% language=us \environment interaction-style \startcomponent interaction-javascript \startchapter[title={JavaScript}] Annotations can be controlled with \JAVASCRIPT\ but it really depends on the viewer if it works out well. Using these scripts is a multi||step process where common functions and data structures can be shared and collected in preambles: \starttyping \startJSpreamble {name} MyCounter = 0 ; \stopJSpreamble \stoptyping The more action oriented scripts are defined as: \starttyping \startJScode {increment} MyCounter = MyCounter + 1 ; // or: ++MyCounter ; \stopJScode \stoptyping This script is executed with: \starttyping \goto {advance by one} [JS(increment)] \stoptyping Nicer is to define a function: \starttyping \startJSpreamble {helpers} used now function Increment(n) { MyCounter = MyCounter + n ; } \stopJSpreamble \stoptyping and then say: \starttyping \goto {advance by one} [JS(Increment{5})] \stoptyping The distribution contains a collection of scripts that can be preloaded and used when needed. You can recognize the files by the \type {java-imp-} prefix. To prevent all preambles ending up in the \PDF\ file, we can say: \starttyping \startJSpreamble {something} used later \stopJSpreamble \stoptyping We already saw that one can also say \type {used now} and there's also a way to filter specific preambles on usage: \starttyping \startJScode {mything} uses {something} \stopJScode \stoptyping One should be aware of the fact that there is no decent way to check if every script is all right! Even worse, the \JAVASCRIPT\ interpreter currently used in the \ACROBAT\ tools is not reentrant, and breaks down on typos The full repertoire of commands is: \showsetup{startJScode} \showsetup{startJSpreamble} \showsetup{addtoJSpreamble} \showsetup{setJSpreamble} As we're into \LUA\ and because \LUA\ is so lightweight I've wondered several times now if it would make sense to embed \LUA\ in \PDF\ viewers. After all, annotations are an extension mechanism. In the early days of \PDF\ this was actually quite doable because \ACROBAT\ reader (and exchange) had a plugin model. However, the more functionality ended up in the program, the least interesting (and popular) the plugins mechanism became. Some open source viewers have an \API\ so in principle adding the lightweight \LUA\ interpreter (of course with \LPEG, and quite probably without file \IO) is possible. It has been discussed at a recent \CONTEXT\ meeting, so who knows \unknown For now we're stuck with \JAVASCRIPT. An example of \JAVASCRIPT\ usage is the following, where we load a video and add some controls. Beware that this kind of functionality is very viewer dependent and therefore also very unstable over time. Even worse, if you look at the loaded \JAVASCRIPT\ file you will notice a dependency on soon obsolete (in \ACROBAT\ at least) shockwave support. First we load a library that will predefine a video graphic: and then create an instance: \starttyping \useJSscripts[vplayer] \setupinteraction [state=start] \externalfigure [shockwave] [frame=on, width=480pt, height=270pt, file=test.mp4, label=foo] \stoptyping The controls are defined with: \starttyping \goto{START} [JS(StartShockwave{foo})] \goto{REWIND}[JS(RewindShockwave{foo})] \goto{PAUSE} [JS(PauseShockwave{foo})] \goto{STOP} [JS(StopShockwave{foo})] \stoptyping or, as we have some defined reference shortcuts: \starttyping \goto{START} [StartShockwave{foo}] \goto{REWIND}[RewindShockwave{foo}] \goto{PAUSE} [PauseShockwave{foo}] \goto{STOP} [StopShockwave{foo}] \stoptyping It's actually not that hard to add all kind of functionality if only we could be sure of stable support and continuity. \stopchapter \stopcomponent