%D \module %D [ file=mp-cont.mpiv, %D version=1999.03.10, %D title=\CONTEXT\ \METAPOST\ graphics, %D subtitle=Interfaces, %D author=Hans Hagen, %D date=\currentdate, %D copyright={PRAGMA ADE \& \CONTEXT\ Development Team}] %C %C This module is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro||package and is %C therefore copyrighted by \PRAGMA. See mreadme.pdf for %C details. %D This module is rather preliminary and subjected to changes. if known context_cont : endinput ; fi ; boolean context_cont ; context_cont := true ; string CurrentLayout ; CurrentLayout := "default" ; boolean mfun_swapped ; def SwapPageState = mfun_swapped := true ; % eventually this will go ! enddef ; extra_beginfig := extra_beginfig & "mfun_swapped := false ;" ; % runscript("mp.PaperHeight()") is much faster than lua.mp.PaperHeight() so we use that now: vardef PaperHeight = runscript("mp.PaperHeight()") enddef ; vardef PaperWidth = runscript("mp.PaperWidth()") enddef ; vardef PrintPaperHeight = runscript("mp.PrintPaperHeight()") enddef ; vardef PrintPaperWidth = runscript("mp.PrintPaperWidth()") enddef ; vardef TopSpace = runscript("mp.TopSpace()") enddef ; vardef BottomSpace = runscript("mp.BottomSpace()") enddef ; vardef BackSpace = runscript("mp.BackSpace()") enddef ; vardef CutSpace = runscript("mp.CutSpace()") enddef ; vardef MakeupHeight = runscript("mp.MakeupHeight()") enddef ; vardef MakeupWidth = runscript("mp.MakeupWidth()") enddef ; vardef TopHeight = runscript("mp.TopHeight()") enddef ; vardef TopDistance = runscript("mp.TopDistance()") enddef ; vardef HeaderHeight = runscript("mp.HeaderHeight()") enddef ; vardef HeaderDistance = runscript("mp.HeaderDistance()") enddef ; vardef TextHeight = runscript("mp.TextHeight()") enddef ; vardef FooterDistance = runscript("mp.FooterDistance()") enddef ; vardef FooterHeight = runscript("mp.FooterHeight()") enddef ; vardef BottomDistance = runscript("mp.BottomDistance()") enddef ; vardef BottomHeight = runscript("mp.BottomHeight()") enddef ; vardef LeftEdgeWidth = runscript("mp.LeftEdgeWidth()") enddef ; vardef LeftEdgeDistance = runscript("mp.LeftEdgeDistance()") enddef ; vardef LeftMarginWidth = runscript("mp.LeftMarginWidth()") enddef ; vardef LeftMarginDistance = runscript("mp.LeftMarginDistance()") enddef ; vardef TextWidth = runscript("mp.TextWidth()") enddef ; vardef RightMarginDistance = runscript("mp.RightMarginDistance()") enddef ; vardef RightMarginWidth = runscript("mp.RightMarginWidth()") enddef ; vardef RightEdgeDistance = runscript("mp.RightEdgeDistance()") enddef ; vardef RightEdgeWidth = runscript("mp.RightEdgeWidth()") enddef ; vardef InnerMarginDistance = runscript("mp.InnerMarginDistance()") enddef ; vardef InnerMarginWidth = runscript("mp.InnerMarginWidth()") enddef ; vardef OuterMarginDistance = runscript("mp.OuterMarginDistance()") enddef ; vardef OuterMarginWidth = runscript("mp.OuterMarginWidth()") enddef ; vardef InnerEdgeDistance = runscript("mp.InnerEdgeDistance()") enddef ; vardef InnerEdgeWidth = runscript("mp.InnerEdgeWidth()") enddef ; vardef OuterEdgeDistance = runscript("mp.OuterEdgeDistance()") enddef ; vardef OuterEdgeWidth = runscript("mp.OuterEdgeWidth()") enddef ; vardef PageOffset = runscript("mp.PageOffset()") enddef ; vardef PageDepth = runscript("mp.PageDepth()") enddef ; vardef LayoutColumns = runscript("mp.LayoutColumns()") enddef ; vardef LayoutColumnDistance = runscript("mp.LayoutColumnDistance()") enddef ; vardef LayoutColumnWidth = runscript("mp.LayoutColumnWidth()") enddef ; vardef OnRightPage = runscript("mp.OnRightPage()") enddef ; vardef OnOddPage = runscript("mp.OnOddPage()") enddef ; vardef InPageBody = runscript("mp.InPageBody()") enddef ; vardef RealPageNumber = runscript("mp.RealPageNumber()") enddef ; vardef LastPageNumber = runscript("mp.LastPageNumber()") enddef ; % duplicates vardef PageNumber = runscript("mp.PageNumber()") enddef ; vardef NOfPages = runscript("mp.NOfPages()") enddef ; vardef SubPageNumber = runscript("mp.SubPageNumber()") enddef ; vardef NOfSubPages = runscript("mp.NOfSubPages()") enddef ; vardef CurrentColumn = runscript("mp.CurrentColumn()") enddef ; vardef NOfColumns = runscript("mp.NOfColumns()") enddef ; vardef BaseLineSkip = runscript("mp.BaseLineSkip()") enddef ; vardef LineHeight = runscript("mp.LineHeight()") enddef ; vardef BodyFontSize = runscript("mp.BodyFontSize()") enddef ; vardef TopSkip = runscript("mp.TopSkip()") enddef ; vardef StrutHeight = runscript("mp.StrutHeight()") enddef ; vardef StrutDepth = runscript("mp.StrutDepth()") enddef ; vardef CurrentWidth = runscript("mp.CurrentWidth()") enddef ; vardef CurrentHeight = runscript("mp.CurrentHeight()") enddef ; vardef HSize = runscript("mp.HSize()") enddef ; % duplicates vardef VSize = runscript("mp.VSize()") enddef ; % duplicates vardef EmWidth = runscript("mp.EmWidth()") enddef ; vardef ExHeight = runscript("mp.ExHeight()") enddef ; vardef PageFraction = runscript("mp.PageFraction()") enddef ; vardef SpineWidth = runscript("mp.SpineWidth()") enddef ; vardef PaperBleed = runscript("mp.PaperBleed()") enddef ; % CurrentLayout = runscript("mp.CurrentLayout()") enddef ; vardef OverlayWidth = runscript("mp.OverlayWidth()") enddef ; vardef OverlayHeight = runscript("mp.OverlayHeight()") enddef ; vardef OverlayDepth = runscript("mp.OverlayDepth()") enddef ; vardef OverlayLineWidth = runscript("mp.OverlayLineWidth()") enddef ; vardef OverlayOffset = runscript("mp.OverlayOffset()") enddef ; vardef OverlayRegion = runscript("mp.OverlayRegion()") enddef ; % OverlayLineColor = runscript("mp.OverlayLineColor()") enddef ; % OverlayColor = runscript("mp.OverlayColor()") enddef ; vardef defaultcolormodel = runscript("mp.defaultcolormodel()") enddef ; vardef LeftMarginWidth = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightMarginWidth()") else : runscript("mp.LeftMarginWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef RightMarginWidth = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftMarginWidth()") else : runscript("mp.RightMarginWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef LeftMarginDistance = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightMarginDistance()") else : runscript("mp.LeftMarginDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef RightMarginDistance = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftMarginDistance()") else : runscript("mp.RightMarginDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef LeftEdgeWidth = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightEdgeWidth()") else : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef RightEdgeWidth = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeWidth()") else : runscript("mp.RightEdgeWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef LeftEdgeDistance = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightEdgeDistance()") else : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef RightEdgeDistance = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeDistance()") else : runscript("mp.RightEdgeDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef BackSpace = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : PaperWidth - MakeupWidth - fi runscript("mp.BackSpace()") enddef ; vardef CutSpace = if mfun_swapped and not OnRightPage : PaperWidth - MakeupWidth - fi runscript("mp.CutSpace()") enddef ; % better use: vardef OuterMarginWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftMarginWidth()") else : runscript("mp.RightMarginWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef InnerMarginWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightMarginWidth()") else : runscript("mp.LeftMarginWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef OuterMarginDistance = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftMarginDistance()") else : runscript("mp.RightMarginDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef InnerMarginDistance = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightMarginDistance()") else : runscript("mp.LeftMarginDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef OuterEdgeWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeWidth()") else : runscript("mp.RightEdgeWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef InnerEdgeWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightEdgeWidth()") else : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeWidth()") fi enddef ; vardef OuterEdgeDistance = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeDistance()") else : runscript("mp.RightEdgeDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef InnerEdgeDistance = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.RightEdgeDistance()") else : runscript("mp.LeftEdgeDistance()") fi enddef ; vardef OuterSpaceWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.BackSpace()") else : runscript("mp.CutSpace()") fi enddef ; vardef InnerSpaceWidth = if not OnRightPage : runscript("mp.CutSpace()") else : runscript("mp.BackSpace()") fi enddef ; % indices vardef OuterMargin = if not OnRightPage : LeftMargin else : RightMargin fi enddef ; vardef InnerMargin = if not OnRightPage : RightMargin else : LeftMargin fi enddef ; vardef OuterEdge = if not OnRightPage : LeftEdge else : RightEdge fi enddef ; vardef InnerEdge = if not OnRightPage : RightEdge else : LeftEdge fi enddef ;