# The cerf library is actually optional but for now we compile it with the # rest because the complex interfaces are different per platform. There is # not that much code involved. But, anyway, at some point it might become # a real optional module in which case the following will change. set(luarest_sources source/luaoptional/lmtcerflib.c source/libraries/libcerf/erfcx.c source/libraries/libcerf/err_fcts.c source/libraries/libcerf/im_w_of_x.c source/libraries/libcerf/w_of_z.c source/libraries/libcerf/width.c ) add_library(luarest STATIC ${luarest_sources}) target_include_directories(luarest PRIVATE source/libraries/libcerf source/luacore/lua54/src ) # only when all ok, to avoid messages include(CheckCCompilerFlag) CHECK_C_COMPILER_FLAG("-Wno-discarded-qualifiers" limited_support) if (limited_support) target_compile_options(luarest PRIVATE -Wno-discarded-qualifiers) endif()