\environment interaction-style \startcomponent interaction-buttons \startchapter[title={Buttons}] There is not much to tell about buttons. They are clickable areas on the screen that when clicked on bring you some location or invoke some action in the viewer, for instance triggered by a \JAVASCRIPT. As usual with many commands, you can define categories of buttons and set them up globally or per category. \showsetup{definebutton} \showsetup{setupbutton} The default button command is: \showsetup{button} Buttons are an example of a construct that builds upon \type {\framed} so the keys that apply there also apply to buttons. You can enable or disable buttons with the \type {state} parameter. As usual there are a \type {style} and \type {color} parameters and an additional \type {contrastcolor} option for tuning the color of a button which action let you stay on the same page. Actually, when you do stay on the same page, the \type {samepage} parameter let you control if the button should be empty, hidden or whatever. \starttabulate[|B|c|c|c|] \NC \BC frame \BC text \BC shown \NC \NR \NC \type {yes} \NC + \NC + \NC + \NC \NR % 0 \NC \type {empty} \NC + \NC - \NC + \NC \NR % 1 \NC \type {no} \NC - \NC - \NC + \NC \NR % 2 \NC \type {none} \NC - \NC - \NC - \NC \NR % 3 \NC \type {normal} \NC + \NC + \NC + \NC \NR % 1 \NC \type {default} \NC + \NC + \NC + \NC \NR % 1 \stoptabulate Here is an example of a button: \startbuffer \button [background=color,backgroundcolor=darkred, style=bold,color=white, framecolor=blue,rulethickness=2pt, width=3cm,height=1.5cm] {go to the next page} [nexpage] \stopbuffer \typebuffer This colorful button shows up as: \startlinecorrection \getbuffer \stoplinecorrection When you use interaction in presentations you might want to make the page and|/|or text area active. Here is an example. \starttyping \defineoverlay [PrevPage] [\overlaybutton{PrevPage}] \setupbackgrounds [page] [background=PrevPage] \setuptexttexts [\overlaybutton{NextPage}] \stoptyping We provide two variants: the normal one with square brackets, but also a more direct one that accepts curly braces, which is handy when you pass an overlay button as argument. \showsetup {overlaybutton} \showsetup {overlaybutton:direct} The difference in usage is shown here: \starttyping \setuptexttexts [\overlaybutton{NextPage}] \setuptexttexts[{\overlaybutton[NextPage]}] \stoptyping An overlay button adapts its size to the current overlay so you don't need to worry about passing dimensions. It is possible to define more complex buttons, like roll|-|over buttons or buttons that change appearance when you click on them. These are more resource hungry and also depend on the viewer. These will discussed in the chapter about widgets. \stopchapter \stopcomponent