\usemodule[present-ovals] \setupwhitespace [halfline] \doifelsemode {atpragma} { \usetypescriptfile[ghz] \setupbodyfont[palatino-informal] \setupbodyfont[24pt,ss] \definefont[whatever][file:palatinosansinflcom-med*default at 10pt] } { \setupbodyfont[palatino] \setupbodyfont[24pt,ss] \definefont[whatever][Bold*default at 10pt] } \setuplayout[topspace=.10\paperheight] \definecolor[maincolor][orange] %definecolor[othercolor][black] \startuseMPgraphic{common} detailpaths ; % let draw = detaileddraw ; drawoptionsfactor := .03bp ; drawlineoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 1.0 drawoptionsfactor withcolor .5white) ; drawpointoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 4.0 drawoptionsfactor withcolor white) ; drawcontroloptions(withpen pencircle scaled 2.5 drawoptionsfactor withcolor white) ; drawpathoptions (withpen pencircle scaled 5.0 drawoptionsfactor withcolor .8white) ; vardef oneliner(expr t, x, y) = outlinetext.b (t) (withcolor .75white) (withcolor .25white) ysized 2cm shifted (x,y) enddef ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startuseMPgraphic{whatif} \includeMPgraphic{common} normaldraw oneliner("\whatever \setstrut \strut \ConTeXt", 0mm, 0mm) ; normaldraw oneliner("\whatever \setstrut \strut 2015", 11mm,-20mm) ; \stopuseMPgraphic \startdocument \startstandardmakeup \scale[width=\textwidth]{\useMPgraphic{whatif}} \stopstandardmakeup \starttexdefinition statusstep #1 \startparagraph #1 \stopparagraph \stoptexdefinition \starttexdefinition status #1#2 \starttitle[title={#1}] \processcommalist[#2]\statusstep \stoptitle \stoptexdefinition \status{fonts} {new loader, stable interfaces, related mechanisms can be cleaned up, extensions possible} \status{hyphenation} {experimental, normalization considered} \status{spacing} {functional stable, maybe some cleanup needed} \status{metafun} {updated tex and backend interface, occasional additions, module for graphs pending} \status{math} {stable, some improvements possible, maybe lua variant (fun project)} \status{margins} {quite okay, right2left adaption in progress} \status{structure} {stable, maybe cleanup} \status{conversions} {stable} \status{sorting} {works, extension possible, japanese in progress} \status{publications}{getting there, documentation pending} \status{color} {stable} \status{backend} {stable, awaiting some cleanup in engine backend} \status{images} {stable} \status{epub} {always work in progress} \status{columns} {mixed more or less stable, columsets to be redone, better float support needed} \status{file io} {stable} \status{tables} {stable, maybe some xtables extensions} \status{verbatim} {stable, maybe some cleanup} \status{xml} {stable, maybe some more helpers} \status{positioning} {okay, optimization possible} \status{cldf} {okay, always more possible} \status{layout} {okay, bidi model neeed} \status{scripts} {work in progress} \stopdocument