %D %D \useexternalrendering[foo][application/x-shockwave-flash][test.swf][embed=yes,width=100pt,height=100pt] %D \definerenderingwindow[foo][width=100pt,height=100pt] %D %D \placerenderingwindow[foo][foo] %D %D \goto{START}[StartRendering{foo}] %D \goto{STOP} [StopRendering{foo}] %D \goto{PAUSE}[PauseRendering{foo}] %D %D % \useexternalrendering[foo][audio/mpeg][t:/sources/akkerman.mp3][embed=yes] %D % \definerenderingwindow[foo][width=0pt,height=0pt] %D % % \placerenderingwindow[foo][foo] %D % \setupbackgrounds[page][background=resources] %D % \setlayer[resources]{\placerenderingwindow[foo][foo]} %D % \goto{START}[StartRendering{foo}] %D % \goto{STOP} [StopRendering{foo}] %D % \goto{PAUSE}[PauseRendering{foo}] %D \stoptyping \unprotect %D The code has moved to the (explicitly loaded) \JAVASCRIPT\ modules. See there %D for more info. \protect \endinput \starttext \startluaparameterset [swf:myset:display:1] toolbar = true, preview = "assets/images/posterframes/SPT_14-16_Ra_01_PN_LE01_02_DoLikeMeLater_posterframe.jpg", -- preview = "t:/sources/cow.pdf", -- preview = "t:/sources/hacker.jpg", open = "click", -- click page focus close = "focus", -- click page focus \stopluaparameterset \startluaparameterset [swf:myset:resources:1] paths = { "assets" }, files = { -- "somename_1" -- "somename_1" } \stopluaparameterset \startluaparameterset [swf:dolikemelater:resources] paths = { "assets" }, \stopluaparameterset % preview=swf:myset:display:1 % controls=swf:myset:controls:1 % resources=swf:myset:resources:1 \placefigure {flash demo} {\startcombination[2*2] {\externalfigure[trasf1.swf][width=0.45\textwidth,height=0.25\textheight]} {one} {\externalfigure[trasf2.swf][width=0.45\textwidth,height=0.25\textheight]} {two} {\externalfigure[trasf3.swf][width=0.45\textwidth,height=0.25\textheight]} {three} {\externalfigure[trasf4.swf][width=0.45\textwidth,height=0.25\textheight]} {four} \stopcombination} \stoptext