\startcomponent still-introduction \environment still-environment \startchapter[title=Introduction] This document is a follow up on \quote {mk}, \quote {hybrid} and \quote {about}. The first one is written when \LUATEX\ evolved to version 0.50, the second one stops around version 0.70 while the last one goes on after that. The title of this document refers to the fact that we're still working towards version 1.00. In the meantime we have done a lot of testing and the engine has become quite stable. The \LUAJITTEX\ variant has become part of the standard distribution and we're working on a library support framework. At the same time we keep experimenting and here we will report on some issues that we run into as well as discuss the way \CONTEXT\ \MKIV\ keeps adapting itself. \startlines Hans Hagen Hasselt NL 2013\endash2016 \blank \type {http://www.luatex.org} \type {http://www.pragma-ade.com} \stoplines \stopchapter \stopcomponent