\startcomponent ma-cb-en-introduction \project ma-cb \startchapter[title=Introduction] \CONTEXT\ is a document engineering system based on \TEX, a typesetting system and programming language to typeset and produce documents. Ths system is easy to use and enables you to make complex paper and electronic documents. This manual describes the capabilities of \CONTEXT\ \MKIV, the available commands and their functionality.\footnote {All paper and electronic products around \CONTEXT\ are produced with \CONTEXT. All sources of these products are or will be made available electronically to give you insight in the way these products are made up.} This system is developed for practical applications: the typesetting and production of documents ranging from simple straight forward books up to very complex and advanced technical manuals and textbooks in a paper or an electronic version. This introductory manual describes the functionality necessary to apply standard text elements in a manual or textbook. \CONTEXT, however, is capable of much more and for users who want more there are other manuals and sources available. \CONTEXT\ has a multi lingual interface to enable users to work with the system in their own language. This manual is available in Dutch and English. If you want to install \CONTEXT\ on your computer you can follow the installation description on the \goto {\CONTEXTWIKI} [url(install)]. \stopchapter \stopcomponent