\usemodule[present-lines] \definecolor[maincolor][r=.4,b=.4] \startdocument[title=Tables,subtitle={\CONTEXT\ 2017 Maibach}] \startchapter[title=Variants] \startitemize \startitem Good old \TABLE, a wrapper about \TEX's alignment. \stopitem \startitem Running text, break across pages tabulates. \stopitem \startitem Tables that behave like \HTML\ tables therefore called natural tables. \stopitem \startitem A variant on this that is more easy to extend, tagged extreme tables. \stopitem \startitem A low profile linetable mechanism that can span pages and breaks well. \stopitem \startitem A way to make huge tables without overflowing \TEX\ too soon. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \startchapter[title=\TABLE] \startitemize \startitem Based on the \TABLE\ macro package. \stopitem \startitem Detailed control over spacing. \stopitem \startitem Somewhat inconsistent spacing out of the box. \stopitem \startitem Extended with extra features. \stopitem \startitem Mostly rewritten but within the original concept. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Tabulate] \startitemize \startitem Mostly meant for tables that are part of the text flow. \stopitem \startitem Breaks paragraphs across pages. \stopitem \startitem Sort of compatible in control with \TABLE. \stopitem \startitem The system that I used most often. \stopitem \startitem It uses multiple passes if needed. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Natural tables] \startitemize \startitem Modelled after \HTML\ tables. \stopitem \startitem Often used in \XML\ workflows, possibly as cals tables. \stopitem \startitem To some extend automatic spans horizontally and vertically. \stopitem \startitem There are a couple of (undocumented and obscure) flags that can control behaviour. \stopitem \startitem They can break cross pages if needed. \stopitem \startitem Tables, rows and cells have framed like properties. \stopitem \startitem Not the fastest mechanism as it used several passes (for which it stores all cells). \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Extreme tables] \startitemize \startitem Again modelled after \HTML\ tables. \stopitem \startitem A few less options but also some more than natural tables. \stopitem \startitem Most work is delegated to \LUA. \stopitem \startitem Uses buffers and therefore nesting is (as with natural tables) possible but with care. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \startchapter[title=Line tables] \startitemize \startitem Written for and used in a project long ago. \stopitem \startitem Meant for huge tables that span multiple pages horizontally and vertically. \stopitem \startitem It only can have simple colored backgrounds. \stopitem \startitem Hardly used. \stopitem \startitem I need to redo (or check) the implementation some day. \stopitem \stopitemize \startchapter[title=Frame tables] \startitemize \startitem Written for and used for Thomas who needs real huge tables generated from \XML. \stopitem \startitem It's a single pass mechanism. \stopitem \startitem Each cell is a framed. \stopitem \startitem Dimensions need to be adapted when you want predictable output. \stopitem \startitem I might extend it but within reasonable bounds. \stopitem \stopitemize \stopchapter \stopdocument