\startcomponent ma-cb-en-pages \enablemode[**en-us] \project ma-cb \startchapter[title=Page breaking and page numbering] \index{page breaking} \index{page numbering} \Command{\tex{page}} \Command{\tex{setuppagenumbering}} \Command{\tex{setupuserpagenumber}} \startsection[title=Page break] A page can be enforced or blocked by: \shortsetup{page} The options can be stated within the brackets. The options and their meaning are presented in \in{table}[tab:page options]. \placetable [] [tab:page options] {Page options.} \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC \bf Option \NC \bf Meaning \NC\SR \HL \NC \type{yes} \NC enforce a page \NC\FR \NC \type{makeup} \NC enforce a page without filling \NC\MR \NC \type{no} \NC no page \NC\MR \NC \type{preference} \NC prefer a new page here \NC\MR \NC \type{bigpreference} \NC great preference for a new page here \NC\MR \NC \type{left} \NC next page is a left handside page \NC\MR \NC \type{right} \NC next page is a right handside page \NC\MR \NC \type{disable} \NC following commands have no effect \NC\MR \NC \type{last} \NC add pages till even number is reached \NC\MR \NC \type{quadruple} \NC add pages till a multiple of four is reached \NC\MR \NC \type{even} \NC next page is even \NC\MR \NC \type{odd} \NC next page in odd \NC\MR \NC \type{blank} \NC no page number \NC\MR \NC \type{empty} \NC insert an empty page \NC\MR \NC \type{reset} \NC following commands do have effect \NC\MR \NC \type{start} \NC from now on page commands have effect \NC\MR \NC \type{stop} \NC from now on page commands have no effect \NC\LR \HL \stoptable \stopsection \startsection[title=Page numbering] Numbering pages is done automatically by \CONTEXT. However, numbering the pages the way you want it may take some effort. A rather simple \type{\start ... \stoptext} document will be numbered from $1 .. n$ (where $n$ is the last page). If you want your document to number its pages alphabetical you can type: \startbuffer \setupuserpagenumber [numberconversion=character] \stopbuffer \typebuffer in the setup area of your file. You can enforce a page number with: \starttyping \setupuserpagenumber[number=25] \stoptyping \shortsetup{setupuserpagenumber} The options of the \type{\setupuserpagenumber} command are given in \in{table}[tab:user page number options]. \placetable [] [tab:user page number options] {Page numbering: numbering options.} \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC \bf Option \NC \bf Meaning \NC\SR \HL \NC \type{way} \NC how to number the document \NC\FR \NC \type{prefix} \NC use pagenumber prefix \NC\MR \NC \type{prefixset} \NC use defined prefixset \NC\MR \NC \type{prefixseparatorset} \NC use defined separator \NC\MR \NC \type{state} \NC start -- stop page numbering \NC\MR \NC \type{number} \NC define page number \NC\MR \NC \type{numberconversion} \NC convert page number \NC\MR \NC \type{numberconversionset} \NC used defined conversion set \NC\LR \HL \stoptable The \type{prefixset}, \type{prefixseparatorset} and the \type{numberconversionset} options are defined with the \type{\defineprefixset}, \type{\defineseparatorset} and \type{\defineconversionset} respectively. This manual uses the \CONTEXT\ standard document section blocks: frontpart, bodymatter and appendices. These section blocks are numbered with roman characters, numeral digits and characters respectively. \startbuffer \defineconversionset [frontpart:pagenumber][][romannumerals] \defineconversionset [bodypart:pagenumber] [][numbers] \defineconversionset [appendix:pagenumber] [][Characters] \stopbuffer \typebuffer At the start of each section block the number is reset to i, 1 and A respectively. The same effect would have been obntained with: \startbuffer \startsectionblockenvironment[frontpart] \setupuserpagenumber[numberconversion=romannumerals] \stopsectionblockenvironment \stopbuffer \typebuffer Page numbering and the location of the page numbers can be set up with: \shortsetup{setuppagenumbering} The options of this command are shown in \in{table}[tab:page numbering options]: \placetable [] [tab:page numbering options] {Page numbering: layout options.} \starttable[|l|l|] \HL \NC \bf Option \NC \bf Meaning \NC\SR \HL \NC \type{alternative} \NC page layout: single or double sided \NC\MR \NC \type{location} \NC location of page number on page \NC\MR \NC \type{width} \NC width of pagen umber \NC\MR \NC \type{left} \NC text left of page number \NC\MR \NC \type{right} \NC text right of page number \NC\MR \NC \type{page} \NC \unknown \NC\MR \NC \type{state} \NC start -- stop page numbering \NC\MR \NC \type{command} \NC invoke command \NC\MR \NC \type{style} \NC set character style \NC\MR \NC \type{color} \NC set color \NC\LR \HL \stoptable Note that this is also the command that indicates that your document is single or double sided which has an effect on the left-right page layout. \startbuffer \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \stopbuffer \typebuffer In this manual page numbering is set up with: \starttyping \setuppagenumbering [location={footer,middle}, command=\NummerCommando] \stoptyping The \type{\NummerCommando} uses \METAPOST\ to draw a unique random image around each page number. You can recal a page number with \type{\userpagenumber}. If you set up your headertext with: \startbuffer \setupheadertexts [Page \userpagenumber\ of \lastuserpagenumber] \stopbuffer \typebuffer You would get a header with the actual page number and the total of pages (in that section block). The actual page number and the real page number may differ since there may be pages or sections that in your document that are not numbered. If you feel the need to display the real page number there is the command \type{\realpagenumber}. Please refer to the \goto {\CONTEXTWIKI} [ url(http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Command/setupuserpagenumber) ] for more details. \stopchapter \stopcomponent