\startcomponent ma-cb-en-columns \enablemode[**en-us] \project ma-cb \startchapter[title=Columns] \index{columns} \Command{\tex{startcolums}} \Command{\tex{setupcolumns}} \Command{\tex{column}} Simple sections of text can be typeset in columns. If you preceed a text fragment by \type{\startcolumns} and close the text fragment by \type{\stopcolumns} everything in between will be set in columns. \shortsetup{startcolumns} Let's give an example: \startbuffer \startcolumns[n=3,tolerance=verytolerant] Hasselt is an old Hanseatic City, situated 12~km north of Zwolle at the river Zwartewater. ... Furthermore some events of special interest should be mentioned. Every year at the end of August Hasselt celebrates the \quote{Eui Festival} (hay festival). \stopcolumns \stopbuffer \typebuffer \startbuffer \hyphenation{Ste-pha-nus} \startcolumns[n=3,tolerance=verytolerant] Hasselt is an old Hanseatic City, situated 12~km north of Zwolle at the river Zwartewater. The city has a long history since obtaining the city charter around 1252. Part and parcel of this history can be traced back to a large number of monuments to be admired in the city center. There you will find the St. Stephanus church, a late gothic church dating back to 1479 with a magnificent organ. The former Municipal Building is situated on The Market Place. Constituted between 1500 and 1550 it houses a large collection of weapons, amongst which one of the largest collection of black powder guns (haakhussen) in the whole world should be mentioned. Furthermore there is a corn windmill \quote{The Swallow}, dating back to 1748 as well as the \quote{Stenendijk}, a unique embankment and the last shell limekiln in Europe still in full operation. The city center with the townmoat adorned by lime-trees, the Van Stolkspark and the hustle and bustle at the docks are ideally suited for a stroll. The area around Hasselt is also worth mentioning. In wintertime polder Mastenbroek harbours large numbers of geese. In summertime the hamlets Gen\-ne, Streukel and Celle\-mui\-den form, together with the very rare lapwing flowers (Lat. Fritillaria meleagris) found on the banks of the river Zwatewater, the ideal surroundings for walking or cycling trips. Hasselt also is a very important center for watersports. The lakes of northwest Overijssel, the river IJssel, the Overijsselse Vecht and the Randmeren are within easy reach from the yacht harbour `De Molenwaard'. Sailing, fishing, swimming and ca\-noe\-ing can be fully enjoyed in Hasselt. Furthermore some events of special interest should be mentioned. Every year at the end of August Hasselt celebrates the \quote{Eui Festival} (hay festival). \stopcolumns \stopbuffer The result will be a three column text. \start \switchtobodyfont[9pt] \getbuffer \stop If possible a new column can be enforced with \type{\column}. You can set up columns with: \shortsetup{setupcolumns} In most cases you will obtain a better result by type setting the text on \quote{grid}. This is done by typing \type{grid=yes} in the command \type {\setuplayout}. If you want to use columns within a framed text \type{\start ... \stopframedtext} there is the simple column mechanism. \startbuffer \startframedtext[background=color,backgroundcolor=gray] \startsimplecolumns In Hasselt's local newspaper there was a column on the local customs during New Years Eve. ... \midaligned{\inlinechemical{CaC_2,+,2H_2O,GIVES,C_2H_2(g),+,Ca(OH)_2}} ... Nowadays the heavy metal lid of the milk can is replaced by a football. This does not reduce the sound but it is much saver. \stopsimplecolumns \stopbuffer \typebuffer \startbuffer \startframedtext[background=color,backgroundcolor=gray,width=\textwidth] \startsimplecolumns In Hasselt's local newspaper there was a column on the local customs during new years Eve. Next to the more general custom of eating Dutch doughnuts (oliebollen) and lighting fireworks there is the carbide shooting. What you need is an oldfashioned metal milk can, carbide, a little water and a lighter. The carbide and water is mixed in the closed milk can and will produce \inlinechemical{C_2H_2} gas (acetylene), via: \midaligned{\inlinechemical{CaC_2,+,2H_2O,GIVES,C_2H_2 (g),+,Ca(OH)_2}} The volatile acetylene gas in the milk can is ignited via a small opening in the can. The result is a very loud detonation and the lid flies off. It will not surprise you that Hasselts youth has a designated shooting ground for carbide shooting. Nowadays the heavy metal lid of the milk can is replaced by a football. This does not reduce the sound but it is much saver! \stopsimplecolumns \stopframedtext \stopbuffer This will result in: \getbuffer There is an advanced column mechanism available that is described in the \goto {\em Columns} [ url (manual:columns) ] manual. \stopchapter \stopcomponent