\environment leaflet-common \startdocument[graphic=2] \startbuffer[1] The \LUAMETATEX\ engine is a follow up on \LUATEX. It integrates the \TEX\ text rendering engine, the \METAPOST\ graphic engine and the \LUA\ script interpreter. The development is part of the \CONTEXT\ macro package development. This macro package tightly integrates the three subsystems. The \LUAMETATEX\ code is part of the \CONTEXT\ distribution. \stopbuffer \startbuffer[2] The \LUAMETATEX\ engine is lean and mean. There is for instance no backend code present. In \CONTEXT\ this is handled in \LUA. Graphic inclusion is also delegated to \LUA. The \TEX\ frontend is a slightly extended version of the \LUATEX\ one. System depedencies are minimized. Where possible we stay close to the original \TEX\ concept because that is a well documented reference. The binary can also be used as stand alone \LUA\ engine. \stopbuffer \startbuffer[3] The \METAPOST\ library also has access to \LUA, which means that the language can be enhanced and functionality added on demand. There are several graphic libraries provided in \CONTEXT. This graphical language is efficient in runtime and graphical output. In combination with \LUA\ we have a high performance graphical subsystem that can handle a huge amount of data. Additional text (like labels) is typeset at high quality. \stopbuffer \startbuffer[4] The \LUA\ code that comes with \CONTEXT\ contains a lot of helper code which means that one can set up selfcontained workflows without many extra dependencies. Documents can be encoded in \TEX, \LUA, \XML\ or whatever suits. There is support for databases too. \stopbuffer \startbuffer[5] The \CONTEXT\ code base evolved over time. The basic functionality is quite stable. The move from \MKII\ to \MKIV\ to \LMTX\ has been gradual. The efficiency in terms of code and performance has been improved stepwise. Development continues and beta releases occur on a regular basis. The \CONTEXT\ user community is quite willing to experiment with betas that can be installed alongside stable snapshots. \blank The installation is relatively small (fonts make up much of it) and updating is easy. We operate in the \TEX\ Directory Structure, which is a proven concept. \stopbuffer \startpagemakeup \offinterlineskip \vskip24pt \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \startframed[align=normal,width=.7\textwidth,frame=off] \getbuffer[1] \stopframed \hskip1cm \egroup \vfill \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hskip1cm \startframed[align=normal,width=.7\textwidth,frame=off] \getbuffer[2] \stopframed \egroup \vfill \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \startframed[align=normal,width=.7\textwidth,frame=off] \getbuffer[3] \stopframed \hskip1cm \egroup \vfill \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \setupitemize[after=] \startframed[align=normal,width=\dimexpr\textwidth-2cm\relax,frame=off] \getbuffer[4] \stopframed \hskip1cm \egroup \vfill \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \startframed[align=normal,width=.7\textwidth,frame=off] \getbuffer[5] \stopframed \hskip1cm \egroup \vfill \vfill \vfill \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hskip1cm \startframed[align=normal,width=.7\textwidth,frame=off] \bfd \LUAMETATEX \enspace \emdash \enspace factsheet \stopframed \hss \egroup \vskip12pt \stoppagemakeup \stopdocument