% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/luametatex \environment luametatex-style \startcomponent luametatex-rejected \startchapter[reference=rejected,title={Rejected features}] \startsection[title=Introduction] I should have started this chapter sooner because some experiments were removed without them being documented. This chapter is mostly for myself so that I don't revisit rejected features. \stopsection \startsection[title=Text] {\em todo} \stopsection \startsection[title=Math] \startsubsection[title=Fences] The \tex {mathfencesmode} primitive could be used to force the atom class of the fake fences to be the old inner class instead of the new fence class but we dropped that: it's now always a fence subtype (class). Unpacking is therefore now controlled by a class option and not enforced by the (new in \LUAMETATEX) subtype. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Delimiters] The \tex {mathdelimitersmode} primitive was experimental and dealt with the following (potential) problems. Three bits can be set. The first bit prevents an unwanted shift when the fence symbol is not scaled (a cambria side effect). The second bit forces italic correction between a preceding character ordinal and the fenced subformula, while the third bit turns that subformula into an ordinary so that the same spacing applies as with unfenced variants. So, when set to 7 fenced subformulas with unscaled delimiters came out the same as unfenced ones. This could be handy for cases where one was forced to use \prm {left} and \prm {right} always because of unpredictable content. The full list of flags that we had at the time of removal is given in the next table: \starttabulate[|c|l|] \DB value \BC meaning \NC \NR \TB \NC \type{"01} \NC don't apply the usual shift \NC \NR \NC \type{"02} \NC apply italic correction when possible \NC \NR \NC \type{"04} \NC force an ordinary subformula \NC \NR \NC \type{"08} \NC no shift when a base character \NC \NR \NC \type{"10} \NC only shift when an extensible \NC \NR \NC \type{"20} \NC don't error on a missing right \NC \NR \LL \stoptabulate Because the effect depends on the font (and for Cambria one could use for instance \type {"16}) we finally decided to kick it out and correct the font instead using the font goodie file. After all it's more a \CONTEXT\ preference than an overall demand (read: we think no one else cares much about this). The \type {"20} options to not error on a missing right fence has been turned into \prm {mathcheckfencesmode}. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Flattening] The \tex {mathflattenmode} primitive is gone as we have other ways to deal with this now. It related to italic corrections in traditional fonts. \stopsubsection \startsubsection[title=Rules] The \tex {mathrulethicknessmode} feature has been turned into a class option which is more granular. \stopsection \startsubsection[title=Control] Although it has its use when developing \LUAMETATEX\ the \tex {mathcontrolmode} parameters is no longer there. We have plenty of (more) detailed control now. \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent