followingup-lua.tex /size: 7603 b    last modification: 2021-10-28 13:50
1% language=us runpath=texruns:manuals/followingup
3\startcomponent followingup-lua
5\environment followingup-style
9\startsection[title={Move to 5.4}]
11Another experiment concerned testing \LUA\ 5.4 which looks like a minor update in
12terms of new functionality but has some consequences. By now the old module model
13is even more deprecated and compatibility mode no longer makes much sense. As a
14consequence we now need to adapt the way libraries are loaded (and we use global
15ones) and a few other low level calls had to be adapted. This is no real issue
16and once that was done, I found out that the bit32 module was even more obsolete
17so I decided to get rid of it. We already have a bit32 replacement in \CONTEXT\
18so I had to enable that. As \CONTEXT\ doesn't need compatibility mode it was no
19problem to drop that too.
21The biggest changes in 5.4 are under the hood: some optimized byte code and a new
22generational garbage collector. I did a few runs and a 12.4 seconds run on the
23manual now dropped to around 12.1 and given that we spend (probably) more than
24half the time in \LUA\ that means some 5\% gain in performance. This is still
25more than the 9.6 seconds that \LUAJIT\ needs but it looks like every \LUA\
26release gains a bit and I'm pretty sure that there is more to gain. \footnote {In
27the meantime there are experiments in 5.4 with \type {<const>} directives which
28might have advantages.}
30An interesting experiment was to disable the automatic string to number
31conversion when a number is expected but a string is needed. So far I only had to
32adapt two lines of code in the in the meantime considerable amount of \LUA\ code
33that comes with \CONTEXT.
37\startsection[title={No more \LUAJIT}]
39One thing I had to consider was the future of \LUAJIT. This project is sort of
40stalled and will not follow \LUA\ development. Now, to some extend we can deal
41with this but with the faster \LUA\ 5.4 around the corner, the limitations of
42\LUAJIT\ with respect to loading large tables, as well as the fact that we need a
43patched hash function to get an advantage over regular \LUA\ anyway, it makes
44sense to drop it in \LUAMETATEX. After discussing this with Alan, who crunched
45numbers in order to make impressive graphics with \METAPOST, we came to the
46conclusion that we should not overestimate the benefits. There is still a gain
47but removing the need to support both could also makes it possible to improve
48existing code (although one should not expect too much from that; it's more a
49matter of convenience for me). Also, for as long as have \LUAJITTEX\ that is
50still an option when one has to squeeze out every second.
52A valid question is if ditching \LUAJIT\ will harm users. The answer to this
53depends on the kind of documents that you process. Given decent programming, you
54can gain quite a bit of runtime, but on the average the difference is not that
55large. There is for instance always the overhead of callbacks and crossing the so
56called \CCODE\ boundary that has an impact.
62At the time of writing this Thomas Schmitz was wondering if there was a
63significant difference in runtime between the table mechanisms and especially
64natural tables and extreme tables. Some test demonstrated that extreme tables
65were best for his case. That case concerned generating about 400 pages of tables
66from \XML\ files, including some juggling of data in \LUA. The bottleneck in that
67document can be roughly simulated with the following test. We assume one pass
68over the table but in practice there are upto four, but only the last one has
69frames. So, the test concerns 80.000 (400 pages with 40 rows of 5 columns) calls
70to \type {\framed}.
72% 400 pages : 5 cells * 40 rows = 80000 framed
751                              \hpack{\framed              {oeps}}
762                              \hpack{\framed[frame=off]   {oeps}}
773   \setupframed[frame=off]    \hpack{\framed              {oeps}}
784                              \hpack{\framed[frame=on]    {oeps}}
795   \setupframed[frame=on]     \hpack{\framed              {oeps}}
806                              \hpack{\framed[frame=closed]{oeps}}
817   \setupframed[frame=closed] \hpack{\framed              {oeps}}
86\BC sample \BC luatex & mkiv \BC luajittex & mkiv \BC luametatex & lmtx \BC \NR
88\NC 1 \NC 17.3 \NC 16.8 \NC 13.5 \NC \NR
89\NC 2 \NC 17.8 \NC 17.2 \NC 14.0 \NC \NR
90\NC 3 \NC 17.3 \NC 16.8 \NC 13.3 \NC \NR
91\NC 4 \NC 17.9 \NC 17.4 \NC 13.7 \NC \NR
92\NC 5 \NC 17.4 \NC 17.1 \NC 13.3 \NC \NR
93\NC 6 \NC 17.4 \NC 16.8 \NC 12.9 \NC \NR
94\NC 7 \NC 16.4 \NC 16.0 \NC 12.6 \NC \NR
98Even if we add the usual .1 second interval around these values it will be clear
99that we gain enough not to worry about the loss of \LUAJIT, also because the gain
100is not in the \LUA\ part only. A nice consequence of this is that when we replace
101the \CPU's in a server with low power ones that perform 25\% less, we can
102compensate that by using \LMTX. \footnote {There's still room for improvement,
103because mid July 2019 we're at 12.9, 13.2, 12.9, 13.5, 13.0, 12.5 and 12.2
104seconds or less. But don't expect too many miracles.}
106When wrapping this up, the \LUATEX\ manual processed with \LMTX\ took slightly
107less than 11.9 seconds, compared to a normal run of 12.6 seconds, so we're
108gaining some there too. And just after I wrote this we went down to 11.7 seconds
109by (as experiment) changing the \LUA\ virtual machine dispatcher, so there is
110still some to gain. In the energy saving fitlet with small amd processor
111processing the manual with stock \LUATEX\ takes about 37 seconds, but 33.5 with
112\LMTX\ so here also we're not off worse.
118Right from the start \LUATEX\ had some extra libraries linked in: \type {md5}
119(for hashing), \type {lfs} (for accessing file properties), \type {slunicode}
120(for basic \UTF\ handling), \type {gzip} and \type {zlib} (for zipping files and
121streams), \type {zip} (for accessing zip files) and \type {socket} (for
122communicating other than with files).
124In \LUAMETATEX\ the not so useful \type {slunicode} library was removed pretty
125early but the others stayed around. The more backend specific \type {img} and
126\type {pdf} libraries went away too, as did the (already not used) \type
127{fontloader} library. The \type {kpse} library is also gone, as we do those
128things in \LUA. The \type {epdf} library was kept. A couple of libraries were
129added, like \type {sha2}, \type {basexx}, and \type {flate}, plus a few handy
130helper libraries that are still experimental and therefore not mentioned here.
132The \type {flate} library is also an experiment but will replace the \type {gzip}
133and \type {zlib} libraries. Currently these use \type {libz} but \type
134{libdeflate} will be the low level replacement once it support streams and is
135already used for \type {flate}. The \type {md5} library has been redone using
136utility code \type {pplib}, as \type {sha2} does. The type {basexx} library also
137falls back on utility code form \type {pplib} (that code is actually
140The \type {lfs} code has been replaced by a variant that omits features not
141common to the platforms and with a iterator that permits much faster directory
142scans and has a few more helpers. It is not compatible but we kept the name
143because of legacy usage. I might strip the socket code to what is actually used,
144but on the other hand: don't touch what works well. The original code doesn't
145change that much anyway.