if not modules then modules = { } end modules ['mtx-kpse'] = { version = 1.001, comment = "companion to mtxrun.lua", author = "Hans Hagen, PRAGMA-ADE, Hasselt NL", copyright = "PRAGMA ADE / ConTeXt Development Team", license = "see context related readme files" } -- I decided to make this module after a report on the mailing list about -- a clash with texmf-var on a system that had texlive installed. One way -- to figure that out is to use kpse. We had the code anyway so next time -- there is some issue ... trackers.enable("resolvers.lib.silent") local kpse = LUATEXENGINE == "luametatex" and require("libs-imp-kpse.lmt") if type(kpse) ~= "table" then return end local helpinfo = [[ mtx-kpse ConTeXt KPSE checking utility 1.00 mandate, set the program name (e.g. pdftex) report the fully qualified path of the given file report a list of all full names of the given file expand the given path variable expand a variable expand a complex variable specification show the value of a variable report if a file is readable list all supported formats format type path variable split result in lines Examples mtxrun --script kpse --progname=pdftex --findfile context.mkii mtxrun --script kpse --progname=pdftex --findfile context.mkii --format=tex mtxrun --script kpse --progname=pdftex --findfiles context.mkii --path=$TEXINPUTS mtxrun --script kpse --progname=pdftex --expandpath $TEXMFVAR mtxrun --script kpse --progname=pdftex --expandpath $TEXINPUTS -- split ]] local application = logs.application { name = "mtx-kpse", banner = "ConTeXt KPSE checking utility", helpinfo = helpinfo, } local report = application.report local argument = environment.argument local files = environment.files local target = files[1] if argument("progname") or argument("programname") then kpse.set_program_name(argument("progname")) else application.help() return end local function printtable(result) if type(result) == "table" then for i=1,#result do print(result[i]) end end end if argument("exporthelp") then application.export(environment.argument("exporthelp"),target) elseif argument("filetypes") or argument("formats") then print(table.concat(kpse.get_file_types()," ")) elseif type(target) == "string" and target ~= "" then if argument("findfiles") or argument("find-files") then printtable(kpse.find_files(argument("path"),target)) elseif argument("findfile") or argument("find-file") then print(kpse.find_file(target,argument("format"))) elseif argument("expandpath") or argument("expand-path") then local result = kpse.expand_path(target) if result and argument("split") then printtable(string.split(result,";")) else print(result) end elseif argument("expandvar") or argument("expand-var") then print(kpse.expand_var(target)) elseif argument("expandbraces") or argument("expand-braces") then print(kpse.expand_braces(target)) elseif argument("varvalue") or argument("var-value") then print(kpse.var_value(target)) elseif argument("readablefile") or argument("readable-file") then print(kpse.readable_file(target)) else application.help() end else application.help() end