mtx-youless.xml /size: 1495 b    last modification: 2020-07-01 14:35
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3 <metadata>
4  <entry name="name">mtx-youless</entry>
5  <entry name="detail">youless Fetcher</entry>
6  <entry name="version">1.100</entry>
7 </metadata>
8 <flags>
9  <category name="basic">
10   <subcategory>
11    <flag name="collect"><short>collect data from device</short></flag>
12    <flag name="nobackup"><short>don't backup old datafile</short></flag>
13    <flag name="nofile"><short>don't write data to file (for checking)</short></flag>
14    <flag name="electricity"><short>collected eletricity data (p)</short></flag>
15    <flag name="gas"><short>collected gas data</short></flag>
16    <flag name="pulse"><short>collected eletricity data (s)</short></flag>
17    <flag name="host"><short>ip address of device</short></flag>
18    <flag name="auto"><short>fetch (refresh) all data every hour</short></flag>
19   </subcategory>
20  </category>
21 </flags>
22 <examples>
23  <category>
24   <title>Example</title>
25   <subcategory>
26    <example><command>mtxrun --script youless --collect --host= --electricity somefile.lua</command></example>
27    <example><command>mtxrun --script youless --collect --host= --gas         somefile.lua</command></example>
28    <example><command>mtxrun --script youless --collect --host= --pulse       somefile.lua</command></example>
29    <example><command>mtxrun --script youless --collect --host= --auto        file-prefix</command></example>
30   </subcategory>
31  </category>
32 </examples>