% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/musings \startcomponent musings-introduction \environment musings-style \startchapter[title={Introduction}] This is a collection of articles and wrap|-|ups that don't suit in other manuals or collections. Some are published, some meant as draft for a presentation. The \quotation {Children of \TEX} article is the framework for a presentation at Bacho\TEX\ 2017 in Poland, and covers the main theme of the conference. In the aftermath of that conference I wrote \quotation {Advertising \TEX} and later \quotation {Why use \TEX?}. The 2018 Bacho\TEX\ conference theme is explored in \quotation {What’s to stay, what’s to go}. After a short discussion on the \CONTEXT\ mailing list about stability (at the moment that \MKII\ had been frozen for more than a decade but is still used without problems) I wrote \quotation {Stability}. Many of the thoughts in these articles are influenced by discussions with my colleagues Ton Otten and Kees van Marle, users and developers. Operating in a similar arena, they provide me the reflection needed to sort out my thoughts on these matters. The order in this document is not chronological. In the meantime we also put some development related stories in this collection, just because they have to fit in somewhere. Not all musings are checked and copy|-|edited so let me know if there are errors and typos in them. \startlines Hans Hagen Hasselt NL 2017\endash 2023+ \stoplines \stopchapter