% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/luametafun \environment luametafun-style \startcomponent luametafun-potrace \startchapter[title={Potrace}] \startsection[title=Introduction] The potrace connection targets at bitmaps. You can think of logos that only exist as bitmaps while outlines are preferred, but in this case we actually think more of bitmaps that the user lays out. In order to give an impression what we are talking about I give three simple examples: \startbuffer[potraced] 01111111111111111111111111111100 11000000000000000000000000000110 11000000000000000000000000000011 11000000000000000000000000000011 11000000000000000000000000000011 01100000000000000000000000000011 00111111111111111111111111111110 \stopbuffer \savebuffer[list=potraced,file=potraced.txt,prefix=no] \startbuffer[1] \startMPcode fill lmt_potraced [ bytes = "01111111111111111111111111111100 11000000000000000000000000000110 11000000000000000000000000000011 11000000000000000000000000000011 11000000000000000000000000000011 01100000000000000000000000000011 00111111111111111111111111111110", ] ysized 1cm withcolor "darkblue" withpen pencircle scaled 1 ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \startbuffer[2] \startMPcode fill lmt_potraced [ filename = "potraced.txt", ] ysized 1cm withcolor "darkgreen" withpen pencircle scaled 1 ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \startbuffer[3] \startMPcode fill lmt_potraced [ buffer = "potraced", ] ysized 1cm withcolor "darkred" withpen pencircle scaled 1 ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \startlinecorrection \startcombination[nx=3,ny=1] {\getbuffer[1]} {\type {bytes}} {\getbuffer[2]} {\type {buffer}} {\getbuffer[3]} {\type {filename}} \stopcombination \stoplinecorrection Here we vectorize bitmaps with Peter Selingers potrace library, that we built in \LUAMETATEX. We can directly feed bytes in a \METAFUN\ blob: \typebuffer[1][option=TEX] But we can also go via a file that has the same data: \typebuffer[2][option=TEX] Of course we can also use buffers: \typebuffer[3][option=TEX] You feed a bitmap specification and get back a \METAPOST\ path, likely multiple subpaths sewed together. You can of course draw and fill that path, or store it in a path variable and then do both. In the following sections we will explore the various options and some tricks. The main message in this section is that you need to look at bitmaps with vectorized eyes because that is what you get in the end: a vector representation. \stopsection \startsection[title=Functions] {\em todo} \stopsection \startsection[title=Icons] When Mikael Sundqvist and I were playing with potrace in \METAFUN\ his girls came up with this pattern. \startbuffer \startMPcode fill lmt_potraced [ bytes = "001111100 010000010 100000001 101101101 100000001 101000101 100111001 010000010 001111100", size = 1, ] xysized (3cm,3cm) withcolor "middleorange" ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] This produces the following icon. The somewhat asymmetrical shape gives it a charm, and it is surprising how little code is needed. This picture inspired Willi Egger to make a ten by ten composition gadget for the attendants of the 2023 \CONTEXT\ meeting that was used in a tutorial. \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection We use this to demonstrate a few more features of the interface: \startbuffer \startMPcode draw lmt_potraced [ bytes = "..11111.. .1.....1. 1.......1 1.......1 1.1...1.1 1..111..1 .1.....1. ..11111..", polygon = true, size = 1, ] xysized (3cm,3cm) withcolor "darkblue" withpen pencircle scaled 1mm ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] This contour is actually accurate: \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection We can color some components: \startbuffer \startMPcode draw image ( lmt_startpotraced [ bytes = "..11111.. .1.....1. 1.......1 1.......1 1.3...3.1 1..333..1 .1.....1. ..11111.." ] ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "1", size = 1 ] withcolor "darkred" ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "3", size = 1 ] withcolor "darkgreen" ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "2", size = 0 ] withcolor "darkblue" ; lmt_stoppotraced ; ) xysized (3cm,3cm) ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] Of course there must be enough distinction (white space) between the shapes: \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection Again we show the polygons: \startbuffer \startMPcode draw image ( lmt_startpotraced [ bytes = "..11111.. .1.....1. 1.......1 1.......1 1.3...3.1 1..333..1 .1.....1. ..11111.." ] ; draw lmt_potraced [ value = "1", size = 1, polygon = true ] withcolor "darkred" ; draw lmt_potraced [ value = "3", size = 1, polygon = true ] withcolor "darkgreen" ; draw lmt_potraced [ value = "2", size = 0, polygon = true ] withcolor "darkblue" ; lmt_stoppotraced ; ) xysized (3cm,3cm) withpen pencircle scaled 1mm ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] Gives: \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection We can do the same with data defined in \LUA: \startbuffer \startluacode io.savedata("temp.txt",[[ ..11111.. .1.....1. 1.......1 1.......1 1.3...3.1 1..333..1 .1.....1. ..11111.. ]]) \stopluacode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] With: \startbuffer \startMPcode draw image ( lmt_startpotraced [ filename = "temp.txt" ] ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "1", size = 1 ] withcolor "darkcyan" ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "3", size = 1 ] withcolor "darkmagenta" ; fill lmt_potraced [ value = "2", size = 0 ] withcolor "darkyellow" ; lmt_stoppotraced ; ) xysized (3cm,3cm) ; \stopMPcode \stopbuffer \typebuffer[option=TEX] Indeed we get: \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection \stopsection \startsection[title=Fonts] {\em maybe} \stopsection \stopchapter \stopcomponent % border case with messy end point % \enabletrackers[potrace.results] % % \starttext % % \startMPpage % % string s ; s := " % 000000004444040 % 100000000004040 % "; % % path p ; % p := lmt_potraced [ bytes = s, threshold=2, optimize="yes", explode="yes", value = "4" ] ; % % fill p withpen pencircle scaled 1.5 withcolor "darkred" ; % draw p withpen pencircle scaled 1.5 withcolor "darkblue" ; % % currentpicture := currentpicture xysized (100,100) ; % % setbounds currentpicture to (boundingbox currentpicture) enlarged 200 ; % % addbackground withcolor "darkgray" ; % \stopMPpage % % \stoptext