% language=us \startcomponent onandon-media \environment onandon-environment \startchapter[title={The state of \PDF}] \startsection[title={Introduction}] Below I will spend some words on the state of \PDF\ in \CONTEXT\ mid 2018. These are just some reflections, not an in|-|depth discussion of the state of affairs. I sometimes feel the need to wrap up. \stopsection \startsection[title={Media}] For over two decades \CONTEXT\ has supported fancy \PDF\ features like movies and sound. In fact, as happens more, the flexibility of \TEX\ made it possible to support such features right after they became available, often even before other applications supported them. The first approach to support such media clips was relatively easy. In \PDF\ one has the text flow, resulting from the typesetting process, either or not enhanced with images that are referred to from the flow. In that respect images are an integral part of \PDF. On a separate layer there can be annotations. There are many kinds and they are originally a sort of extension mechanism that permits plugins to add features to a document. Examples of this are hyperlinks and the already mentioned media clips. Video was supported by the quicktime movie plugin. As far as I know in the meantime that plugin has been dropped as official part of Acrobat but one can still plug it in. Later an extra mechanism was introduced, tagged renditions. It separates the views from the media and was more complex. When I first played with it, quite some media were possible, and I made a demo that could handle mov, mp3, smi and swf files. But last time I checked none of these really worked, apart from the swf file. One gets pop|-|ups for missing viewers and a look at the reader preferences makes one pessimistic about future support anyway. But one should be able to set up a list of useable players with this mechanism (although only an Adobe one seems to be okay so we're back to where we started). At some point support for u3d was added. Interesting is that there is quite some infrastructure described in the \PDF\ standard. Also something called rich media was introduced and that should replace the former video and audio annotations (definitely in \PDF\ version 2) and probably some day the renditions will no longer be supported either. Open source \PDF\ viewers just stuck to supporting text and static images. Now, do these rich media work well? Hardly. The standard leaves it to the viewer and provides ways to define viewers (although it's unclear to me how that works out in practice.) Basically in \PDF\ version 2 there is no native support for simple straightforward video. One has to construct a complex set of related annotations. One can give arguments (like security risks) for not supporting all these fancy features but then why make rich media part of the specification at all? Browsers beat \PDF\ viewers in showing media and as browsers can operate in kiosk mode I suppose that it's not that hard to delegate showing whatever you want in an embedded window in the \PDF\ viewer. Or why not simply support videolan out of the box. All we need is the ability to view movies and control them (play, pause, stop, rewind, etc). Where \HTML\ evolved towards easier media support, \PDF\ evolved to more obscurity. So, how bad is it really? There are \PDF\ files around that have video! Indeed, but the way they're supposed to do this is as follows: currently one actually has to embed a shockwave video player (a user interface around something built|-|in) and let that player show for instance an mp4 movie. However, support for shockwave (flash) will be dropped in 2020 and that renders documents that use it obsolete. This even makes one wonder about \JAVASCRIPT\ and widgets like form fields, also a rather moving and somewhat unstable target. (I must have a document being a calculator somewhere made in the previous century, in the early days of \PDF.) I think that the plugin model failed already rather early in the \PDF\ history if only because it made no sense to develop them when in a next version of Acrobat the functionality was copied in the core. In a similar fashion \JAVASCRIPT\ support seems to have stalled. Unfortunately the open source viewers never catched on with media, forms and \JAVASCRIPT\ and therefore there has been no momentum created to keep things supported. It all makes efforts spent on supporting this kind of \PDF\ features a waste of time. It also makes one careful in using them: it only works on the short term. Get me right, I'm not talking of complex media like 3d or animations but of straightforward video support. I understand that the rich media framework tries to cover complex cases but it's simple cases that carry the format. On the other hand, one can wonder why the \PDF\ format makes it possible to specify behaviour that in practice depends on \JAVASCRIPT\ and therefore could as well have been delegated to \JAVASCRIPT\ as well. It would probably have been much cleaner. \footnote {It looks like mu\PDF\ in 2018 got some support related to widgets aka fields but alas not for layers which would be quite useful.} The \PDF\ version 2 specification mentions \type {3D}, \type {Video} and \type {Audio} as primary content types so maybe future viewers will support video out of the box. Who knows. We try to keep up in \CONTEXT\ because it's often not that complex to support \PDF\ features but with hardly any possibility to test them, they have a low priority. And with Acrobat moving to the cloud and thereby creating a more of less lifelong dependency on remote resources it doesn't become much interesting to explore those routes either. \stopsection \startsection[title={Accessibility}] A popular \PDF\ related topic is accessibility. One aspect of that is tagged \PDF. This substandard is in my opinion not something that deserves a price for beauty. I know that there are \CONTEXT\ users who need to be compliant but I always wonder what a publisher really does with such a file. It's a bit like requiring \XML\ as source but at the same time sacrificing really rich encoded and sources for tweaks that suite the current limitations of for instance browsers, tool|-|chains and competence. We've seen it happen. Support for tagged \PDF\ has been available in \CONTEXT\ already for a while but as far as I know only Acrobat professional can do something with it. The reason for tagging is that a document is then useable for (for instance) visually impaired users, but aren't they better served with a proper complete and very structured source in some format that tools suitable for it can use? How many publishers distribute \PDF\ files while they can still make money on prints? How many are really interested in distributing enriched content that then can be reused somehow? And how many are willing to invest in tools instead of waiting for it to happen for free? It's a bit cheap trick to just expect authors (and their in the case of \TEX\ free tools) to suit a publishers needs. Anyway, just as with advanced interactive documents or forms, I wonder if it will catch on. At least no publisher ever asked us and by the time they might do the competition of web based dissemination could have driven \PDF\ to the background. But, in \CONTEXT\ we will keep supporting such features anyway, if only because it's quite doable. But \unknown\ it's user demand that drives development, not the market, which means that the motivation for implementing such features depends on user input as well as challenging aspects that make it somewhat fun to spend time on them. \stopsection \startsection[title={Quality assurance}] Another aspect popping up occasionally is validation. I'm not entirely sure what drives that but delegating a problem can be one reason. Often we see publishers and printers use old versions of \PDF\ related tools. Also, some workflows are kind of ancient anyway and are more driven by \POSTSCRIPT\ history than \PDF\ possibilities. I sometimes get the impression that it takes at least a decade for these things to catch on, and by that time it doesn't matter any more that \TEX\ and friends were at the front: their users are harassed by what the market demands by then. Support for several standards related to validation is already part of \CONTEXT\ for quite a while. For instance the bump from \PDF\ 1.7 to 2.0 was hardly worth noticing, simply because there are not that many fundamental changes. Adapting \LUATEX\ was trivial (and actually not really needed), and macro packages can provide what is needed without much problems. So, yes, we can support it without much hassle. Personally I never ran into a case where validation was really needed. The danger of validation is that it can give a false impression of quality. And as with everything quality control created a market. As with other features it is users who drive the availability of support for this. After all, they are the ones testing it and figuring out the often fuzzy specifications. These are things that one can always look at in retrospect (like: it has to be done this or that way) while in practice in order to be an early adopter one has to gamble a bit and see where it fails or succeeds. Fortunately it's relatively easy to adapt macro packages and \CONTEXT\ users are willing to update so it's not really an issue. Putting a stamp of approval on a \PDF\ cannot hide the inconsistencies between for instance vector graphics produced by a third party. They also don't expose inconsistent use of color and fonts. The page streams produced by \LUATEX\ are simple and clean enough to not give problems with validation. The problem lays more with resources coming from elsewhere. When you're phoned by a printing house about an issue with \RGB\ images in a file where there is no sign of \RGB\ being used but where a validator reports an issue, you're lucky when an experienced printer dating back decades then replies that he already had that impression and will contact the origin. There is no easy way out of this but educating users (authors) is an option. However, they are often dependent on the publishers and departments that deal with these and those tend to come with directives that the authors cannot really argue with (or about). \stopsection \startsection[title={Interactivity}] This is an area where \TEX\ (an therefore also \CONTEXT) always had an edge, There is a lot possible and in principle all that \PDF\ provides can be supported. But the more fancy one goes, the more one depends on Acrobat. Interactivity in \PDF\ evolved stepwise and is mostly market driven. As a result it is (or was) not always consistent. This is partly due to the fact that we have a chicken|-|egg issue: you need typesetting machinery, viewer as well as a standard. The regular hyperlinks, page or named driven are normally supported by viewers. Some redefined named destinations (like going to a next page, or going back in a chain of followed links) not always. Launching applications, as it also relates to security, can be qualified as an unreliable mechanism. More advanced linking, for instance using \JAVASCRIPT\ is hardly supported. In that respect \PDF\ viewers lag way behind \HTML\ browsers. I understand that there can be security risks involved. It's interesting to see that in Acrobat one can mess with internals of files which makes the \API\ large and complex, but if we stick to the useful core, the amount of interfacing needed is quite small. Lack of support in open source viewers (we're talking of about two decades now) made me loose interest in these features but they are and will be supported in \CONTEXT. We'll see if and when viewers catch up. Comments and attachments are also part of interactivity and of course we supported them right from the start. Some free viewers also support them by now. Personally I never use comments but they can be handy for popping up information or embedding snippets or (structured) sources (like \MATHML\ or bibliographic data). In \CONTEXT\ we can even support \PDF\ inclusion with (a reasonable) subset of these so called annotations. As the \PDF\ standard no longer evolves much we can expect all these features to become stable. \stopsection \startsection[title={Summary}] We have always supported the fancy \PDF\ features and we will continue doing so in \CONTEXT . However, many of them depends on what viewers support, and after decades of \PDF\ that is still kind of disappointing, which is not that motivating. We'll see what happens. \stopsection \stopchapter